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2014 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Prague

€50,000 Super High Roller
Dias: 1
Event Info

2014 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Prague

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
120,000 / 240,000

Multi-table Madness

Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Ivan Soshnikov
Ivan Soshnikov

Earlier today Ivan Soshnikov was still in the Eureka Main Event as the bubble approached. However, he was also playing the Super High Roller which meant he had to hope for a different sort of run good as he went from stack to stack before leaving his chips to blind off in the Eureka event. Read all about it here.

Tags: Ivan Soshnikov

Kabrhel Above Starting Stack

Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Mike McDonald raised to 9,000 from the button and both Joseph Cheong and Martin Kabrhel in the blinds tossed in the extra chips. On the three-way flop of {4-Diamonds} {3-Hearts} {5-Diamonds}, the action was checked to McDonald and he bet 15,000. Only Kabrhel called and the {J-Spades} on the turn was checked through.

The {A-Diamonds} on the river saw a check of "Timex" and Kabrhel bet 80,000 to promot a fold from McDonald.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Mike McDonald ca
Mike McDonald
EPT 1X Winner
Martin Kabrhel cz
Martin Kabrhel

Tags: Joseph CheongMartin KabrhelMike McDonald

Jacobson Doubles Through Pihela

Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Andrew Chen just filled us in on the details of Jacobson's double up.

Chen told us that Jacobson opened to 10,000 and got three bet to 30,000 by Igor Pihela. Jacobson then made it 66,000 and received a call from last nights qualifier.

On {8-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{5-Hearts} Jacobson bet out 35,000 and Pihela made the call. The {2-Hearts} on the turn gave Jacobson the opportunity to shove his remaining 75,000 in, and he did just that. Pihela called with {Q-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} and was up against Jacobson's {K-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}.

The {J-Hearts} on the river gave Jacobson a flush and he doubled to almost 400,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Martin Jacobson se
Martin Jacobson
Igor Pihela ee
Igor Pihela

Tags: Andrew ChenIgor PihelaMartin Jacobson

Nível: 8

Blinds: 2,500/5,000

Ante: 500

Vogelsang Getting Shorter

Nível 8 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

On a flop of {8-Diamonds} {Q-Hearts} {6-Diamonds}, Christoph Vogelsang check-raised from 10,000 to 26,000 and then folded to the all in of Jean-Noel Thorel. The German is down to eight big blinds and in desperate need of a double up.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jean-Noel Thorel fr
Jean-Noel Thorel
Christoph Vogelsang de
Christoph Vogelsang

Tags: Christoph VogelsangJean-Noel Thorel

Newey Triples Up

Nível 8 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

Paul Newey raised to 9,000 from under the gun and was called by Jean-Noel Thorel in the cutoff-seat as well as Leonig Markin in the big blind. On the {K-Hearts} {3-Clubs} {7-Clubs} flop, Newey moved all in for 58,500 and was called by both Thorel and Markin. The {10-Hearts} on the turn was checked to the Frenchman and he moved all in for more than 300,000 chips, having had the Russian covered. Markin eventually mucked his cards and the following showdown took place:

Newey: {A-Spades} {K-Spades}
Thorel: {K-Diamonds} {10-Spades}

The Brit got it in ahead but was then behind on the turn, thus only an ace would save him from purchasing a second bullet. Sure enough the {A-Hearts} showed up on the river and Newey tripled up.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jean-Noel Thorel fr
Jean-Noel Thorel
Paul Newey gb
Paul Newey
Leonid Markin ru
Leonid Markin

Tags: Jean-Noel ThorelLeonid MarkinPaul Newey

Mike Leah's Amazing 2014 Could be Capped Off with a POY Win

Nível 8 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

Canadian pro Mike Leah became a WSOP bracelet winner in 2014, he finished second in the Hard Rock Poker Open for over a million dollars and as of right now drawing live for the Player of the Year honours. We caught up with him on the last break of the day in the Super High Roller.

Tags: Mike Leah

Haxton Eliminated

Nível 8 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Isaac Haxton Eliminated
Isaac Haxton Eliminated

The action started with Isaac Haxton raising to 11,500 from the hijack. Ivan Soshnikov then bumped it up to 28,000 from the cut off as the action folded back around to Haxton. He went into the tank for several minutes before four-betting to 73,000. This forced Soshnikov into his own tank chamber where he stayed for several minutes before announcing all in for around 450,000 in chips. Haxton made the quick call with less chips and the cards were tabled.

Haxton: {6-Hearts}{6-Spades}
Soshnikov: {a-Clubs}{k-Spades}

Soshnikov was behind but would improve as the board ran out {k-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{3-Clubs} to give him the better pair and the winning hand.

Just as the hand completed, a tournament director from the Eureka Main Event came over to the table and informed Soshnikov that he had just been eliminated from the other event in 144th place and that he could collect his prize money whenever he was ready.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Ivan Soshnikov ru
Ivan Soshnikov
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Isaac HaxtonIvan Soshnikov