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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #65: $10,000 Main Event
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações sobre o nível
800,000 / 1,600,000

Ho and Jacobson Spar

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Faced with a raise to 44,000 from Maria Ho, Martin Jacobson reraised to over 100,000 on the button. The action folded back to Ho, who folded as well, and Jacobson was pushed the pot.

The very next hand, Ho raised to 44,000 from under the gun, and Jacobson called in the cutoff. The two took a flop of {2-Hearts}{7-Spades}{7-Clubs}, Ho led out for 56,000, and Jacobson called.

Both players checked on the turn ({a-Clubs}), the river was the {10-Clubs}, and Ho led out for 115,000. Jacobson quickly folded.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Martin Jacobson se
Martin Jacobson
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Maria Ho us
Maria Ho
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Martin JacobsonMaria Ho

Campbell Doubles Through Hwang

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Soon Hwang raised to 55,000on the button, and then Robert Campbell reraised all in for 248,000 from the big blind. Hwang called with the {A-Clubs}{J-Spades} to find out Campbell held the same hand with the {A-Spades}{J-Hearts}.

The flop gave Campbell the advantage, though, as the {10-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{4-Hearts} provided him with four to a flush. The turn was the {2-Hearts} and completed that flush, before the {4-Diamonds} completed the board on the river.

Campbell won the pot and doubled to over 500,000 in chips, while Hwang dropped back to 855,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Soon Hwang us
Soon Hwang
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Robert CampbellSoon Hwang

PokerNews Podcast Episode #239: In the Amazon Room feat. Griffin Benger

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Griffin Benger
Griffin Benger

The crew is in the Amazon Room for Day 5 of the World Series of Poker Main Event, where they break down all of the action from Day 4, dissect Phil Ivey's bust, and more. They are then joined by Griffin Benger, who is third in chips, to talk about his run, dealing with the ESPN cameras, and more.

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Tags: Griffin BengerPokerNews PodcastWorld Series of Poker

Hirst's Cold Four-Bet Gets Through

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Peter Placey raised to 42,000 in the cutoff, Vadzim Markushevski three-bet to 100,000 on the button, and Zachary Hirst cold four-bet to 255,000 out of the small blind. Placey quickly folded, and Markushevski tanked for a bit before releasing as well.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Peter Placey us
Peter Placey
Zachary Hirst us
Zachary Hirst
Vadzim Markushevski by
Vadzim Markushevski

Tags: Vadzim MarkushevskiZachary HirstPeter Placey

Palmer Over Bradpiece

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

We arrived at the table to see Scott Palmer and Jerome Bradpiece looking down at a completed board of {A-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{A-Spades}. With about 500,000 already in the middle, Bradpiece checked over to Palmer who cut out a bet of 450,000. Bradpiece thought for about a minute before flinging forward chips, signifying a call.

Palmer confidently rolled over {8-Spades}{5-Spades} for a turned straight. Bradpiece mucked his cards and Palmer picked up a pot that brings his stack to about 1.92 million.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Scott Palmer us
Scott Palmer
Jerome Bradpiece gb
Jerome Bradpiece

Tags: Scott PlamerJerome Bradpiece

180th - 189th Place Finishers

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

These players earned $44,278 for their Main Event finish. For exact-place finishes, please check the payouts tab.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Mike Parisi us
Mike Parisi
David Feldman us
David Feldman
Jeff Madsen us
Jeff Madsen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Stefan Jedlicka at
Stefan Jedlicka
Zach Jiganti us
Zach Jiganti
Robert Georato us
Robert Georato
Idan Raviv il
Idan Raviv
WSOP 1X Winner
Steven Warburton gb
Steven Warburton
Roman Valerstein us
Roman Valerstein
Roland Israelashvili us
Roland Israelashvili

The End for Townsend

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Brian Townsend ran into aces and busted.
Brian Townsend ran into aces and busted.

We found Brian Townsend all in before the flop on the button, having gotten it in against small blind Matthew McEwan.

Townsend: {j-Spades}{j-Hearts}
McEwan: {a-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}

Townsend was way behind but found some help in the form of a straight on the {8-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{9-Hearts} flop. Someone called for a heart for an extra sweat, but the {k-Clubs} was a total blank. More paint arrived, but it was the {q-Clubs} on the river, no help to Townsend.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Matthew Mcewan us
Matthew Mcewan
Brian Townsend us
Brian Townsend

Tags: Brian TownsendMatthew Mcewan

Einhorn Exits; Robin Hood Charity Benefits

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
David Einhorn
David Einhorn

David Einhorn found himself all in preflop against Matthew Sedgeman.

Unfortunately for Einhorn, he held a dominated {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs} against Sedgeman's {A-Spades}{Q-Hearts}, and when the final board of {4-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{5-Spades}{Q-Clubs} was spread, Einhorn was headed to the rail.

David EinhornSadly all done. AJ vs AQ and I couldn't find another miracle. Lots of fun and no TeddyKGB regrets. 173rd place 44,728 for @RobinHoodNYC

On the flipside however, Einhorn collects $44,728 for his 173rd place which means that the Robin Hood; a charity that fights poverty will be receiving $34,728 courtesy of the very generous and happy-go-lucky Einhorn.

David EinhornWe are in the money. @RobinHoodNYC gets whatever I win to fight poverty in New York! Time to be a short stack warrior!

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Matthew Sedgeman us
Matthew Sedgeman
David Einhorn us
David Einhorn

Tags: Matthew SedgemanDavid Einhorn

Stembera Wins a Race

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Trevor Martin raised to 41,000 in early position, Michael Stembera moved all in for 528,000 out of the blinds, and Martin tank-called.

Martin: {a-Hearts}{k-Spades}
Stembera: {q-Clubs}{q-Spades}

Martin was flopped nearly dead when the dealer fanned {3-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}, and was officially dead when the turn brought the {9-Clubs}. A meaningless {10-Diamonds} completed the board, and Stembera doubled through.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Trevor Martin us
Trevor Martin
Michael Stembera us
Michael Stembera

Tags: Michael StemberaTrevor Martin

Last Year's 12th-Place Finisher Eliminated

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Rep Porter
Rep Porter

Action folded to a short-stacked Rep Porter, who finished 12th in this event last year for $573,204, in the cutoff and he moved all in for his last 103,000. Mats Karlsson called from the big blind and the cards were turned up.

Porter: {j-Hearts}{8-Spades}
Karlsson: {q-Spades}{3-Spades}

Porter was behind, but he was drawing to two live cards. The {6-Spades}{2-Hearts}{7-Hearts} flop didn't do much for him, and neither did the {3-Diamonds} turn. Porter needed to pair one of his cards, but that didn't happen as the {4-Diamonds} blanked on the river.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Mats Karlsson mt
Mats Karlsson
Rep Porter us
Rep Porter
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Mats KarlssonRep Porter