18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2013 World Series of Poker

Event #24: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 3
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações sobre o nível
60,000 / 120,000

Ryan Franklin Eliminated in 10th Place ($24,723)

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Ryan Franklin
Ryan Franklin

From under the gun Daniel Cascado raised to 41,000. Two seats over Ryan Franklin moved all in for his last 102,000 chips. Action folded back around to Cascado who made the quick call.

Cascado: {A-Clubs}{10-Hearts}
Franklin: {K-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}

On the {5-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{10-Spades} Franklin got up from his seat and started heading for the payout desk. The {A-Diamonds} turn left him drawing dead, but the dealer put out the {9-Clubs} anyways.

The players are now on a short break as they move to the main stage in the Amazon room.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Daniel Cascado gs
Daniel Cascado
Ryan Franklin us
Ryan Franklin

Big Stacks Clash in Huge Pot

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Salvatore Dicarlo and Daniel Cascado have been playing in pots all day together, and they just took each other on in a pot that nearly had a million chips in it. The action started with Dicarlo raising to 40,000 from under the gun. Cascado called from the hijack, and the flop came down {8-Hearts}{3-Spades}{j-Diamonds}, and Dicarlo lead out for 52,000. Cascado thought for a few moments before raising it up to 121,000, and it was back to Dicarlo. He tanked for about a minute before cutting out raising chips, and he made it 222,000 to go. Cascado called, and there was already half a million chips in play going to the turn.

That card was the {5-Hearts}, and Dicarlo didn't slow down, firing out 180,000. Cascado went into the tank for about a minute before announcing all in! These two were the biggest stacks in the tournament, with Cascado having Dicarlo covered, so it would be a ginormous pot if Dicarlo called off. He tanked for about 90 seconds before kicking his hand in, and Cascado took the giant pot to up his stack to 1.96 million.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Daniel Cascado gs
Daniel Cascado
Salvatore Dicarlo us
Salvatore Dicarlo

Tags: Daniel CascadoSalvatore Dicarlo

Anthony Antico Eliminated in 11th Place ($24,723)

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Anthony Antico
Anthony Antico

While Arshin Gamini was busting on one table, Anthony Antico was busting on another. We missed the action but we do know that Antico was holding {A-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} against Zimnan Ziyard's {2-}{2-}. Ziyard had flopped a set and that was enough to send Antico to the rail in 11th place, but not without collecting some cash for his deep run here in event #24.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Zimnan Ziyard gb
Zimnan Ziyard
Anthony Antico us
Anthony Antico

Arshin Gamini Eliminated in 12th Place ($24,723)

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Arshin Gamini
Arshin Gamini

Action folded around to the blinds where Daniel Cascado raised to 42,000 from the small. In the big blind Arshin Gamini moved all in for roughly 455,000. Cascado thought about it for a little bit, but eventually called and the two players headed to a showdown.

Cascado: {A-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}
Gamini: {A-Hearts}{9-Clubs}

The flop came down {K-Spades}{J-Hearts}{7-Spades} nearly sealing the deal for Cascado with a pair of jacks, leaving Gamini drawing to runner runner outs. The turn {6-Hearts} wasn't one of those outs and the river was the {7-Diamonds} securing the elimination. Cascado moved into the chip lead after this hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Daniel Cascado gs
Daniel Cascado
Arshin Gamini us
Arshin Gamini

Jacob Schindler Eliminated in 13th Place ($19,512)

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Jacob Schindler
Jacob Schindler

This just in. Gareth Teatum is good at winning coin flips. On the very next hand, Jacob Schindler raised to 40,000 from under the gun, and it folded around to Teatum in the small blind. We aren't sure what the exact action was, but we know that Teatum and Schindler ended up getting the rest of Schindler's money in preflop.

Schindler: {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}
Teatum: {q-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}

Teatum was looking to win his second huge flip in as many hands, and he did just that, as the board ran down {3-Spades}{4-Hearts}{j-Spades}{8-Spades}{j-Hearts}. In two hands, Teatum has gone from one of our short stacks to one of our leaders with 860,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Gareth Teatum gb
Gareth Teatum
Jacob Schindler us
Jacob Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Gareth TeatumJacob Schindler

Tavish Margers Eliminated in 14th Place ($19,512)

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Tavish Margers
Tavish Margers

Gareth Teatum raised it from under the gun to 63,000, and action folded around to Tavish Margers in the small blind. He then moved all in for his final 265,000, and when it got back to Teatum, he made the call.

Margers: {j-Hearts}{j-Clubs}
Teatum: {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts}

Teatum was looking to pair one of his high cards to win the hand, and he did that on the flop, which was {4-Hearts}{5-Spades}{a-Clubs}. Margers let out a sigh of relief, knowing his fate was nearly sealed. He would need to hit a two outer now, but it never came, as the turn was the {9-Spades}, and the river the {6-Diamonds}.

After that hand, Teatum is up to 550,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Gareth Teatum gb
Gareth Teatum
Tavish Margers us
Tavish Margers

Misclick For Gamini

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

While misclicking was a term popularized on the internet for mistakenly betting an amount you didn't mean to, it can still happen in live poker under certain circumstances. A live misclick cost Arshin Gamini a few extra chips recently.

Daniel Cascado opened the action with a raise to 32,000. Action folded around to Gamini who reraised to 93,000. Action folded back around to Cascado who tanked for a bit, then put in a four bet to 187,000.

Gamini opened his {A-}{Q-} and said, "Misclick." He then threw his hand into the muck. Apparently he only meant to put in two green T25,000 chips, and not three. Because of his bet sizing, he ended up folding his hand. and Cascado scooped the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Daniel Cascado gs
Daniel Cascado
Arshin Gamini us
Arshin Gamini

Nível: 23

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 3,000

Travell Thomas Eliminated in 15th Place ($19,512)

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Travell Thomas
Travell Thomas

Action started with Travell Thomas moving all in for his last 150,000. Corey Harrison acted shortly after, and he thought for about 30 seconds before moving all in over the top for 355,000. It hardly took Mohsin Charania anytime for him to move all in over the top, having everyone left in the hand covered! Everyone else folded, and all the monster hands were shown.

Thomas: {a-Spades}{q-Clubs}
Harrison: {q-Spades}{q-Diamonds}
Charania: {a-Hearts}{k-Spades}

This was a huge hand that would change the shape of the tournament, and Harrison liked the flop of {j-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{2-Spades}. The turn was the {10-Hearts}, giving Thomas, who claimed to be "drawing dead" when he saw the hands, some hope as a king would help him out. The river was the {3-Hearts}, and Harrison's queens held up to take a huge pot, worth more then a double up with Thomas's extra chips in the middle.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Corey Harrison us
Corey Harrison
WSOP 1X Winner
Mohsin Charania us
Mohsin Charania
WSOP 1X Winner
Travell Thomas us
Travell Thomas

Tags: Corey HarrisonMohsin CharaniaTravell Thomas

Josifovski Rivers Ziyard

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

We caught up with the action on the turn, with the board reading {k-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{6-Spades}{9-Diamonds}. Gregory Josifovski bet 52,000 into his lone opponent Zimnan Ziyard, who made the call. The river brought the {7-Spades}, and Josifovski bet out again, this time for 55,000. Ziyard spent about a minute in the tank before calling, and Josifovski didn't look too thrilled as he tabled {8-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} for a rivered pair of sevens. However, it was Ziyard who was more dissapointed, as he flashed {a-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} for a pair of sixes before mucking his hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Zimnan Ziyard gb
Zimnan Ziyard
Gregory Josifovski us
Gregory Josifovski

Tags: Gregory JosifovskiZimnan Ziyard