18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2017 Triton Super High Roller Series Montenegro

HK $250,000 6-Max Event
Dias: 1
Event Info

2017 Triton Super High Roller Series Montenegro

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
3,472,200 HKD
Event Info
250,000 HKD
Prize Pool
9,643,200 HKD
Informações sobre o nível
15,000 / 30,000

Tan Still Leads, Badziakouski Wins from Wu

Nível 6 : 300/600, 75 ante
Xuan Tan
Xuan Tan

The field still remains at 28-strong with no new arrivals in the last level, though players have until the end of the day to register so the field could well grow more before it shrinks.

So far it is China’s Xuan Tan who is still leading the charge, and he has extended his lead still further at the expense of fellow countryman Zuo Wang.

Pre-flop the action folded around to Tan, who has been playing a wide range of hands which seems to have discouraged the table with tangling with his small blind, and he threw in the extra 300 before big blind Wang made it 2,000 to go in total.

Tan casually threw in the call and it was heads-up to a flop of {8-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{9-Spades}, which Tan checked over to Wang, who continuation bet another 2,000. After mulling it over Tan made the call once again and the dealer peeled off the {7-Hearts} turn, which brought checks from both players.

The {7-Diamonds} river saw Tan check for a third and final time and take down the pot with the mighty {a-Spades}{3-Clubs} after Wang checked it back and then threw his hand into the muck when he saw Tan table and ace. Tan now has around 160,000 while Wang is on the other end of the chip spectrum and is looking a little short on 21,875.

Another player whose tournament appears to be going well at present is Mikita Badziakouski with the Belarusian player taking down a hand from the USA’s Benjamin Wu shortly before the break.

We caught the action on the turn with the board reading {9-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{q-Spades}{4-Clubs} just as Wu, sitting in the big blind, checked the action over to Badziakouski, who led for 7,000 into a pot of 10,000.

Wu thought it over for 20-seconds or so before throwing in the call and the dealer slid out the {6-Spades} river, which brought checks from both players.

Wu turned over {7-Diamonds}{4-Spades} for bottom pair, but had just been rivered by Badziakouski, who despite missing his flush draw holding {8-Clubs}{6-Clubs}, had just paired his six to take the pot and bring the level to a close. Badziakouski climbed to 83,000 after the hand while Wu dropped to 56,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Xuan Tan cn
Xuan Tan
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski
WSOP 1X Winner
Benjamin Wu us
Benjamin Wu
Zuo Wang cn
Zuo Wang