18+. Jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2017 PokerStars Championship Bahamas

$5,000 Main Event
Dia: 6

2017 PokerStars Championship Bahamas

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Prémio Total
Informações do Nível
80,000 / 160,000

Hands #75-80: Harder Surpasses the 10 Million Mark

Nível 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #75: It folded to Aleksei Opalikhin on the button with just the {Q-Spades} showing and he raised to 250,000, taking down the blinds and antes.

Hand #76: Michael Gentili limped in with just the {9-Diamonds} showing. Vela shoved {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} for just over 2.2 million from the big blind and Gentili folded.

Hand #77: Cliff Josephy raised {A-Diamonds}{J-Clubs} from the cutoff to 240,000. Christian Harder defended the big blind with {K-Hearts}{10-Clubs} and both checked on {6-Spades}{3-Spades}{9-Hearts}. The {7-Hearts} on the turn gave nobody anything and Harder lead out for 350,000. Josephy folded the best hand, Harder (for the first time) surpassed the 10 million-mark.

Hand #78: Michael Vela raised to 275,000 with {K-Clubs}{J-Spades} from the button. Both blinds released and the pot went to Vela.

Hand #79: {6-Hearts}{6-Clubs} for Aleksei Opalikhin in the small blind and he raised to 300,000. Cliff Josephy in the big blind had just the {A-Clubs} showing and counted his chips ahs shoved for 2,525,000. Opalikhin thought about it for just a bit before he folded.

Hand #80: Cliff Josephy in the small blind tanked for a bit with {Q-Hearts}{6-Clubs} and raised to 300,000. Gentili folded eight-three off suit.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Christian Harder us
Christian Harder
Profile photo of Aleksei Opalikhin ru
Aleksei Opalikhin
Profile photo of Cliff Josephy us
Cliff Josephy
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Michael Vela us
Michael Vela
WPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Michael Gentili ca
Michael Gentili

Tags: Aleksei OpalikhinChristian HarderCliff JosephyMichael GentiliMichael Vela

Hands #70-74: Cliff Josephy Doesn't Believe Michael Vela

Nível 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #70: Michael Vela was in the cutoff with {a-Spades}{10-Clubs} and raised to 250,000. Everyone folded.

Hand #71: Cliff Josephy was on the button with {a-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} and raised to 240,000. Michael Vela was in the big blind and defended with {7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}. The flop came {j-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{9-Spades}. Vela checked and Josephy bet 175,000. Vela check-raised to 475,000. Josephy re-raised to 850,000. Vela folded.

Hand #72: Aleksei Opalikhin raised to 225,000 from under the gun with {q-Spades}{j-Clubs}. Michael Gentili was on the button and called with {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts}. The flop came {k-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{2-Clubs}. Opalikhin looked back at his cards and led out for 375,000. Gentili folded.

Hand #73: Michael Gentili raised to 225,000 from the cutoff, only showing the {10-Diamonds}. Christian Harder called from the small blind with {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds}. The flop came {k-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{8-Clubs}. Harder checked, as did Gentili. The turn was the {k-Spades}. Harder checked again, and so did Gentili. The river was the {7-Clubs}. Harder led out for 650,000. Gentili folded.

Hand #74: Aleksei Opalikhin limped in with {3-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} in the small blind. Cliff Josephy raised to 325,000 from the big blind with {k-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} and Opalikhin folded.

Tags: Michael VelaChristian HarderAleksei OpalikhinCliff JosephyMichael Gentili

Hands #67-69: Vela Flops a Set

Nível 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #67: Action folded to Michael Vela in the small blind and he limped in with {3-Spades}{3-Clubs}. Big blind Christian Harder checked {K-Clubs}{2-Spades} and the flop came {2-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}. Both checked and the {5-Diamonds} hit the turn. Vela checked again and Harder bet 100,000.

"Really?" Vela said right before he called.

The {2-Hearts} on the river saw Vela check again. Harder bet 350,000 and Vela called, showing the better full house.

Hand #68: Michael Vela on the button raised to 240,000 holding {K-Clubs}{9-Hearts}. Christian Harder called with {6-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} in the small blind, Aleksei Opalikhin folded his big blind. Both checked on the {J-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} flop, {3-Diamonds} turn and {5-Clubs} river. Harder took down the small pot.

Hand #68: Christian Harder raised to 225,000 with {10-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} on the button. Small blind Aleksei Opalikhin three-bet to 510,000 with {5-Spades}{5-Hearts} out of a 3.7 million stack. As Josephy folded his big blind, action was back on Harder and he four-bet to 985,000. Opalikhin tanked long and hard, sighed several times, and folded.

Hand #69: Christian Harder raised {A-Spades}{J-Hearts} to 240,000 from the cutoff. Big blind Michael Gentili defended with {Q-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}. The flop came {A-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and Gentili check-called a bet of 200,000. The {10-Diamonds} on the turn saw Gentili check again, followed by a bet of 365,000 into 980,000 by Harder. Gentili, with a pair, gutshot and flush draw, called again, growing the pot to 1,710,000. The river {9-Clubs} did nothing for either and both players checked to see Harder take it down.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Christian Harder us
Christian Harder
Profile photo of Aleksei Opalikhin ru
Aleksei Opalikhin
Profile photo of Michael Gentili ca
Michael Gentili
Profile photo of Michael Vela us
Michael Vela
WPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Cliff Josephy us
Cliff Josephy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Aleksei OpalikhinChristian HarderCliff JosephyMichael VelaMichael Gentili

Hands #62-66: Michael Gentili Flops a Boat

Nível 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #62: Cliff Josephy raised to 240,000 from the cutoff with {a-Spades}{8-Spades}. Michael Vela moved all in with {9-Spades}{9-Diamonds} from the small blind for his remaining 1,475,000 chips. As Josephy was thinking Vela looked at his rail and said, "The good news is I'm clearly way ahead." Josephy continued to stare at Vela and eventually folded. "Nice hand, Mike" he said.

Hand #63: Michael Vela was on the button with {q-Clubs}{9-Clubs} and limped in. Christian Harder was in the small blind with {9-Spades}{3-Hearts} and folded. Aleksei Opalikhin was in the big blind with {9-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} and checked his option. The flop was {j-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}. Opalikhin led out for 180,000. Vela folded.

Hand #64: Michael Gentili raised to 225,000 from under the gun with {k-Spades}{8-Spades}. Michael Vela called from the cutoff with {j-Spades}{10-Diamonds}, as did Aleksei Opalikhin from the small blind with {a-Hearts}{3-Hearts}. Cliff Josephy was in the big blind with {5-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} and thought about it for a moment before deciding to call as well. The flop came {j-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. Opalikhin, Josephy and Gentili all checked to Vela who moved all in for 1,520,000. Opalikhin said, "Nice move." Everyone folded.

Hand #65: Michael Vela was under the gun with {a-Hearts}{8-Hearts} and raised to 250,000. Michael Gentili was in the big blind with {j-Spades}{9-Spades} and decided to defend.

The flop came {j-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{9-Clubs}. Gentili checked and Vela bet 400,000. Gentili called. Vela asked, "Are you slow playing a jack, young man?"

The turn was the {2-Diamonds}. Both players checked.

The river was the {k-Clubs}. Gentili checked again, as did Vela. Gentili took the hand down with a full house, jacks full of nines.

Hand #66: Christian Harder had {q-Clubs}{j-Hearts} and raised to 240,000 from under the gun. Aleksei Opalikhin called with {a-Hearts}{5-Hearts} from the cutoff, as did Vela from the big blind with {k-Hearts}{10-Hearts}. The flop came {10-Spades}{8-Spades}{5-Spades}. All players checked to the turn, which was the {6-Hearts}. Vela immediately went all in for 1,560,000. Everyone folded.

Tags: Aleksei OpalikhinChristian HarderCliff JosephyMichael GentiliMichael Vela

Hands #57-61: Queens for Gentili

Nível 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #57: Aleksei Opalikhin was first to act and raised to 230,000 holding {K-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}. Harder called from the big blind with {A-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and checked on {7-Spades}{10-Spades}{5-Clubs}. Opalikhin bet 280,000 and Harder folded.

Hand #58: Michael Gentili in the cutoff raised {Q-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} to 225,000. Christian Harder called with {8-Spades}{8-Diamonds} in the small blind and Aleksei Opalikhin over called from the big blind with {K-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}. The flop came {Q-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{J-Clubs} and Harder and Opalikhin both checked. Gentili, having flopped top set, bet 250,000 into 725,000. Harder folded, Opalikhin called and checked again once the {4-Diamonds} hit the turn. Gentili now bet 575,000 and Opalikhin folded.

Hand #59: Christian Harder with {K-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds} raised to 225,000 on the button. Big blind Cliff Josephy defended with {Q-Clubs}{7-Clubs} and checked on {J-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{8-Hearts}. Harder bet 215,000 into 550,000 and Josephy folded.

Hand #60: Aleksei Opalikhin raised {A-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} on the button to 235,000. Michael Gentili called with {A-Clubs}{7-Clubs} in the big blind and they both checked on the {10-Spades}{3-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} flop and {9-Hearts} turn. The {8-Clubs} completed the board and Gentili, having made a straight, bet 305,000 into 570,000. Opalikhin called but had to leave the pot to Gentili.

Hand #61: First to act, Christian Harder raised {A-Diamonds}{K-Hearts} to 240,000 picking up the blinds and antes.

Tags: Aleksei OpalikhinChristian HarderCliff JosephyMichael Gentili

Hands #50-56: Michael Vela Gets Active

Nível 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #51: Michael Gentili limped in from the small blind with {7-Clubs}{6-Hearts}. Michael Vela moved all in for 1,335,000 from the big blind with {a-Spades}{9-Spades} and Gentili folded.

Hand #52: Michael Vela moved all in with {a-Hearts}{6-Clubs} for 1,475,000. Everyone folded.

Hand #53: Christian Harder looked down at {10-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} in the small blind and raised to 270,000. Aleksei Opalikhin was in the big blind with {4-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} and folded.

Hand #54: Christian Harder had {k-Hearts}{8-Hearts} on the button and raised to 225,000. Cliff Josephy woke up to {a-Hearts}{q-Clubs} in the big blind and three-bet to 700,000. Harder folded.

Hand #55: Aleksei Opalikhin was on the button with {a-Clubs}{k-Hearts} and raised to 250,000. Both of the blinds folded.

Hand #56: Christian Harder got a walk.

Tags: Aleksei OpalikhinChristian HarderCliff JosephyMichael GentiliMichael Vela

Nível: 29

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 10,000

Hands #46-50: A Good Level for Clif

Nível 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #46: Michael Gentili in the small blind found {A-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} and asked his neighbor how much he had before he moved all in. Michael Vela folded {K-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}.

Hand #47: Cliff Josephy in the cutoff had {7-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} and raised to 180,000. Michael Gentili found a smaller pair with {4-Spades}{4-Diamonds} but folded from the button. Christian Harder called with {Q-Clubs}{10-Clubs} in the big blind. The flop came {5-Hearts}{6-Spades}{5-Diamonds} and Harder check-folded to Josephy's bet of 160,000 into 450,000.

Hand #48: First to act, Josephy raised to 180,000 with {K-Clubs}{Q-Spades}. Aleksei Opalikhin defended his big blind with {7-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. The board came {J-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds} and Opalikhin check-folded to Josephy's 180,000 bet.

Hand #49: Harder, on the button, raised {J-Diamonds}{4-Spades} to 175,000 and he took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #50: Cliff Josephy limped in from the small blind with {4-Spades}{3-Diamonds}. Michael Gentili had {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds} in the big blind and raised to 275,000. Josephy tanked for a bit before he folded.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Christian Harder us
Christian Harder
Profile photo of Aleksei Opalikhin ru
Aleksei Opalikhin
Profile photo of Michael Gentili ca
Michael Gentili
Profile photo of Cliff Josephy us
Cliff Josephy
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Michael Vela us
Michael Vela
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Aleksei OpalikhinChristian HarderCliff JosephyMichael VelaMichael Gentili

Hands #40-45: First Walk of the Day

Nível 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #40: Action folded around to Christian Harder on the button and he raised to 175,000 with {j-Spades}{j-Hearts}. Aleksei Opalikhin was in the small blind with {a-Spades}{5-Clubs} and called. The flop came {j-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{3-Diamonds}. Opalikhin checked, as did Harder. The turn was the {k-Clubs}. Opalikhin checked for a second time. Harder reached into his stack and bet 350,000. Opalikhin folded, sending more chips over to Harder.

Hand #41: Christian Harder raised to 190,000 with {a-Spades}{5-Spades} from under the gun. Everyone folded and Harder took down another pot.

Hand #42: Christian Harder got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #43: Christian Harder limped in from the small blind with {7-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}. Opalikhin had {j-Clubs}{3-Clubs} in the big blind and checked. The flop came {9-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{3-Hearts} and both players checked. The turn was the {10-Hearts} and both players checked again. The river was the {a-Clubs}. Harder led out for 110,000 and Opalikhin called, taking down the pot with a pair of threes.

Hand #44: Michael Vela moved all in for 1,355,000 with {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts} from the cutoff and everyone folded.

Hand #45: Christian Harder looked down at {q-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} in the cutoff and raised to 190,000. Aleksei Opalikhin had {a-Diamonds}{j-Hearts} on the button and three-bet to 445,000. Harder folded.

Tags: Aleksei OpalikhinChristian HarderCliff JosephyMichael GentiliMichael Vela