18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2023 World Series of Poker

Event #54: $10,000 H.O.R.S.E. Championship
Dias: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
120,000 / 240,000
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 3
Jogadores em jogo

Fuchs Finds a Winner After Almost Folding

Nível 21 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Carol Fuchs
Carol Fuchs


Carol Fuchs: 7x6xAx/3xKxKx4x
Scott Seiver: 2xXxXx/3xJx8x5x
Connor Drinan: XxXx/7x3xKx4x -folded sixth street

After third street bets and raises led to Carol Fuchs, Scott Seiver, and Connor Drinan each getting four bets into the middle, a sizeable pot was already brewing.

On fourth street, Drinan caught best and bet but got calls from each of his opponents. Things then got wacky on fifth street.

Fuchs and Drinan each picked up kings, with Fuchs now showing a pair of them. She was in the process of scooping her cards up to muck then, however Seiver to her direct left who she expected to bet, checked.

Fuchs then insta-checked, and after some thought, Drinan checked as well, giving Fuchs an unexpected free card.

All three players drew well, picking up low cards and now Seiver bet. Fuchs now had enough to call with which sent Drinan into the tank.

He elected to fold his hand after a minute or so of thought, leaving the pot heads up.

Seiver checked dark, commenting along the lines that he knew what was coming, and it was.

Fortunately for him, Fuchs checked back, but she announced that she had made a seven, showing a seven-six that got there after picking up perfect cards on sixth and seventh to take an unexpected and sizeable pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Christopher Claassen us
Christopher Claassen
Carol Fuchs us
Carol Fuchs
WSOP 1X Winner
Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
WSOP 1X Winner
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
WSOP 7X Winner

Tags: Carol FuchsConnor DrinanScott Seiver

Big Stud Pot Rockets Yoon Back up the Leaderboard

Nível 20 : Limits 30,000/60,000, 0 ante
Brian Yoon
Brian Yoon

Seven Card Stud

Brian Yoon: KK6/5935
Roman Verenko: Q108/A10JQ
Alex Livingston: XxXxXx/108JQ

Picking action up three-ways on fourth street, Roman Verenko bet and got called by both Alex Livingston and Brian Yoon. He bet again on fifth street and still got called by both opponents, setting up a sizeable pot.

The players slowed down on sixth street after Yoon paired his door card and checked, while each of his opponents was showing four to a straight and checked as well.

On seventh street, the players again all checked, with Yoon confidently declaring "I got it," as he showed his two pair of kings and fives.

Livingston folded as did Verenko, but not before showing his hole cards which revealed two pair with queens and tens along with missed flush and straight draws.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Brian Yoon us
Brian Yoon
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 5X Winner
Alex Livingston ca
Alex Livingston
WSOP 2X Winner
Roman Verenko ua
Roman Verenko
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Alex LivingstonBrian YoonRoman Verenko

Omaha Sends Hellmuth Spiraling

Nível 20 : Limits 30,000/60,000, 0 ante
Phil Hellmuth
Phil Hellmuth

Omaha Hi-Lo

A pair of sizeable hands have recently gone the wrong way for Phil Hellmuth, cutting a sizeable chunk out of his stack.

First, picking action up on the river with several bets in the middle and a completed board of 79K82, Hellmuth check-called a river bet from the small blind versus David "Bakes" Baker on the button to see his opponent show 8654 for a nine-high straight and a low.

Hellmuth mucked his hand and said he'd "been waiting all day to get Baker when he got out of line". Unfortunately for the 16-time bracelet winner that chance didn't go his way.

Neither did a hand shortly after.

Hellmuth raised in the hijack and after a re-raise from Alex Livingston on the button, Esther Taylor and Brian Yoon came along as well from the small and big blinds respectively. Hellmuth called as well to set up a four-way flop.

It came Q94 and after the blinds checked to Hellmuth, he bet and got raised by Livingston. Taylor and Yoon folded, leaving the pot heads-up.

On the 10 turn, Hellmuth check-called a bet from Livingston, then again on the 6 river.

Livingston showed AQJ4 for two pair, queens and fours, while Hellmuth flashed his A943 for two pair of nines and fours with a missed low draw.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Brian Yoon us
Brian Yoon
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 5X Winner
David "Bakes" Baker us
David "Bakes" Baker
WSOP 3X Winner
Alex Livingston ca
Alex Livingston
WSOP 2X Winner
Phil Hellmuth us
Phil Hellmuth
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 17X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Esther Taylor us
Esther Taylor

Tags: Alex LivingstonBrian YoonEsther TaylorPhil Hellmuth

Noah Bronstein Eliminated in 13th Place ($24,316)

Nível 19 : Limits 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Noah Bronstein
Noah Bronstein

Omaha Hi-Lo

Christopher Claassen was under the gun and Noah Bronstein on the button when the duo exchanged four bets each preflop, leaving Bronstein with just one bet left on the KQ6 flop. It went in to put Bronstein at risk with two cards to come.

Noah Bronstein: AK52
Christopher Claassen: AQQ6

Claassen had flopped a set of queens, leaving Bronstein drawing thin, and likely needing a running low to survive. Instead, the dealer placed the Q on the turn to give Claassen quads, with the 6 on the river becoming irrelevant, and sending Bronstein to the rail.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Christopher Claassen us
Christopher Claassen
Noah Bronstein us
Noah Bronstein

Tags: Christopher ClaassenNoah Bronstein

Wil Wilkinson Eliminated in 14th Place ($24,316)

Nível 19 : Limits 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Wil Wilkinson
Wil Wilkinson

Omaha Hi-Lo

Wil Wilkinson raised from the hijack before Alex Livingston made it three bets on the button. Action folded back to Wilkinson who four-bet all in, and Livingston called to put him at risk.

Wil Wilkinson: A632
Alex Livingston: A872

The 9J9QK board didn't connect with either player, and Livingston won the pot with his ace-eight kicker to send Wilkinson to the rail in 14th place.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Alex Livingston ca
Alex Livingston
WSOP 2X Winner
Wil Wilkinson us
Wil Wilkinson

Tags: Alex LivingstonWil Wilkinson

Gorodinsky Borrows Taylor's Hat, Immediately Gets Wrecked

Nível 19 : Limits 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Mike Gorodinsky
Mike Gorodinsky

Seven Card Stud

Brad Ruben: AA/9QAA/6
Mike Gorodinsky: XxXx/97J5/Xx

Esther Taylor arrived today wearing a sequined fedora, putting her own spin on Shaun Deeb's now infamous sequined black ball cap. During the break, Taylor let her friend Mike Gorodinsky borrow the hat for some luck and fun.

Gorodinsky has since given the hat back. Here's why.

After Gorodinsky completed, he called a raise by Brad Ruben to his immediate left.

On fourth street Ruben bet and got called by Gorodinsky. Ruben bet again on fifth but then got raised by Gorodinsky. Ruben called and the duo went to sixth with a rapidly growing pot.

Ruben paired open aces on sixth and led out again, this time just getting a call from Gorodinsky.

On seventh street, Ruben checked and Gorodinsky now bet. Ruben came back with a check-raise that left Gorodinsky frustrated as he put in calling chips and told Ruben he had a straight.

Ruben showed that he had made quad aces to take down the massive pot and leave Gorodinsky on a short stack.

Gorodinsky immediately got up after the pot and walked over to Taylor, placing her hat back on her head and explaining the reason why.

Gorodinsky then returned to his table hatless and with a lot fewer chips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Brad Ruben us
Brad Ruben
WSOP 4X Winner
Mike Gorodinsky us
Mike Gorodinsky
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Brad RubenEsther TaylorMike GorodinskyShaun Deeb

Livingston Fills Up

Nível 19 : Limits 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Alex Livingston
Alex Livingston

Seven Card Stud

Alex Livingston: XxXx/6226/Xx
Roman Verenko: XxXx/A51010/Xx
Esther Taylor: XxXx/JQ34/Xx

Esther Taylor, who has given her sparkling hat to Mike Gorodinsky coming back from break, bet on fourth street and was called by both Alex Livingston and Roman Verenko.

Livingston, now with a pair showing, bet out on fifth and both opponents called. He bet again on sixth and Verenko and Taylor stuck around to seventh.

Another bet by Livingston got rid of Taylor, but Verenko stuck around and called. Livingston turned over KJ6 for a full house, sixes full of deuces, and Verenko mucked.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Roman Verenko ua
Roman Verenko
WSOP 1X Winner
Alex Livingston ca
Alex Livingston
WSOP 2X Winner
Esther Taylor us
Esther Taylor

Tags: Alex LivingstonEsther TaylorRoman Verenko

Claassen Scoops Another

Nível 18 : Limits 20,000/40,000, 0 ante
Christopher Claassen
Christopher Claassen

Omaha Hi-Lo

Christopher Claassen and Connor Drinan were in the blinds as they went heads-up to a flop of 3JA.

Both players checked to the 7 turn, where Drinan led out with a bet and Claassen called.

The river came the 5 and Drinan now checked. Claassen fired out a bet and Drinan called.

Claassen turned over 8772 for trip sevens and a low while Drinan, who flashed Ax3x, spent a few moments studying the board trying to find something to take half the pot before becoming resigned to sending all the chips to his left.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Christopher Claassen us
Christopher Claassen
Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christopher ClaassenConnor Drinan

Delmiro Toledo Eliminated in 15th Place ($24,316)

Nível 18 : Limits 20,000/40,000, 0 ante
Delmiro Toledo
Delmiro Toledo

Omaha Hi-Lo

Soon after being knocked down to an extreme short-stack, Delmiro Toledo moved all in from the button and was up against David "Bakes" Baker and Phil Hellmuth in the blinds.

Baker and Hellmuth checked the 6QJ flop before Hellmuth bet the 6 turn. Baker snap-folded.

"Trip sixes," Hellmuth said as he turned over K654. Toledo had AJ108 for a straight draw.

The river came the 3 and Toledo missed his draw to become the latest player to be sent to the payout desk.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Phil Hellmuth us
Phil Hellmuth
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 17X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
David "Bakes" Baker us
David "Bakes" Baker
WSOP 3X Winner
Delmiro Toledo us
Delmiro Toledo

Tags: Delmiro ToledoPhil HellmuthDavid "Bakes" Baker

Nick Guagenti Eliminated in 16th Place ($20,442)

Nível 18 : Limits 20,000/40,000, 0 ante
Nick Guagenti
Nick Guagenti

Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo

Nick Guagenti: 9665542
Roman Verenko: 10988733

Cards were being scooped up and Nick Guagenti made a hasty departure for the exit after being eliminated by Roman Verenko.

Guagenti's two pair of sixes and fives, which also missed a draw with four to a low fell to Roman Verenko's better two pair of eights and threes.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Roman Verenko ua
Roman Verenko
WSOP 1X Winner
Nick Guagenti us
Nick Guagenti
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Nick GuagentiRoman Verenko