18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2023 World Series of Poker

Event #83: $1,500 Short Deck
Dias: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
0 / 0
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 1
Jogadores em jogo

Li Takes Down a Family Pot

Nível 6 : Blinds 0/0, 600 ante

Kosei Ichinose limped in under the gun, as did the player to his left, Yun Li in the hijack and Peter Jetten in the cutoff. The button checked their option and it was five-ways to a flop of 99A.

All five players checked the hand to the K on the turn. Checked again to Li, she bet out for 2,500 and only Ichinose called.

The 10 on the river saw Ichinose check and then fold to a bet of 4,000 from Li.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Yun Li tw
Yun Li
Kosei Ichinose jp
Kosei Ichinose

Tags: Kosei IchinosePeter JettenYun Li

Jetten Eliminates Another Opponent

Nível 6 : Blinds 0/0, 600 ante

Peter Jetten limped in from the hijack which prompted the cutoff to move all in for their last 8,700. Jetten called.

Cutoff: AQ
Peter Jetten: AK

The board ran out 6AK87. Jetten's dominating hand remained that way to the river and his opponent was sent to the rail.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Peter Jetten ca
Peter Jetten

Tags: Peter Jetten

Rodrigues Nearly Quadruples Stack

Nível 6 : Blinds 0/0, 600 ante
Michael Rodrigues
Michael Rodrigues

A player from under the gun opened to 1,200 before the player next to him in early position three-bet to 6,400. The hijack made the call and Michael Rodrigues, who won Event #15: $1,500 Badugi, moved all in for 11,700 from the cutoff. A player on the button raised all in for 67,200, folding out all other players and leaving himself heads up with Rodrigues who was at risk.

Michael Rodrigues: 88
Button: AK

Rodrigues was very behind on the KJ6 flop. The 6 turn also provided no help but he got exactly what he needed on the 8 river to increase his stack nearly four-fold.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Michael Rodrigues pt
Michael Rodrigues
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Michael Rodrigues

Nível: 7

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 800

Ichinose Piles the Pressure on Jetten

Nível 7 : Blinds 0/0, 800 ante
Kosei Ichinose
Kosei Ichinose

A player in early position limped in, as did Peter Jetten to their direct left and the player in the hijack. Kosei Ichinose squeezed to 8,800 and only Jetten continued.

The flop of 6A6 checked through to the Q on the turn. Jetten check-called a bet of 8,000 from Ichinose.

The 7 river saw Jetten check again. Ichinose now bet out for 35,000 sending Jetten into the tank.

After some time thinking on his decision, Jetten tossed his cards into the muck.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kosei Ichinose jp
Kosei Ichinose
Peter Jetten ca
Peter Jetten

Tags: Kosei IchinosePeter Jetten

Rutter Scores a Knockout

Nível 7 : Blinds 0/0, 800 ante
Stuart Rutter
Stuart Rutter

Jon Turner limped in from under the gun, as did the player next to him in early position. A player in middle position raised to 10,200 and Stuart Rutter moved all in for just over 25,000. Turner got out of the way, the early position player made the call for less to put himself at risk and after some deliberation the middle position player folded, leaving players heads up.

Early Position: 109
Stuart Rutter: JJ

Rutter was well ahead on the 8QK flop and the K turn left his opponent drawing dead. The 10 river was a formality and Rutter collected a decent pot while sending his opponent to the rail.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Stuart Rutter gb
Stuart Rutter
Jon Turner us
Jon Turner

Tags: Jon TurnerStuart Rutter

The Rivalry Continues Between Jetten and Ichinose

Nível 7 : Blinds 0/0, 800 ante

Both Peter Jetten and Kosei Ichinose have found themselves in a fair share of pots together, and this hand was no different.

The pot was heads-up with approximately 6,000 chips in the middle. Jetten, in early position, bet out for 2,400 on a board of J6J10. In response, Ichinose, in the hijack, raised to 8,500. Jetten called.

The 7 completed the board and Jetten checked. Ichinose fired out a bet of 11,500 which seemingly put Jetten in a tough spot. After some time in the tank, Jetten pushed his cards toward the muck and Ichinose claimed another pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kosei Ichinose jp
Kosei Ichinose
Peter Jetten ca
Peter Jetten

Tags: Kosei IchinosePeter Jetten

Dawood Gets Trappy

Nível 7 : Blinds 0/0, 800 ante

The player under the gun limped in, as did the hijack and cutoff. Fazel Dawood was in the big blind and checked his option.

Four-ways to a flop of QK6. The action checked to the hijack who took the lead for 3,200. The cutoff called and Dawood moved all in for approximately 19,500. All remaining players folded.

As he raked in the pot, Dawood tabled QQ for a flopped set having just checked back his pocket queens preflop.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Fazel Dawood za
Fazel Dawood

Tags: Fazel Dawood

Lamb Enters the Field

Nível 7 : Blinds 0/0, 800 ante

Ben Lamb opened to 1,600 from under the gun and received calls from players in the hijack, cutoff, and button.

All four players checked the 81010 flop leading to the 6 turn. Lamb bet 2,100, folding out the hijack and button while receiving a call from the cutoff.

Lamb fired again for 10,000 on the 9 river, forcing a fold from his opponent.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Ben Lamb us
Ben Lamb
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Ben Lamb