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2021 World Series of Poker

Event #4: $500 The Reunion No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 2
Event Info

2021 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
2,500,000 / 5,000,000
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 2
Jogadores em jogo

Event #4: $500 The Reunion No-Limit Hold'em

Dia 2 Concluído

Long Ma Holds Commanding Lead of Final Five After Wild Day 2 of "The Reunion"

Nível 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Long Ma
Long Ma

Day 2 of Event #4: $500 The Reunion No-Limit Hold’em was one for the memory banks as it produced wild action all day long with a starting field of 683 being cut all the way down to five in 17 hours of play.

As the dust settled at the end of the day it was Long Ma on top of the counts with a whopping 260,000,000 in chips. He stayed steady in the counts throughout the day until the final table where his stack really skyrocketed as he won three huge hands late in the night to take the commanding chip lead.

Guiliano Lentini finished the night second in chips with 133,900,000. Lentini was the short stack with nine players left but doubled twice and scored another knockout to catapult to his lofty finish.

Alex Vazquez ended with 114,600,000 which was good for third in chips as he maintained a big stack throughout the final table, holding the chip lead for much of it before tailing off slightly at the very end of the night.

The Reunion - Final Table Seating & Chip Counts

SeatPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Long MaUnited States260,100,00087
2Michael EddyUnited States27,600,0009
3Giuliano LentiniUnited States133,900,00045
4Max TavepholjalernUnited States114,300,00038
5Alex VazquezUnited States114,600,00038

The Reunion - Final Table Payouts

1  $513,604
2  $317,352
3  $241,766
4  $185,281
5  $142,847
6Anthony CassUnited States$110,794
7Jugal DateraoUnited States$86,462
8Derrick StoebeUnited States$67,886
9Adrian BuckleyUnited States$53,625

Just a smidge behind Vazquez was Max Tavepholjalern who finished with 114,300,000. He won a key triple-up hand just before the final table which set him up in a good position to make a run at the bracelet.

Ending the night as the short stack was Michael Eddy with 27,600,000, who held a big chip stack to start the final table but lost some key pots early to become a short stack. However, he was able to grind his short stack to the final five and again a few pay jumps in the process.

The day began with 683 players and players began to drop like flies right off the bat with the multitude of short stacks getting it in quickly. The eliminations came so quickly that play had to be halted twice within the first level so that the order of eliminations were made sure to be correct.

The breakneck pace would continue all day and several well-known players hit the rail including; Ryan Leng (248th place), Barry Greenstein (201st place), Ronnie Bardah (75th Place), Dave Alfa (46th place) and John Gorsuch (33rd place).

One of the last remaining big names, Ryan Laplante would hit the rail in 19th place. He had a roller-coaster day as he held the chip lead midway through the day but took a hit when he flopped a set vs a straight against Joakim Beaupre, which was the largest pot of the tournament to that point. He would recover however and end up making the deep run to the verge of the final two tables.

Ryan Laplante
Ryan Laplante finished in 19th place ($18,117)

As the final two tables converged play got a bit more careful as the pay jumps became more significant. There were several big moves in the chip counts, the most dramatic of which being from Beaupre and Faisal Siddiqui, who went from dominating chip leaders to out in 11h and 10th place respectively.

It would take an hour and a half to break the ice on another elimination and send Adrian Buckley to the rail in ninth place. Derrick Stoebe went out next in eighth place in a bombastic hand which gave Ma his huge chip count.

Jugal Daterao was eliminated in seventh place and Ma scored the final knockout of the night as he took out Anthony Cass in sixth place.

Play will resume at 4 p.m local time as the final five will play down to a bracelet winner. PokerNews will have all of the coverage as well as an intro tomorrow that will shed light on a bio of each player in the final five.

Tags: Adrian BuckleyAlex VazquezAnthony CassBarry GreensteinDerrick StoebeFaisal SiddiquiJoakim BeaupreJohn GorsuchJugal DateraoMax TavepholjalernRonnie BardahRyan LaplanteRyan Leng

Anthony Cass Eliminated in 6th Place ($110,794)

Nível 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Anthony Cass
Anthony Cass

From the small blind, Anthony Cass jammed all in over a button raise from Long Ma, who called.

Ma had the {j-Spades}{10-Clubs} and was looking to score a knockout but would need to come from behind against the {a-Clubs}{8-Hearts} of Cass.

The flop came {7-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{k-Clubs} to pair Ma but give Cass the nut flush draw.

The turn was the {4-Diamonds} and the river the {9-Spades} to end the run for Cass and bring the night's festivities to an end.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Anthony Cass us
Anthony Cass

Tags: Anthony CassLong Ma

Jugal Daterao Eliminated in 7th Place ($86,462)

Nível 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Jugal Daterao
Jugal Daterao

Jugal Daterao moved all in pre-flop. Action folded to Giuliano Lentini in the big blind, and he snap-called, tabling {k-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}.

Daterao showed {j-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} and, despite flopping top pair on a {8-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{a-Diamonds} board, improved no further and hit the rail in seventh place.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Giuliano Lentini us
Giuliano Lentini
Profile photo of Jugal Daterao us
Jugal Daterao
Conscious Poker

Tags: Giuliano LentiniJugal Daterao

Tavepholjalern Loses One, Wins One

Nível 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante

Max Tavepholjalern raised to 9,000,000 pre-flop. Next to act, Alex Vazquez three-bet to 22,000,000.

Tavepholjalern stared him down for several minutes before decided to fold, saying he had {a-}{q-}.

On the next hand, Tavepholjalaern again raised to 9,000,000 and got a call from Mike Eddy in the big blind.

The flop came down {7-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{q-Hearts}, and Eddy checked-folded to a bet.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Max Tavepholjalern us
Max Tavepholjalern
Profile photo of Alex Vazquez us
Alex Vazquez
Profile photo of Michael Eddy us
Michael Eddy

Tags: Alex VazquezMax TavepholjalernMike Eddy

Derrick Stoebe Finishes in 8th place ($67,886)

Nível 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Derrick Stoebe
Derrick Stoebe

Derrick Stoebe opens the action to 9,000,000. Long Ma made the call in position and they went heads-up to the flop.

{3-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{k-Diamonds} fell on the flop. Stoebe open shoved the remainder of his stack.

Ma counted out calling chips and thought for a minute. As he eventually put those chips in the middle of the pot he mumbled, "I should have folded this hand pre-flop".

Derrick Stoebe: {10-Spades}{10-Clubs}
Long Ma: {k-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}

The turn card was the {4-Diamonds} and the river was the {4-Spades}.

Ma out-flopped Stroebe to knock him out of the tournament.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Long Ma us
Long Ma
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Derrick Stoebe us
Derrick Stoebe

Adrian Buckley Eliminated in 9th Place ($53,625)

Nível 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Adrian Buckley
Adrian Buckley

A hand after being crippled by Giuliano Lentini, Adrian Buckley limped from middle position, leaving himself just 500,000 behind. Both Max Tavepholjalern and Alex Vazquez came along from the blinds.

The flop came {2-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{k-Hearts} and Buckley put in his final chips when it was checked to him. Both his opponents called.

On the {4-Diamonds} turn, Tavepholjalern took the lead with a bet of 5,000,000 and Vazquez made the call, creating a side pot between them.

When the {8-Diamonds} fell on the river, Tavepholjalern reached for chips and Vazquez snap-folded.

Tavepholjalern showed {k-Spades}{2-Clubs} for flopped two pair, while Buckley could only manage {a-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} for ace-high and hit the rail in ninth place.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Max Tavepholjalern us
Max Tavepholjalern
Profile photo of Alex Vazquez us
Alex Vazquez
Profile photo of Adrian Buckley us
Adrian Buckley
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Adrian BuckleyAlex VazquezMax Tavepholjalern

Lentini Doubles Again

Nível 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante

"Can I use that black button," Buckley asked again as he moved all in. To his right, Giuliano Lentini made the call for his final 48,200,000.

Giuliano Lentini: {j-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}
Adrian Buckley: {10-Diamonds}{10-Spades}

The board ran out {a-Hearts}{7-Spades}{4-Hearts}{6-Spades}{6-Diamonds} and Lentini doubled to 112,000,000.

Buckley was left with just 4,500,000 after that hit.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Giuliano Lentini us
Giuliano Lentini
Profile photo of Adrian Buckley us
Adrian Buckley
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Adrian BuckleyGiuliano Lentini

Lentini Finds a Double

Nível 40 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante

Giuliano Lentini moved all-in from the big blind over two raises. Alex Vazquez called and Michael Eddy folded.

Giuliano Lentini: {a-Spades}{10-Clubs}
Alex Vazquez: {a-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}

The board would hold for Lentini as it came {5-Spades}{6-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{5-Hearts} as he gathered in the big double up.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Alex Vazquez us
Alex Vazquez
Profile photo of Giuliano Lentini us
Giuliano Lentini

Tags: Alex VazquezGiuliano Lentini