18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2018 World Series of Poker

Event #41: $1,500 Limit Hold'em
Dias: 2
Event Info

2018 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
80,000 / 160,000

Woodin Takes From Day 2 Front-Runner Vollick

Nível 12 : 1,200/2,400, 0 ante
Jared Woodin
Jared Woodin

The action folded around to Brian Vollick in the small blind, and he went to a flop with Jared Woodin in the big blind. Vollick check-called a bet on the {5-Hearts}{6-Spades}{7-Hearts} flop before both players checked the {3-Spades} turn.

Vollick took the betting lead on the {10-Clubs} river, and Woodin called.

Brian Vollick: {k-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}
Jared Woodin: {a-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}

Woodin hit top pair on the river which beat Vollick's ace-high to swoop in the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jared Woodin us
Jared Woodin
Brian Vollick us
Brian Vollick
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Brian VollickJared Woodin

Double-Up for Woodward

Nível 12 : 1,200/2,400, 0 ante

Michael Falk bet from the cutoff and Matthew Woodward three-bet from the button. Falk made the call and the dealer showed {k-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} on the flop. Falk check-called Woodward's continuation bet.

Things heated on the {6-Spades} turn. After a check, Woodward made another bet and has been three-bet by Falk, putting his tournament at risk. Woodward quickly called for his last chips and tabled {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs} for a pair of kings with top kicker. Falk, holding {k-Hearts}{j-Spades}, had the dominated hand, and the {a-Diamonds} improved Woodward's hand ensuring him the double-up.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Michael Falk us
Michael Falk
Matthew Woodward us
Matthew Woodward
Day 2 Chip Leader

Garibyan Eliminates Michel

Nível 12 : 1,200/2,400, 0 ante
Gary Garibyan
Gary Garibyan

Gary Garibyan raised from the button and was three-bet by Robert Michel the small blind. The big blind player folded, and Garibyan called. On the {4-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{10-Hearts} flop, Michel continued with a bet and Garibyan made a raise, which was called.

The turn came the {7-Diamonds}, Michel checked, Garibyan raised, and the former put the rest of his stack in the middle, which Garibyan obliged to call.

Robert Michel: {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}
Gary Garibyan: {j-Hearts}{4-Hearts}

River: {8-Hearts}

Garibyan was ahead with two pair and had a flush draw, but Michel also had overcard outs as well as a flush draw of his own. It was Garibyan who hit his flush, however, when the eight-of-hearts reeled off to send Michel to the rail.

Garibyan moves up to 85,000, which is some achievement after he was down to just 2,200 during the middle stages of play in yesterday's Day 1.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Gary Garibyan us
Gary Garibyan
Robert Michel us
Robert Michel

Tags: Gary GaribyanRobert Michel

Gross Adds to His Stack

Nível 12 : 1,200/2,400, 0 ante

The player under the gun bet and Kevin Gross called from the big blind. The flop fell {a-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{7-Spades} and Gross check-called his opponent's bet. On the {10-Spades} turn, Gross check-raised this time, and his opponent made the call.

The river was the {6-Spades} and after Gross bet one last time, his opponent let it go and Gross took the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kevin Gross us
Kevin Gross

Tags: Kevin Gross

Kachigan Comes Back

Nível 12 : 1,200/2,400, 0 ante

Kurt Kachigan started the day with close to 15,000, but had chipped down to around 5,000 in the early going. However, he has just been able to pull some of those chips back with a double.

Kachigan was all in on a flop that read {j-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{10-Spades} and was called by his opponent.

Kurt Kachigan: {k-Hearts}{k-Spades}
Opponent: {8-Diamonds}{8-Spades}

Turn: {a-Diamonds}
River: {5-Clubs}

Kachigan held with his overpair to the board to give himself a fighting chance once more.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kurt Kachigan us
Kurt Kachigan

Tags: Kurt Kachigan

Nível: 12

Limites: 1,200/2,400

Ante: 0

Prom Takes From Tom

Nível 11 : 1,000/2,000, 0 ante

Philip Tom raised from the cutoff and Phanora Prom made the call on the button. The flop came {4-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} and Tom check-called Prom's bet. The turn was the {k-Diamonds} and Tom check-called once more.

Both players then checked on the {9-Spades} river and Tom showed {a-Clubs}{10-}. Prom, holding {10-Hearts}{10-Spades}, had the best hand and grabbed the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Phanora Prom us
Phanora Prom
Philip Tom us
Philip Tom

Lee Leaves Turkzadeh With One Big Blind

Nível 11 : 1,000/2,000, 0 ante

Amir Turkzadeh raised from middle position, and only Suk Lee called in the big blind. On the {6-Spades}{j-Clubs}{q-Clubs} flop, Lee check-called a bet from Turkzadeh, before check-raising on the {10-Diamonds} turn. Turkzadeh made the call, and the river came the {9-Diamonds}, to which Lee led out with a bet and was met with a call.

Lee turned over {a-Clubs}{k-Diamonds} for a straight and Turkzadeh mucked. Turkzadeh was left with just 1,000 after that hand, while Lee moved up to 45,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Suk Lee us
Suk Lee
Amir Turkzadeh us
Amir Turkzadeh

Tags: Amir TurkzadehSuk Lee