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2014 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Prague

€50,000 Super High Roller
Dias: 1
Event Info

2014 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Prague

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
120,000 / 240,000

Kabrhel Dodges Huge Sweat

Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Dmitry Gromov raised to 9,500 from under the gun and was called by Joseph Cheong. Mike Leah peeked at his cards, grabbed five blue T-5,000 chips and announced a raise, making it 27,000 in total out of the small blind. From one seat over, Martin Kabrhel moved all in for less than 190,000 chips and the initial raiser from Russia as well as Cheong folded.

Leah double-checked his cards and then made the call with {A-Spades} {K-Spades}. Kabrhel had {A-Hearts} {K-Clubs} and the likely split pot was suddenly shaken by the {A-Clubs} {7-Spades} {4-Spades} flop. Any further spade would give the World Series of Poker Asia-Pacific High Roller champion the flush, but Kabrhel dodged it thanks to the {2-Clubs} on the turn and the {9-Clubs} on the river.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Mike Leah ca
Mike Leah
Martin Kabrhel cz
Martin Kabrhel

Tags: Dmitry GromovJoseph CheongMartin KabrhelMike Leah


Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Leon Tsoukernik
Leon Tsoukernik

Leon Tsoukernik has been eliminated from the tournament, but directly announced he would be rebuying.

We're not entirely sure what happened, as we were busy one table over writing down the details on Brian Roberts' double up (to follow). We do know Tsoukernik got his chips in with {K-Spades}{6-Hearts} on {8-Clubs}{6-Spades}{K-Clubs}{3-Spades}. Mike Watson was the one putting Tsoukernik at risk with {A-Hearts}{K-Diamonds} and got lucky on the river: {A-Hearts}.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Mike Watson ca
Mike Watson
EPT 2X Winner
Leon Tsoukernik cz
Leon Tsoukernik

Tags: Leon TsoukernikMichael WatsonMike Watson

Roberts Doubles Through Busquet

Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Olivier Busquet opened from the hijack position and called Brian Roberts' three bet from the small blind to 30,000.

The flop came {4-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} and Roberts bet out 18,000. Busquet made the call and the {J-Hearts} fell on the turn. Roberts moved all in for 87,000 and after some hefty thinking it was Busquet making the call.

Olivier Busquet: {A-Hearts}{10-Hearts}
Brian Roberts: {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}

The {9-Diamonds} on the river didn't do Busquet any good and Roberts doubled.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Brian Roberts us
Brian Roberts
Olivier Busquet us
Olivier Busquet

Tags: Brian RobertsOlivier Busquet

Thorel Gone

Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

We arrived at the table just as Jean-Noel Thorel moved all in for around 100,000 in chips on a {5-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} flop. Connor Drinan and Vladimir Troyanovskiy mucked their hands before Brian Roberts made the quick call as the last player to act.

Thorel: {6-Spades}{7-Diamonds}
Roberts: {8-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}

Thorel had flopped a pair and an open-ended straight draw but was behind to Roberts who already flopped the straight. No help came with the {5-Hearts} on the turn and {k-Hearts} on the river as Thorel was sent to the rail.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Brian Roberts us
Brian Roberts
Jean-Noel Thorel fr
Jean-Noel Thorel

Tags: Brian RobertsConnor DrinanJean-Noel Thorel

Gromov's Aces cracked

Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Mikita Badziakouski three-bet shoved out of the small blind for exactly 80,000 and initial raiser Dmitry Gromov snap-called, confidentially tabling his {A-Spades} {A-Clubs}. His opponent from Belorussia was behind with {5-Spades} {5-Hearts} but improved with the board running out {5-Diamonds} {9-Diamonds} {6-Hearts} {2-Hearts} {9-Spades}.

Gromov had some words in Russian for his table neighbor and them whispered a "thank you" towards the dealer, shortly after complaining about another bad beat from the previous day.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski
Dmitry Gromov ru
Dmitry Gromov

Tags: Dmitry GromovMikita Badziakouski

Roberts Busts Drinan

Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Connor Drinan
Connor Drinan

Coming back as one of the short stacks, Brian Roberts is storming to the top of the chip counts within three hands in a row. After doubling up and then knocking out Jean-Noel Thorel, he just busted Connor Drinan as well. Roberts raised to 11,000 from the cutoff and Drinan made it 28,000 on the button.

Roberts looked at the dealer, then formed a triangle and was thus all in. Drinan called off with a total of 180,000 in total and both players tabled their cards.

Roberts: {J-Clubs} {J-Diamonds}
Drinan: {10-Spades} {10-Diamonds}

The board ran out {3-Spades} {Q-Clubs} {5-Hearts} {4-Hearts} {3-Hearts} and that was it for Drinan on the first bullet.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Brian Roberts us
Brian Roberts
Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan

Tags: Brian RobertsConnor Drinan

Battle Of The Re-Entrants

Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

Both Jean-Noel Thorel and Christoph Vogelsang are using their second bullets in this tournament and were recently involved in a hand together.

The hand started with Thorel raising to 8,500 from the hijack and getting called by Vogelsang on the button and also another player in the small blind.

The flop came down {c}{5-Clubs}{8-Spades} and a quick check prompted Thorel to b lead out for 10,500. Only Vogelsang made the call as the two watched the dealer produce the {9-Diamonds} on the turn.

Thorel didn’t slow down, betting out another 18,000 which was quickly called. The {k-Diamonds} completed the board and Thorel reached down for his chips and tossed out 50,000. Vogelsang thought about his decision for almost a minute before finally making the call.

Thorel then slowly tabled his {6-Hearts}{7-Clubs} for a straight and watched as Vogelsang threw his cards into the muck.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jean-Noel Thorel fr
Jean-Noel Thorel
Christoph Vogelsang de
Christoph Vogelsang

Tags: Christoph VogelsangJean-Noel Thorel

Stack Missing

Nível 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante

From our PokerStars Blog colleagues we heard the news that Ivan Soshnikov is still multi tabling the €50,000 High Roller and the €1,100 EUREKA Main Event. Except for he's not, as he can't find his stack in the EUREKA. His table broke and he has no idea where his stack moved to. So back to the High Roller tables it is for Soshnikov.

Tags: Ivan Soshnikov