18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2012 World Series of Poker

Event 61: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
1,000,000 / 2,000,000


Nicco Maag opened to 110,000 from early position, Amit Makhija three-bet to 260,000 from middle position, and the action folded back to Maag, who called.

Both players knuckled when the flop fell {7-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}, and the turn brought the {2-Spades}. Maag tossed out two lavender T100,000 chips, and Makhija called.

The {5-Clubs} completed the board, and Maag led again - this time for 500,000. Makhija called, and Maag tabled {2-Clubs}{2-Hearts} for a full house.

Makhija mucked, and Maag is now flirting with 5 million chips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Nicco Maag de
Nicco Maag
Amit Makhija us
Amit Makhija

Tags: Nicco MaagAmit Makhija

Jason Somerville Eliminated in 69th Place ($106,056)

Jason Somerville
Jason Somerville

Jason Somerville got lucky not long ago when his nines cracked Eric Buchman's tens in an all-in preflop situation, but it seemed lady luck has turned her back. In a recent hand, Somerville raised to 105,000 from middle position only to have Jacob Balsiger move all in from the big blind. Somerville quickly called off for 840,000 and was a big favorite.

Somerville: {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}
Balsiger: {K-Diamonds}{10-Spades}

Unfortunately for Somerville, the flop came down {10-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{10-Hearts} and gave Balsiger trips. Somerville needed a queen to stay alive, but it was not to be as the {3-Hearts} appeared on the turn followed by the {8-Spades} on the river.

Somerville, who finished in 69th place for $106,056, did a quick exit interview with Kara Scott in which he was humble, gracious and reiterated that he had a great time.

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Jake Balsiger us
Jake Balsiger
Jason Somerville us
Jason Somerville
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jacob BalsigerJason Somerville

[Removed:321] Siddiqui Eliminated in 70th Place ($106,056)

[Removed:321] Siddiqui
[Removed:321] Siddiqui

We just had a big hand involving Jamie Robbins, Mohammed Siddiqui, and Jan Heitmann which resulted in one knockout, and if not for a lucky river card would have given us a new chip leader.

The hand began with Robbins open-pushing all in from under the gun for 920,000. It folded to Siddiqui in the cutoff who reraised to 2 million, leaving himself just about 500,000 behind. A couple of folds later it was Jan Heitmann flat-calling the reraise from the big blind, and the flop came {9-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{3-Clubs}. Heitmann went ahead and pushed all in, and Siddiqui called with his remaining chips.

Heitmann: {J-Spades}{J-Hearts}
Robbins: {6-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}
Siddiqui: {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs}

"Now is a good time for my one time," said Robbins upon seeing the hands. Heitmann had the lead with his jacks, and still did after the {Q-Spades} turn.

Then came the river... the {6-Hearts}! "Baaaammm!!!" said Robbins, who had made a set to claim the main pot. Meanwhile, Heitmann gained the side pot (having missed taking it all to move into the chip lead), and Siddiqui was eliminated.

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Jan Heitmann de
Jan Heitmann
Jamie Robbins us
Jamie Robbins
Mohammad Siddiqui us
Mohammad Siddiqui

Tags: Jamie RobbinsJan HeitmannMohammad Siddiqui

Paur Bests Heitmann with Sevens

From under the gun, Taylor Paur raised to 100,000. Jan Heitmann called from the cutoff seat and the flop came down {10-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}. Both players checked.

The turn was the {4-Spades} and Paur bet 85,000. Heitmann called.

The river was the {K-Spades} and Paur bet 135,000. Heitmann called.

Paur showed the {7-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and Heitmann mucked his hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Taylor Paur us
Taylor Paur
WSOP 2X Winner
Jan Heitmann de
Jan Heitmann

Tags: Jan HeitmannTaylor Paur

All In and a Chop

On the button, Jan Heitmann raised to 110,000. Roland Israelashvili reraised from the big blind to 270,000 and Heitmann came back with a reraise to 610,000. Israelashvili moved all in and Heitmann called.

Israelashvili showed the {A-Spades}{K-Hearts} and Heitmann the {Q-Clubs}{Q-Spades}. The board ran out {7-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} and the two players chopped up the pot with the flush on board.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jan Heitmann de
Jan Heitmann
Roland Israelashvili us
Roland Israelashvili

Tags: Roland IsraelashviliJan Heitmann


The action folded to David Kluchman, who open-shoved his last 505,000 from the cutoff seat. Russell Thomas called from the blinds, and the hands were opened.


While we were waiting for the ESPN cameras to set up their shots, Kluchman took a small plastic rooster (that he uses as a card protector) and placed it next to his cards.

The dealer finally rapped the table, and spread {k-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{7-Clubs}, giving Kluchman the lead. The {10-Spades} on the turn gave Thomas four extra outs to catch up, but the {5-Spades} bricked on the river, doubling Kluchman to over a million chips.

"How much for this?" Tristan Clemencon asked Kluchman, pointing to the plastic bird.

Kluchman laughed as he stacked his newfound chips.

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Russell Thomas us
Russell Thomas
David Kluchman us
David Kluchman

Tags: David KluchmanRussell Thomas

Marcia Topp Eliminated in 71st Place ($106,056)

Scott Abrams opened with a raise to 105,000 from early position, and it folded around to Marcia Topp in the cutoff. She checked her cards, moved her ladybug card protector on top of them, then set out the chips to call.

It folded to Robert Corcione in the big blind who reraised to 315,000, and Abrams quickly let his hand go. Topp then pushed her remaining chips into the middle, totaling about 1.5 million, and Corcione quickly called.

Topp: {6-Spades}{6-Diamonds}
Corcione: {Q-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}

Topp needed help from the community cards to survive, but they came {10-Spades}{A-Spades}{J-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{K-Hearts}, and she was eliminated just shy of the final 70.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Robert Corcione us
Robert Corcione
Marcia Topp us
Marcia Topp

Tags: Marcia ToppRobert Corcione

Buckenmayer Wins 6MM-Chip Pot

Robert Buckenmayer
Robert Buckenmayer

From under the gun, Russell Thomas raised to 100,000. Play folded to Robert Buckenmayer in the hijack seat and he reraised to 235,000. Things then moved to David Kluchman in the small blind and he reraised to 400,000. Action folded back to Buckenmayer and he made a mistake of thinking he only had to call 65,000 more, not 165,000. He tossed in the 65,000, but the dealer instructed him that he needed to call 100,000 more. He did so and the flop came down {8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{4-Clubs}.

On the flop, Kluchman led for 500,000 and Buckenmayer made the call to see the {6-Spades} pair the board on the turn. Kluchman checked and Buckenmayer took a minute before checking behind.

The river completed the board with the {3-Clubs} and Kluchman moved all in. Buckenmayer snap-called with turned over the {8-Spades}{8-Clubs} for top full house. Kluchman couldn't believe it.

"Ship it," said Buckenmayer sternly as he stood from his chair.

"Sir, don't say that, it's not nice," commented Amnon Filippi from Seat 9. Buckenmayer sat back down.

Buckenmayer's stack was counted down and he was all in for 1.995 million on the river, creating a massive pot of nearly six million and sending it his way. Kluchman was knocked all the way down to 490,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Robert Buckenmayer us
Robert Buckenmayer
David Kluchman us
David Kluchman

Tags: David KluchmanRobert BuckenmayerRussell Thomas