18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2017 World Series of Poker

Event #30: $10,000 H.O.R.S.E. Championship
Dias: 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
150,000 / 300,000

Nível: 28

Limites: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 20,000

Everyone Loves a Chop

Nível 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Omaha Hi-Lo

David Bach raised the cutoff to 160,000, and Eric Rodawig called from the big blind.

Rodawig bet 80,000 on the {10-Hearts}{A-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} flop, and Bach moved all in. Rodawig called.

Bach: {A-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}
Rodawig: {K-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{4-Spades}

With Bach at risk, the {3-Spades} turn and {6-Clubs} river gave each player half the pot.

Tags: David BachEric Rodawig

Chop City

Nível 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante
Eric Rodawig
Eric Rodawig

Omaha Hi-Lo

Andrew Brown raised to 160,000 from the button, and Eric Rodawig called in the small blind.

The flop landed {2-Spades}{10-Clubs}{4-Hearts}, and Rodawig checked to Brown, who bet 80,000. Rodawig check-raised to 160,000, and Brown called. The {8-Diamonds} landed on the turn, and Rodawig bet 160,000. Brown called, and when the river fell the {Q-Hearts}, he called another 160,000-chip bet from Rodawig.

Rodawig tabled his {A-Spades}{10-Spades}{4-Spades}{3-Diamonds} for the nut low, and Brown tabled his {4-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} for the high.

Tags: Andrew BrownEric Rodawig

Eight-Low for Bach

Nível 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante


Don Zewin completed, and David Bach raised to 160,000. Zewin called, and when Bach moved all in for his last 65,000 on fourth street, he called that, also.

Zewin: {8-}{2-} / {7-}{J-}{J-}{7-} / {5-}
Bach: {6-}{5-} / {A-}{8-}{3-}{6-} / {K-}

With Bach making an eight-low, he doubled to 445,000 as Zewin dropped to 365,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Don Zewin us
Don Zewin

Tags: David BachDon Zewin

Zewin Survives Against Mercier

Nível 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante


Andrew Brown had the bring-in, and Don Zewin called. Jason Mercier called also before Zewin bet 80,000 on fourth street. Mercier called, and Brown folded.

On fifth, Zewin bet 160,000, and Mercier called. Zewin found himself all in for his last 85,000 on sixth street, and Mercier called.

Brown: {X-}{X-} / {K-}{8-} (folded on fourth)
Zewin: {A-}{5-} / {J-}{4-}{10-}{5-}
Mercier: {A-}{5-} / {Q-}{6-}{J-}{Q-}

On seventh, Zewin found a {7-} and Mercier an {A-} to ensure Zewin the double to roughly 850,000. Mercier dropped to 350,000 in chips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Don Zewin us
Don Zewin
Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
Defending Champion
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Andrew BrownDon ZewinJason Mercier

Eight-Low Double for Zewin

Nível 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante
Don Zewin
Don Zewin


Eric Rodawig completed, and Don Zewin called. Zewin led on fourth for 80,000, and Rodawig two-bet to 160,000. Zewin called, then bet 160,000 on fifth street. Rodawig called, and on sixth, Zewin bet 160,000. Rodawig raised to 320,000, and Zewin called all in for 210,000.

Rodawig: {A-}{3-} / {7-}{5-}{8-}{10-}
Zewin: {8-}{5-} / {A-}{2-}{6-}{9-}

With Zewin in the lead with an eight-low, he caught a blank {A-} on seventh.

Rodawig needed to complete his seven draw to eliminate Zewin, but when he found the {9-}, he dropped to 2.6 million as Zewin doubled to 1.3 million.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Eric Rodawig us
Eric Rodawig
WSOP 1X Winner
Don Zewin us
Don Zewin

Tags: Don ZewinEric Rodawig

Trips for Mercier

Nível 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante


Jason Mercier had the bring-in, and Don Zewin completed. Mercier raised to 160,000, and Zewin put Mercier all in for his last 175,000. Mercier obliged, and each player's board ran out as follows:

Mercier: {10-Spades}{4-Clubs} / {4-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} / {2-Clubs}
Zewin: {A-Spades}{J-Spades} / {A-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{5-Spades}{9-Hearts} / {K-Hearts}

With Mercier making trips on fourth and Zewin unable to improve, Mercier doubled to 450,000.

Tags: Don ZewinJason Mercier

Aces Up for Bach Ensure Double

Nível 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante


David Bach completed to 80,000, and Eric Rodawig bumped it up to 160,000. Bach called, then called an 80,000-chip bet on fourth street from Rodawig.

On fifth, Rodawig bet 160,000, and Bach raised to 320,000. Rodawig three-bet to 480,000, and Bach pushed his last 510,000 into the middle. Rodawig called, and the cards were tabled.

Bach: {A-Hearts}{A-Clubs} / {9-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{8-Spades}
Rodawig: {K-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} / {K-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{5-Diamonds}

On sixth, Bach improved to aces up with the {9-Diamonds}, as Rodawig found the {6-Clubs}.

On seventh, Bach found the {2-Spades}, and although he improved his hand with the {5-Spades}, it wasn't enough for Rodawig, as he doubled Bach to over 1.6 million. Rodawig is now down to 1.5 million.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner
Eric Rodawig us
Eric Rodawig
WSOP 1X Winner

Mercier Saved with Wheel

Nível 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Stud Hi-Lo

On the second hand of the orbit, Andrew Brown had the bring-in, and Eric Rodawig completed. Jason Mercier raised all in for his last 110,000, and both Brown and Rodawig called.

Fourth street was checked through before Brown bet fifth, and Rodawig called. On sixth, Rodawig bet 160,000, and Brown called.

Brown: {X-}{X-} / {7-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{J-Spades} / {X-}
Rodawig: {X-}{X-} / {A-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{A-Diamonds} / {X-}
Mercier: {X-}{X-} / {Q-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{K-Hearts} / {X-}

On seventh, Brown bet 160,000, and Rodawig called.

Rodawig tabled his {9-Spades}{8-Spades}{6-Spades} for two pair, as Brown tabled his {8-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} for a low to chop the side pot.

Mercier tabled his {A-Spades}{2-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and scooped the main pot with a wheel.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
Defending Champion
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Andrew BrownEric RodawigJason Mercier

Aces-Up for Mercier to Double

Nível 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante
Jason Mercier
Jason Mercier

Stud Hi-Lo

Eric Rodawig completed, and Jason Mercier raised to 160,000. Rodawig called, then called a bet on fourth.

On fifth, Mercier bet his final 130,000, and Rodawig called as each player's board ran out as follows:

Rodawig: {10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} / {8-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{A-Hearts} / {K-Diamonds}
Mercier: {A-Clubs}{A-Spades} / {7-Clubs}{8-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}{K-Spades} / {8-Clubs}

With Mercier making aces up, he doubled through to 860,000. Rodawig dropped to about one million.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Eric Rodawig us
Eric Rodawig
WSOP 1X Winner
Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
Defending Champion
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Eric RodawigJason Mercier