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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #13: $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw
Dias: 1
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
20,000 / 40,000

Event #13: $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw

Dia 1 Concluído

Alex Foxen Leads Final 50 in Event 13: $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw

Nível 10 : 400/800, 200 ante
Alex Foxen
Alex Foxen

Event 13: $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw attracted a total of 266 entries and at the end of ten levels it is Alex Foxen leading the remaining 50 players ahead of Day 2 which kicks off at 2 p.m. Wednesday.

A star-studded field was expected, and the railbirds were not left disappointed, with James Obst, Jared Bleznick, Daniel Hiraman and Chris Bjorin returning from their Mixed Triple Draw final tables yesterday, along with some major names from the world of mixed games including Benny Glaser, Paul Volpe, Shaun Deeb, Jason Mercier, and Randy Ohel.

Bleznick, Naoya Kihara and Tom Schneider all held the chip lead, before Foxen muscled his way to the top of the leaderboard, and bagged up a stack of 147,850 to take into Day 2.

Big names such as Billy Baxter Barry Greenstein both bust shortly before the end of the day, but there is still a whole host of big names left in the field including Phil Hellmuth (46,000), Anthony Zinno (51,450), Benny Glaser (56,000), Frank Kassela (35,500) and James Obst (25,575).

With 40 players making the money, the bubble is expected to bust fairly quickly on Wednesday, ensuring all players a min-cash worth $2,271. However, all 50 will be setting their sights a little further at the $89,151 and a WSOP gold bracelet that awaits them up top.

RoomTableSeatPlayerCountryChip Count
Brasilia7041Steven TabbUnited States48,150
Brasilia7042Ty StaffordUnited States30,700
Brasilia7044Gerald TejadaUnited States46,550
Brasilia7045James ObstAustralia25,575
Brasilia7046Matt WaxmanUnited States5,725
Brasilia7047Samuel RubinUnited States32,275
Brasilia7081David "ODB" BakerUnited States33,425
Brasilia7082Stuart RutterUnited Kingdom51,000
Brasilia7083JC TranUnited States46,050
Brasilia7084Vincent DunganUnited States31,925
Brasilia7085Samuel SpiwakUnited States15,425
Brasilia7086Ming ZhuUnited States19,825
Brasilia7087Craig ChaitUnited States78,125
Brasilia7092Jared BleznickUnited States71,000
Brasilia7093Bradley HelmUnited States40,000
Brasilia7094James WoodsUnited States37,900
Brasilia7095Xavier KyablueUnited States23,600
Brasilia7096Marco JohnsonUnited States9,825
Brasilia7097Daniel HirlemanUnited States28,000
Brasilia7101Steven WolanskyUnited States32,000
Brasilia7102Benjamin ParkerUnited States10,305
Brasilia7103Bernard LeeUnited States25,800
Brasilia7104Anthony ZinnoUnited States51,450
Brasilia7105Benny GlaserUnited Kingdom56,000
Brasilia7107Daniel HarmetzUnited States50,000
Brasilia7111Max KruseGermany53,050
Brasilia7112Georgii BelianinUnited States91,050
Brasilia7114Rep PorterUnited States52,625
Brasilia7115Phil HellmuthUnited States46,225
Brasilia7116Adam CrawfordCanada39,300
Brasilia7117Phillip HuiUnited States35,700
Brasilia7121Ben PonzioUnited States54,500
Brasilia7122Michael GathyBelgium55,500
Brasilia7123Jeff LisandroAustralia26,650
Brasilia7125Marvin KarlinsUnited States38,875
Brasilia7126Tom SchneiderUnited States78,400
Brasilia7127Andrey ZaichenkoRussia16,650
Brasilia7132Majid YahyaeiUnited States55,300
Brasilia7133Steve RassiUnited States13,975
Brasilia7134Stanislav KomskyUnited States14,050
Brasilia7135Alex FoxenUnited States147,850
Brasilia7136Robin RightmireUnited States20,375
Brasilia7137Ryan LenaghanUnited States27,525
Brasilia7141Grant OenUnited States17,750
Brasilia7142Frederick LiUnited States39,575
Brasilia7143Timothy McguiganUnited States21,075
Brasilia7144Eric RodawigUnited States16,000
Brasilia7145Frank KasselaUnited States35,500
Brasilia7146Naoya KiharaJapan60,550
Brasilia7147James ScottUnited States37,200

Tags: Anthony ZinnoBarry GreensteinBenny GlaserBilly BaxterChris BjorinFrank KasselaJames ObstJared BleznickJason MercierNaoya KiharaPaul VolpePhil HellmuthRandy OhelShaun Deeb

Phil Hellmuth Building Late

Nível 10 : 400/800, 200 ante
Phil Hellmuth
Phil Hellmuth

With just about an hour to go in play on Day 1 of Event #13: $1,500 2-7 No-Limit Lowball Draw, Phil Hellmuth knocked out a player to give him 55,000 and an almost certain Day 2 seat.

The action started when a player raised from middle position and Hellmuth was in the big blind.

Hellmuth leaned over and pointed at his opponent's remaining stack.

"Is that all you have left?" he asked. "I'm gonna raise."

Hellmuth put out 5,000 and his opponent called. Hellmuth stood pat with {j-}{9-}{5-}{4-}{3-}. His opponent showed {6-}{5-}{4-}{2-} and drew a {4-} to pair and was eliminated.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Phil Hellmuth us
Phil Hellmuth
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 17X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Phil Hellmuth

Bryce Yockey Doubles Through Matt Waxman

Nível 10 : 400/800, 200 ante
Bryce Yockey
Bryce Yockey

Bryce Yockey was in the small blind and went all in for 7,575. Matt Waxman was in the big blind and called after getting the exact count.

Yockey drew one and Waxman stood pat.

Waxman had a nine and Yockey was drawing to an eight. Yockey peeled the {6-Spades} to make {8-}{6-}{5-}{3-}{2-} and double through Waxman.

A couple hands later, Waxman shoved all in from the button and took down the blinds and antes.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Bryce Yockey us
Bryce Yockey
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Matt Waxman us
Matt Waxman
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Bryce YockeyMatt Waxman

Billy Baxter Eliminated by Ben Ponzio

Nível 10 : 400/800, 200 ante
Billy Baxter
Billy Baxter

Billy Baxter was all in for his last 6,900 and Ben Ponzio had called.

Baxter checked, saying "I'm good."

"If you're good," said Ponzio, "Then I've got to make a decision."

In the end Ponzio stood pat and announced a ten {10-}{9-}{8-}{4-}{2-}.

"You got it," replied Baxter, showing {j-}{10-}{6-}{5-}{3-} before getting to his feet and exiting the tournament area.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Ben Ponzio us
Ben Ponzio
Billy Baxter us
Billy Baxter
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Ben PonzioBilly Baxter

Big Pot for Bernard Lee

Nível 10 : 400/800, 200 ante

The player under the gun raised to 2,200 and Bernard Lee called in the hijack. The small blind also called and then drew two. Both remaining players drew one.

It checked to Lee who bet 4,200. The small blind folded but the initial raiser called.

Lee showed {9-}{8-}{7-}{4-}{2-} and won the pot. He's now sitting on close to 60,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Bernard Lee us
Bernard Lee

Tags: Bernard Lee

Steven Wolansky Wins a Small One

Nível 10 : 400/800, 200 ante

Steven Wolansky opened from the cutoff and the small blind called.

The small blind drew one and Wolansky two. His opponent then bet 3,000 and after some thought Wolansky called.

"Pair of fives," was declared, and Wolansky won the pot with a {q-}{8-}{5-}{3-}{2-}.

"Nice call," said his opponent as Wolansky scooped the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Steven Wolansky us
Steven Wolansky
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Steven Wolansky

Happy Birthday Benny Glaser, Ismeal Bojang Hits the Rail

Nível 10 : 400/800, 200 ante
Craig Chait from a previous event
Craig Chait from a previous event

Three-time WSOP bracelet winner Benny Glaser's birthday as the players enter the final level of the night. Glaser is turning 28 and Ismael Bojang is "already drinking for him."

"Benny, you gotta get a drink for your birthday," said Bojang, "Cocktails!" he called out.

At the time Bojang was short stacked and would be knocked out shortly after, but not before receiving his drink order.

Meanwhile, Craig Chait and JC Tran were heads up after Tran opened with a raise to 1,700. Chait called from the small blind and James Obst folded from the big blind.

"Really! I can't get a squeeze out of you?" said Chait to Obst.

Chait then drew one.

"You're supposed to pat a wheel after you say that, not draw one," said Tran.

Tran also drew one. Chait checked and Tran bet 2,500.

"It says if you think someone is bluffing you can call with a pair of fours," Chait thought out loud before folding.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Craig Chait us
Craig Chait
$25K Fantasy
James Obst au
James Obst
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once
JC Tran us
JC Tran
WSOP 2X Winner
Rep Porter us
Rep Porter
WSOP 3X Winner
Marvin Karlins us
Marvin Karlins
James Woods us
James Woods
Ismael Bojang de
Ismael Bojang
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Benny GlaserIsmael BojangJames ObstJC Tran

Nível: 10

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 200

Samuel Spiwak Triples Up

Nível 9 : 300/600, 150 ante

A player in early position opened to 2,000 and Samuel Spiwak three-bet all in for 7,025. The big blind cold-called and the original raiser called.

All three players drew one, and the two players still live in the hand checked as well.

The first player showed {j-}{8-}{6-}{5-}{3-}. The second showed a King-low and mucked his hand meaning that Spiwak was drawing live with {7-}{4-}{3-}{2-}.

He drew a {j-} and after a quick cursory glance towards his opponent's jack, he smiled and raked in the pot to triple up.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Samuel Spiwak us
Samuel Spiwak

Tags: Samuel Spiwak