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2023 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€10,300 EPT High Roller
Dias: 1
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
100,000 / 200,000
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 1
Jogadores em jogo

Jorgne Gets Three Streets

Nível 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Peter Jorgne
Peter Jorgne

Lucas Silva Rocha opened 1,300 under the gun and Peter Jorgne three-bet 4,800 on the button. Rocha called.

The dealer spread a flop of 974, and Rocha check-called a bet of 5,000.

When the Q hit the turn, Rocha check-called once again, this time Jorgne's bet was 12,600.

The 5 completed the board and Rocha checked for the final time before Jorgne put out a bet of 16,000. Rocha tanked for about a minute before deciding to make the call. Jorgne rolled over QQ turning a set of queens and Rocha mucked his hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Peter Jorgne se
Peter Jorgne
Lucas Silva Rocha br
Lucas Silva Rocha

Tags: Lucas Silva RochaPeter Jorgne

Kolev's Hero Call Isn't Correct

Nível 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Boris Kolev
Boris Kolev

With about 6,500 in the middle on the Q542 turn, Boris Kolev check-called a bet of 4,000 from Gianluca Speranza.

When the Q completed the board, Kolev checked it over to Speranza who fired 15,000 into the middle. Kolev went deep into the tank, using four time banks before calling off his remaining 12,900. Speranza tabled KQ for trip queens, and Kolev's 33 was turned face-up as he exited the table.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Gianluca Speranza it
Gianluca Speranza
Boris Kolev bg
Boris Kolev

Tags: Boris KolevGianluca Speranza

Seidel Left on Fumes

Nível 5 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Erik Seidel
Erik Seidel

Erik Seidel opened 1,300 in the cutoff and Ovidiu Chirieac defended the big blind.

When the K105 flop hit the felt, Chirieac check-called a bet of 1,400 from Seidel.

The J turn was checked through to see the 6 river. Chirieac checked once more before Seidel dropped a 5,000 chip across the line. Chirieac raised to 18,000 and Seidel tank-called, leaving just 2,000 behind. Chirieac tabled Q8, turning a flush and Seidel mucked his hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Ovidiu Chirieac ro
Ovidiu Chirieac
Erik Seidel us
Erik Seidel
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Erik SeidelOvidiu Chirieac

Reard Turns a Higher Set to Eliminate Bonanata

Nível 4 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante
Alexandre Reard
Alexandre Reard

Alexandre Reard opened 1,200 in middle position and Marcelo Bonanata three-bet 3,700 from the small blind. Reard made the call.

When the K93 flop hit the felt, Bonanata continued for 3,000 and Reard made the call.

The 10 landed on the turn, and Bonanata slowed down, check-calling a bet of 5,500.

When the 5 completed the board, Bonanata checked once again before Reard announced all-in. Bonanata snap-called his remaining stack of 31,500 while showing 99 for a set of nines. Unfortunately for him though, Reard tabled 1010, turning a higher set.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Alexandre Reard fr
Alexandre Reard
Marcelo Bonanata ar
Marcelo Bonanata

Tags: Alexandre ReardMarcelo Bonanata

Adams Queens Improve to a Set for the Double

Nível 4 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante
Timothy Adams
Timothy Adams

Marton Czuczor opened 1,200 under the gun and both Sirzat Hissou and Alexandre Vuilleumier made the call before Timothy Adams three-bet to 5,300. The action folded back to Czuczor who put in a four-bet to 13,200. Both Hissou and Vuilleumier got out of the way and Adams jammed for 29,500. Czuczor wasted no time making the call.

Timothy Adams: QQ
Marton Czuczor: AK

The Q103 flop gave Adams a set of queens, while Czuczoz flopped a gutshot straight draw. The 7 turn gave Czuczor more outs as he picked up a flush draw but the 9 river was a brick, sending the double to Adams.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Timothy Adams ca
Timothy Adams
Sirzat Hissou de
Sirzat Hissou
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor
Alexandre Vuilleumier ch
Alexandre Vuilleumier

Tags: Alexandre VuilleumierMarton CzuczorSirzat HissouTimothy Adams

Nasty Run Out Eliminates Boivin

Nível 4 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante
Thomas Boivin
Thomas Boivin

With about 20,000 in the middle on the 1064 flop, Thomas Boivin had a bet of 5,000 in front of him on the button and was faced with a raise of 11,300 from Arthur Conan. He eventually made the call.

The 5 fell on the turn, and Conan quickly check-called Boivin's all-in of 21,500, and both players revealed their cards.

Thomas Boivin: KK
Arthur Conan: A10

Boivin was in the lead with his pair of kings, but Conan had picked up a flush draw to go along with his pair of tens and the 7 river completed the flush. Boivin stood up and respectfully said good game while telling the table to have fun.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Arthur Conan fr
Arthur Conan
Thomas Boivin be
Thomas Boivin

Tags: Arthur ConanThomas Boivin

Kassouf Pays the Max

Nível 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Will Kassouf
Will Kassouf

The turn read 66510 and George Chiriac bet 12,000 into the pot of about 21,000. William Kassouf was the only other player in the pot and made the call.

When the Q hit the river, Chiriac shoved for his last 23,900, putting Kassouf in the tank.

"It's aces or nothing," said Kassouf, as he thought out the hand. "I was going to raise the flop, you shove, I call."

After using three time banks, Kassouf eventually splashed in a call to see Chiriac's KK.

"Yep, that makes sense," Kassouf concluded as he paid off the bet and tabled KQ.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
George Chiriac ro
George Chiriac
William Kassouf gb
William Kassouf

Tags: George ChiriacWilliam Kassouf

Lecoeuvre Jams the Turn

Nível 2 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante
Nicolas Lecoeuvre
Nicolas Lecoeuvre

Anton Wigg opened in early position and received calls from Rania Nasreddine in the hijack, and Juha Helppi in the cutoff before Nicolas Lecoeuvre three-bet 3,500 from the small blind. Only Nasreddine made the call.

The dealer spread a flop of 654, and Lecoeuvre check-raised a bet of 5,000 to 14,000, and Nasreddine snap-called.

When the 9 fell on the turn, Lecoeuvre used a time bank, taking about 45 seconds before deciding to jam all in for roughly 30,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Nicolas Lecoeuvre fr
Nicolas Lecoeuvre
Anton Wigg se
Anton Wigg
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Juha Helppi fi
Juha Helppi
Rania Nasreddine us
Rania Nasreddine

Tags: Anton WiggJuha HelppiRania Nasreddine

Reichenstein's Turn Leads Earns the Pot

Nível 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Uri Reichenstein
Uri Reichenstein

With the 654 flop already on the felt, Uri Reichenstein checked to his only opponent in the hand, Dan Djorno who fired a bet of 2,000 into the 3,800. Reichenstein paused for about 10 seconds and made the call.

The 3 fell on the turn and Reichenstein took the lead, putting 3,500 into the middle. Djorno wasted no time pushing his cards towards the dealer.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Uri Reichenstein il
Uri Reichenstein
Dan Djorno fr
Dan Djorno

Tags: Dan DjornoUri Reichenstein

Helppi Check-Raises it Away

Nível 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Juha Helppi
Juha Helppi

Three players saw a flop of A75 and both Juha Helppi and Sylwia Studniarz checked to Shakhabiddin Muradov before he fired 800 into the pot of about 1,700.

Helppi put in the check-raise to 3,200 and that was enough to earn the pot as both of his opponents tossed their cards into the muck.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Juha Helppi fi
Juha Helppi
Shakhabiddin Muradov lv
Shakhabiddin Muradov
Sylwia Studniarz pl
Sylwia Studniarz

Tags: Juha HelppiShakhabiddin Muradov