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2023 WSOP Europe

Event #13: €10,350 Main Event NLH European Championship
Dias: 1b
Event Info

2023 WSOP Europe

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
300,000 / 600,000
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 1b
Jogadores em jogo

Zhou Folds to the Pressure

Nível 5 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Vlado Banicevic and Quan Zhou had collected 44,200 chips in the middle when Banicevic shoved all in for 36,000 on the completed board of J598Q.

Zhou swiftly folded his holdings and Banicevic was still alive in the Main Event.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Quan Zhou cn
Quan Zhou
Vlado Banicevic me
Vlado Banicevic

Tags: Quan ZhouVlado Banicevic

Chen Gets Big Value From Dvoress

Nível 5 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
James Chen
James Chen

Heads up on a 238 flop, Daniel Dvoress check-called a 1,400 bet from the big blind against James Chen, who was in middle position.

The dealer brought the 4 on the turn and Dvoress again check-called a bet from Chen — this time for 5,500.

Dvoress checked a final time on the 4 river and Chen bet 14,500. Dvoress put in calling chips after a bit of thought and Chen tabled 99. Dvoress mucked upon seeing it and Chen took down a nice pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
James Chen tw
James Chen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Dvoress ca
Daniel Dvoress
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Daniel DvoressJames Chen

Cho Picks the Wrong Time to Get Creative

Nível 5 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Wooram Cho
Wooram Cho

Wooram Cho raised to 1,600 under the gun before Miroslav Salaj three-bet to 4,000 in middle position. Vasileios Chatzilazarou called on the button, but Cho put in a four-bet to 13,000.

Salaj five-bet to 35,000 and Chatzilazarou got out of the way. Cho asked how much Salaj had behind before moving all in, and Salaj snap-called for 150,000.

Miroslav Salaj: AA
Wooram Cho: A5

Cho had made a move right into Salaj's aces and was left with even fewer outs after the J710 flop as Salaj picked up the nut flush draw. The 5 fell on the turn and Cho had one out heading to the river, but no miracles arrived on 2 as Salaj earned the massive double up.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Miroslav Salaj sk
Miroslav Salaj
Wooram Cho kr
Wooram Cho
Vasileios Chatzilazarou cy
Vasileios Chatzilazarou

Tags: Miroslav SalajVasileios ChatzilazarouWooram Cho

Stroke Leads for the Double-Up

Nível 5 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Shawn Stroke
Shawn Stroke

On a board of 8J75, the three-way action was checked to Maduka Meragal in the cutoff. He made a bet of 6,000 chips into the pot of 18,000 and Jacopo Achille folded from the small blind. Big blind Shawn Stroke, came along, however, and the 4 river emerged from the deck.

Stroke then put his final 4,700 chips in the middle and Meragal snap called. Stroke showed his Q6 for a straight, and Meragal shook his head before mucking his cards.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jacopo Achille it
Jacopo Achille
WSOP 1X Winner
Maduka Meragal ca
Maduka Meragal
Shawn Stroke us
Shawn Stroke

Tags: Jacopo AchilleMaduka MeragalShawn Stroke

Nemeth Hits the Turn, Brockmann Gets There on the River

Nível 5 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Andras Nemeth bet 5,000 from middle position on a flop of 835 before Henrik Brockmann raised to 12,000 on the button. Nemeth then moved all in and Brockmann snap-called for his last 53,000.

Henrik Brockmann: 88
Andras Nemeth: KQ

Brockmann showed top set, while Nemeth was on a flush draw. The 2 turn completed Nemeth's flush and left Brockmann on the verge of elimination, but the 5 river paired the board and made Brockmann a full house to earn him a double up.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Henrik Brockmann de
Henrik Brockmann
Andras Nemeth hu
Andras Nemeth

Tags: Andras NemethHenrik Brockmann

Mateos Delivers Final Blow to Dingenen

Nível 5 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Tom Dingenen was on his second and thus final bullet of the Main Event when he got his stack of 40,000 chips in on a board of K3QJ. Adrian Mateos looked him up and the cards were tabled.

Tom Dingenen: K3
Adrian Mateos: KQ

Both players had two pair, but Mateos had the higher one. Dingenen still had a flush draw he could hit, however, but failed to do so when the river came in the 4.

Dingenen left the tournament area for the last time as his Main Event adventure had reached its conclusion.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
EPT Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Tom Dingenen be
Tom Dingenen

Tags: Adrian MateosTom Dingenen

Banicevic Bests Ryan

Nível 5 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Vlado Banicevic opened to 2,000 from the cutoff and was called by Quan Zhou on the button. Martin Ryan then squeezed to 7,000 total and both Banicevic and Zhou called.

Action checked through on the K3K flop and then Ryan bet 3,000 on the Q turn. Ryan called and Zhou folded.

Ryan went back to checking on the 10 river and Banicevic put 5,500 into the middle. Ryan wanted no part of it and quickly folded — conceding the pot to Banicevic.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Martin Ryan tt
Martin Ryan
Vlado Banicevic me
Vlado Banicevic
Quan Zhou cn
Quan Zhou

Tags: Martin RyanQuan ZhouVlado Banicevic

Bise Having a Rough 24 Hours

Nível 5 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Roman Cieslik Emil Bise
Roman Cieslik Emil Bise

Two-time WSOP bracelet winner Emil Bise has had a rough 24-hours. He busted just outside the money in yesterday's $50,000 Diamond High Roller, and has lost most of his 100,000 starting stack throughout the four and a half levels of play that have taken place on Day 1b of the Main Event.

His chip stack shrank even lower after just losing a pot.

Bise opened to 2,000 from under the gun and was called by Symeon Alexandridis from the cutoff.

The 873 flop checked through to the 8 turn. Bise bet 2,500 but folded when his opponent made it 8,100. The dent to his stack sees him on 31,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Symeon Alexandridis gr
Symeon Alexandridis
Emil Bise ch
Emil Bise
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Emil BiseSymeon Alexandridis

Soika Shoves on Miegel

Nível 5 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Ihar Soika had a raise to 14,000 in front of him from middle position and Jakob Miegel called in early position.

The flop came K26 and Soika continued for 5,500. Miegel called to the A turn, where Soika bet another 5,500.

Miegel again called and the A fell on the river. Miegel checked, and Soika then moved all in for 25,000.

Miegel tanked for nearly three minutes before giving up his hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Ihar Soika by
Ihar Soika
Jakob Miegel de
Jakob Miegel

Tags: Jakob MiegelIhar Soika

Karlic Left Short After Facing Tricky Play

Nível 5 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Gerald Karlic raised to 1,800 from the cutoff before meeting Francesco Rinaldi's three-bet to 6,600 from the button. The action folded back to Karlic, who made the call.

Both players then checked the K52 flop before Karlic made a 3,500 bet on the 5 turn. Rinaldi put out a raise to 13,000 and that spelled the end of the hand as Karlic quickly let his cards go.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Francesco Rinaldi it
Francesco Rinaldi
Gerald Karlic at
Gerald Karlic

Tags: Gerald KarlicFrancesco Rinaldi