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2012 World Series of Poker

Event 61: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
1,000,000 / 2,000,000

Tristan Clemencon Eliminated in 46th Place ($156,293); Amit Makhija Eliminated in 47th Place ($156,293)

Amit Makhija eliminated by Abrams
Amit Makhija eliminated by Abrams

Scott Abrams opened to 170,000 from under the gun, and Amit Makhija moved all in for 1.27 million from the cutoff. Tristan Clemencon cold-called out of the big blind, and Abrams re-jammed for effectively 2.675 million.

Clemencon went deep into the tank, and examined his stack after the bets were pulled in. While Clemencon was tanking, Makhija picked up his sweatshirt and his backpack, and looked like he was ready to leave.

"Aces?" Clemencon asked Abrams, who didn't answer.

Finally, after a good three minutes, Clemencon called.


The rail enclosed around the table as the dealer rapped the table, burned a card, and spread {q-Spades}{3-Spades}{7-Clubs}.

"There's a lot of spades still in the deck," Makhija announced.

Makhija then made reference to his "one time" before the {7-Diamonds} paired the board on the turn.

The Orange Section of the Amazon Room grew silent as the dealer rapped the table one final time, and when the {9-Hearts} fell on the river, Abram's supporters went wild. Makhija and Clemencon shook a couple of hands before exiting, and the monster pot was pushed to Adams.

By our count, the double knockout rocketed his stack to 9 million chips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Scott Abrams us
Scott Abrams
WSOP 1X Winner
Amit Makhija us
Amit Makhija
Tristan Clemencon fr
Tristan Clemencon

Tags: Amit MakhijaScott AbramsTristan Clemencon

Jean Malherbe Eliminated in 48th Place ($156,293)

Jean Malherbe
Jean Malherbe

Jean Malherbe opened for 160,000 under the gun and received a call from Greg Merson. Russell Thomas came along for the ride, as did Jacob Balsiger in the big blind, and it was four-way action to the {2-Clubs}{A-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} flop.

Balsiger was first to act and checked, opening the door for Malherbe to bet 280,000. Merson was the only player to make the call, and it was heads-up to the {7-Hearts} turn. This time Malherbe slowed down with a check, but check-raised all in for 1.155 million after Merson had bet 425,000. The latter made the call and the hands were tabled:

Malherbe: {A-Clubs}{Q-Spades}
Merson: {J-Clubs}{10-Clubs}

Malherbe was ahead with his pair of aces, but he needed to dodge the straight and flush draws of Merson. The dealer burned and revealed the {7-Clubs}. Malherbe just looked up at the ceiling upon discovering Merson had made his flush. He then walked around the table, shook hands with the victor, and exited through the ESPN walkway on the way to the payout desk in 48th place.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Greg Merson us
Greg Merson
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 2X Winner
Jean Malherbe
Jean Malherbe

Tags: Greg MersonJacob BalsigerJean MalherbeRussell Thomas

Amit Zulkowitz Eliminated in 49th Place ($156,293)

From early position, Jeremy Ausmus raised to 165,000. Amit Zulkowitz called on the button and everyone else folded. The flop came down {9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} and Ausmus bet 200,000. Zulkowitz raised to 700,000 and Ausmus reraised to 2.7 million. Zulkowitz called all in for less at 2.1 million with the {A-Clubs}{7-Clubs}. Ausmus held the {J-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}

The turn brought the {Q-Spades} and the river the {3-Diamonds}. Zulkowitz finished second best to end his tournament and Ausmus moved over 13 million.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jeremy Ausmus us
Jeremy Ausmus
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once
Amit Zulkowitz il
Amit Zulkowitz

Tags: Amit ZulkowitzJeremy Ausmus

Big Bluff for Ladouceur As He Bests His Performance from 2011

Amit Makhija checked the {Q-Spades}{4-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} flop to Marc Ladouceur. A bet of 190,000 came from Ladouceur before Makhija check-raised to 450,000. Ladouceur thought and then reraised the minimum to 710,000. Makhija took a minute, then called to see the turn.

The {7-Hearts} landed on fourth street and Makhija checked. Ladouceur checked behind and the {A-Clubs} was placed out on the river. Makhija checked and Ladouceur moved a tall stack of lavender T100,000 chips into the middle to put Makhija all in.

Makhija reacted quickly with a gesture that explained he didn't like it. He then thought for a bit while talking out loud to himself about the hand.

"So silly to take this line and fold," he said after a minute. "I don't want to bust the Main Event calling off on the river. That's not my style," he continued.

Another minute or so passed and Makhija joked, "Can I ask Danny Wong what he would do? Phone a friend? He's playing pretty well today."

Another little bit passed before Makhija folded the {K-Clubs}{Q-Spades} face up, saying that he would normally call with the hand, but not in this situation.

After a little bit of persuasion from the table and Makhija, Ladouceur showed the {J-Spades}{9-Diamonds} for a bluff, having a wry smile on his face as he pulled in the pot.

Last year, Ladouceur made a very deep run in the World Series of Poker Main Event. He finished in 63rd place and has already bested that result with his run here, but it doesn't look like it's going to end anytime soon. For his finish last year, Ladouceur won over $130,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Marc Ladouceur ca
Marc Ladouceur
Amit Makhija us
Amit Makhija

Tags: Marc LadouceurAmit Makhija

Ace High Is Good

Nível 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Action folded around to Charles Coultas in late position and he raised it up to 190,000. Marty Zabib called from the button and the blinds got out of the way. The dealer produced a flop of {7-Spades}{7-Spades}{3-Clubs} and both players checked their option.

Fourth street was the {2-Clubs} and Coultas checked for a second time. Zabib bet 225,000 and Coultas called. The {7-Hearts} completed the board and Coultas check called a bet once again. This time the magic number was 375,000. Zabib showed {K-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} for king-high but was behind Coultas' {A-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} for ace-high.

Tags: Marty ZabibCharles Coultas

Leo Wolpert Eliminated in 50th Place ($156,293)

Supporters of Leo Wolpert. Real Wolpert at right
Supporters of Leo Wolpert. Real Wolpert at right

Leo Wolpert just open-raised from the hijack seat for his last 665,000 and got a single taker in Jamie Robbins on the button.

Wolpert had {Q-Hearts}{7-Hearts}, a couple of live cards versus the {5-Clubs}{5-Spades} of Robbins. But the {A-Hearts}{10-Spades}{6-Spades}{K-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} board brought no improvement to Wolpert's hand, and he goes out in 50th place.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jamie Robbins us
Jamie Robbins
Leo Wolpert us
Leo Wolpert
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jamie RobbinsLeo Wolpert

Gee, I Don't Know

Nível 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Steven Gee
Steven Gee

You may not be overly familiar with Steven Gee, but if you think real hard you may recall him conquering a field of 3,042 players in Event #13 $1,000 No-Limit Hold’em at the 2010 World Series of Poker to capture his first gold bracelet along with a $472,479 first-place prize. Interestingly, David “ODB” Baker, who was recently eliminated from this tournament, placed third in that event for $206,813.

Gee had two other small cashes in no-limit hold’em low buy-in events, bringing his total WSOP earnings to $477,901. Obviously Gee will add to that total in this year’s Main Event, and even though he may lack in big buy-in experience, he knows how to emerge victorious over a massive field.

Tags: Steven Gee

Kang Check-Raises, Claims Chips

Andras Koroknai opened for a raise to 160,000 from under the gun and got two callers — Fabrizio Gonzalez (middle position) and Webber Kang (small blind).

The flop came {J-Spades}{7-Spades}{9-Hearts}. Kang checked, Koroknai bet 280,000, Gonzalez called, then Kang raised to 650,000. Koroknai folded, and after some thought Gonzalez let his hand go, too.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Webber Kang us
Webber Kang
Andras Koroknai hu
Andras Koroknai
Fabrizio Gonzalez uy
Fabrizio Gonzalez

Tags: Andras KoroknaiFabrizio GonzalezWebber Kang

Another Double for Batt

Scott Abrams opened to 170,000 from middle position, Jordan Batt moved all in for 1.5 million from the hijack seat, and the action folded back to Abrams who immediately called, turning over {7-Clubs}{7-Spades}.

Batt tabled {k-Spades}{10-Spades}, and the flop came {7-Hearts}{8-Spades}{j-Spades}. Abrams flop a set of sevens, but any spade or nine would double Batt. The {2-Diamonds} on the turn was a big red brick, but the {9-Diamonds} slammed on the river, giving Batt a jack-high straight.

He didn't realize it immediately, and later admitted that he was "so focused on spades" that he momentarily forgot that a nine would give him a straight.

Batt doubled to 3.2 million, while Abrams slipped to 5.05 million.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Scott Abrams us
Scott Abrams
WSOP 1X Winner
Jordan Batt us
Jordan Batt

Tags: Jordan BattScott Abrams