Calendário Galactic Series: €17 Milhões GTD até 28 de setembro na

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A anunciou uma nova edição do festival de torneios de poker online Galactic Series para o mercado FRESPT! As Galactic Series vão decorrer entre 30 de agosto e 28 setembro e estão garantidos mais de €17.000.000 em prémios, distribuídos por um total de 341 eventos.
Os buy-ins dos eventos variam entre €5 e €250 e vão ser jogados nos mais diversos formatos, praticamente todos na variante No Limit Hold'em. No total, há 38 torneios com um prize pool mínimo de €100K.
Main Event Progressive KO com €1 Milhão Garantido
A estrela do festival é o Main Event, torneio Progressive KO com buy-in de €250 e €1.000.000 garantido, agendado para 20 de setembro. Este torneio tem a duração de três dias e os jogadores começam com 50.000 fichas e os níveis de blinds têm a duração de 15 minutos.
Mas o calendário incluiu muitos outros torneios que não vais querer perder, com buy-ins mais acessíveis e grandes prize pools, como é o caso dos cinco eventos ClassiComet com buy-in de €10 e €100.000 garantidos, agendados para cada um dos domingos do festival.
Entradas grátis para o Main Event
Juntamente com os detalhes da nova edição do festival, a PokerStars anunciou também duas promoções onde podes ganhar entradas grátis de €250 para o Main Event das Galactic Series.
Freerolls para Depositantes
A PokerStars agendou 3x Freerolls para Depositantes onde vai oferecer centenas de entradas grátis de €250 cada para o Main Event das Galactic Series.
Para participares nestes freerolls basta depositares pelo menos €25 usando o código de bónus 'GALACTIC20'. Cada jogador pode receber até três bilhetes, um por cada depósito.
O primeiro freeroll já aparece no lobby e está agendado para 29 de agosto às 20:00 WET, com 40 entradas de €250 cada para o Main Event. Os dois restantes freerolls realizam-se a 5 e 19 de setembro.
Concursos Galactic Series
Além das entradas em oferta nos Freerolls para Depositantes, a PokerStars vai oferecer €150.000 em entradas grátis para o evento principal do festival — 43x entradas para o Main Event das Galactic Series no valor de €250 cada todos os dias entre 5 e 19 de setembro.
Para entrares na corrida por uma destas entradas grátis, precisas aderir aos Concursos Galactic Series na tua janela dos Desafios. Depois, joga pelo menos um torneio das Galactic Series para receberes bilhetes para os concursos diários.
Quanto mais alto for o buy-in dos eventos que jogares, mais entradas irás receber para os concursos — €20 e inferior = 1 bilhete; €30 e superior = 3 bilhetes. Cada concurso diário será realizado às 11:00 WET, e irás receber uma notificação com o resultado no final.
Nota: Os jogadores podem ganhar vários bilhetes para o Main Event nos concursos. No final do festival, os bilhetes de €250 adicionais ganhos serão convertidos em bilhetes MTT genéricos.
Calendário Galactic Series
Evento | Data & Hora (WET) | Garantido |
GALACTIC-01: €5 Big Bang [Opening Event], €30,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 15:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-02: €50 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 16:00 | 125 000 €* |
GALACTIC-03: €50 Warm-Up [Progressive KO], €175,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 17:00 | 175 000 €* |
GALACTIC-04: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €20,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 17:30 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-05: €30 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 18:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-06: €10 ClassiComet, €100,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-07: €250 Sunday Stellar [Progressive KO], €250,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 19:00 | 250 000 €* |
GALACTIC-08: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €60,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 20:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-09: €125 NL Hold'em [Turbo, Progressive KO], €100,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 21:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-10: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 21:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-11: €50 BigStack Turbo, €60,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 22:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-12: €125 Supersonic [6-Max], €60,000 Guaranteed | 30-ago. 23:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-13: €30 NL Hold'em [Deep to NEPTUNE], €50,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 16:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-14: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €30,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 17:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-15: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-16: €50 NL Hold'em [Deep-Stack, Progressive KO], €90,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 18:00 | 90 000 €* |
GALACTIC-17: €250 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €100,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-18: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-19: €50 BigStack Turbo, €50,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 21:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-20: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 21:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-21: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo, €40,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 22:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-22: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €35,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-23: €250 JUPITER High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 31-ago. 23:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-24: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max], €40,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-25: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €25,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 17:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-26: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY, €15,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-27: €50 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €70,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 18:00 | 70 000 €* |
GALACTIC-28: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 19:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-29: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €45,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 20:00 | 45 000 €* |
GALACTIC-30: €50 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 21:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-31: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo, €12,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-32: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 22:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-33: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €35,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-34: €250 Jupiter High Roller [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €35,000 Guaranteed | 01-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-35: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max], €40,000 Guaranteed | 02-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-36: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €25,000 Guaranteed | 02-set. 17:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-37: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 02-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-38: €50 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Progressive KO], €70,000 Guaranteed | 02-set. 18:00 | 70 000 €* |
GALACTIC-39: €125 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 02-set. 19:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-40: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €45,000 Guaranteed | 02-set. 20:00 | 45 000 €* |
GALACTIC-41: €50 BigStack Turbo, €40,000 Guaranteed | 02-set. 21:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-42: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [8-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 02-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-43: €30 NL Hold'em Hyper [6-Max], €25,000 Guaranteed | 02-set. 22:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-44: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €35,000 Guaranteed | 02-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-45: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €35,000 Guaranteed | 02-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-46: €30 NL Hold'em [Deep to NEPTUNE], €40,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-47: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €25,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 17:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-48: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY, €15,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-49: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO], €100,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 18:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-50: €50 NL Hold'em 6th Sense, €100,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-51: €250 NL Hold'em Super Thursday [Progressive KO], €150,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 20:00 | 150 000 €* |
GALACTIC-52: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-53: €50 Thursday Galactic Turbo [Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 21:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-54: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [4-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 03-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-55: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 22:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-56: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €35,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-57: €250 Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO], €35,000 Guaranteed | 03-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-58: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 04-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-59: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 04-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-60: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 04-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-61: €50 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €70,000 Guaranteed | 04-set. 18:00 | 70 000 €* |
GALACTIC-62: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €70,000 Guaranteed | 04-set. 19:00 | 70 000 €* |
GALACTIC-63: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 04-set. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-64: €50 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo], €40,000 Guaranteed | 04-set. 21:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-65: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [6-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 04-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-66: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo, €35,000 Guaranteed | 04-set. 22:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-67: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €30,000 Guaranteed | 04-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-68: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €35,000 Guaranteed | 04-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-69: €30 NL Hold'em [Ultra KO], €25,000 Guaranteed | 05-set. 16:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-70: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 05-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-71: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 05-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-72: €50 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 05-set. 18:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-73: €50 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €70,000 Guaranteed | 05-set. 19:00 | 70 000 €* |
GALACTIC-74: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 05-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-75: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo, €30,000 Guaranteed | 05-set. 21:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-76: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo, €12,500 Guaranteed | 05-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-77: €30 NL Hold'em Hyper [6-Max], €25,000 Guaranteed | 05-set. 22:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-78: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €25,000 Guaranteed | 05-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-79: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €35,000 Guaranteed | 05-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-80: €50 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 16:00 | 125 000 €* |
GALACTIC-81: €50 Warm-Up, €150,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 17:00 | 150 000 €* |
GALACTIC-82: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €25,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 17:30 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-83: €30 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 18:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-84: €10 ClassiComet, €100,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-85: €50 [50 Special, Progressive KO], €250,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 19:00 | 250 000 €* |
GALACTIC-86: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-87: €125 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo, €75,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 21:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-88: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 21:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-89: €50 BigStack Turbo [Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 22:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-90: €125 Supersonic [6-Max], €40,000 Guaranteed | 06-set. 23:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-91: €30 NL Hold'em [Deep to NEPTUNE], €50,000 Guaranteed | 07-set. 16:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-92: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €30,000 Guaranteed | 07-set. 17:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-93: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 07-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-94: €50 NL Hold'em [Deep-Stack, Progressive KO], €100,000 Guaranteed | 07-set. 18:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-95: €250 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 07-set. 19:00 | 125 000 €* |
GALACTIC-96: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 07-set. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-97: €50 BigStack Turbo, €50,000 Guaranteed | 07-set. 21:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-98: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [6-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 07-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-99: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 07-set. 22:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-100: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €340,000 Guaranteed | 07-set. 23:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-101: €250 Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 07-set. 23:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-102: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max], €50,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 16:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-103: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €25,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 17:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-104: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY, €15,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-105: €50 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €90,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 18:00 | 90 000 €* |
GALACTIC-106: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-107: €250 NLHE [Heads Up], *NO LATE REG, CAP 1024* €25,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 20:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-108: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-109: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo, €50,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 21:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-110: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo, €12,500 Guaranteed | 08-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-111: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO] €50,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 22:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-112: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €35,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-113: €250 Jupiter High Roller [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 08-set. 23:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-114: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-115: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €25,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 17:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-116: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-117: €50 NL Hold'em, €70,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 18:00 | 70 000 €* |
GALACTIC-118: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-119: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-120: €125 PL Omaha [6-Max], €20,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 20:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-121: €50 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 21:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-122: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo, €12,500 Guaranteed | 09-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-123: €30 NL Hold'em Hyper, €25,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 22:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-124: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €35,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-125: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 09-set. 23:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-126: €30 NL Hold'em [Deep to NEPTUNE], €40,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-127: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €25,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 17:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-128: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY, €20,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 17:30 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-129: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 18:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-130: €50 NL Hold'em 6th Sense, €75,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 19:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-131: €250 NL Hold'em Super Thursday [Progressive KO], €150,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 20:00 | 150 000 €* |
GALACTIC-132: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-133: €50 Thursday Galactic Turbo [Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 21:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-134: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [4-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 10-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-135: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Hyper [6-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 22:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-136: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €35,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-137: €250 Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO], €35,000 Guaranteed | 10-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-138: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 11-set. 16:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-139: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 11-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-140: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 11-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-141: €50 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 11-set. 18:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-142: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 11-set. 19:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-143: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 11-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-144: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 11-set. 21:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-145: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [6-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 11-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-146: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Hyper [8-Max, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 11-set. 22:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-147: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €25,000 Guaranteed | 11-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-148: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €25,000 Guaranteed | 11-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-149: €30 NL Hold'em [Ultra KO], €25,000 Guaranteed | 12-set. 16:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-150: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 12-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-151: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 12-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-152: €50 NL Hold'em [6-Max], €40,000 Guaranteed | 12-set. 18:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-153: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Progressive KO], €70,000 Guaranteed | 12-set. 19:00 | 70 000 €* |
GALACTIC-154: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 12-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-155: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 12-set. 21:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-156: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo, €12,500 Guaranteed | 12-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-157: €30 NL Hold'em Hyper [4-Max], €20,000 Guaranteed | 12-set. 22:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-158: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €25,000 Guaranteed | 12-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-159: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €25,000 Guaranteed | 12-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-160: €50 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 16:00 | 125 000 €* |
GALACTIC-161: €50 Warm-Up, €150,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 17:00 | 150 000 €* |
GALACTIC-162: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €25,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 17:30 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-163: €30 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 18:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-164: €10 ClassiComet, €100,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-165: €250 Sunday Stellar [Progressive KO], €250,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 19:00 | 250 000 €* |
GALACTIC-166: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-167: €125 NL Hold'em [Turbo, Progressive KO], €100,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 21:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-168: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 21:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-169: €50 BigStack Turbo, €75,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 22:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-170: €125 Supersonic [6-Max], €40,000 Guaranteed | 13-set. 23:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-171: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 14-set. 16:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-172: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 14-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-173: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max], €20,000 Guaranteed | 14-set. 17:30 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-174: €50 NL Hold'em [Deep-Stack, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 14-set. 18:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-175: €250 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €100,000 Guaranteed | 14-set. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-176: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 14-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-177: €125 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 14-set. 21:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-178: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [6-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 14-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-179: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 14-set. 22:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-180: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €35,000 Guaranteed | 14-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-181: €250 Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 14-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-182: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-183: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-184: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY, €15,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-185: €50 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Progressive KO], €70,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 18:00 | 70 000 €* |
GALACTIC-186: €125 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 19:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-187: €250 NLHE [Heads Up], *NO LATE REG, CAP 1024* €20,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 20:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-188: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-189: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo, €50,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 21:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-190: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo, €12,500 Guaranteed | 15-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-191: €10 NL Hold'em [Heads Up Hyper], *NO LATE REG, CAP 1024* €10,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 22:00 | 10 000 €* |
GALACTIC-192: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €30,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-193: €250 Jupiter High Roller [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €35,000 Guaranteed | 15-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-194: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-195: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-196: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-197: €50 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 18:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-198: €125 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 19:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-199: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-200: €50 PL Omaha [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 20:00 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-201: €50 NL Hold'em [Turbo, Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 21:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-202: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [8-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 16-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-203: €30 NL Hold'em Deep-Hyper [6-Max, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 22:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-204: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €30,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-205: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 16-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-206: €30 NL Hold'em [Deep to NEPTUNE], €40,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-207: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-208: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY, €15,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-209: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO], €90,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 18:00 | 90 000 €* |
GALACTIC-210: €50 NL Hold'em 6th Sense, €75,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 19:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-211: €250 NL Hold'em Super Thursday [Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 20:00 | 125 000 €* |
GALACTIC-212: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-213: €50 Thursday Galactic Turbo [Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 21:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-214: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [4-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 17-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-215: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Hyper [6-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 22:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-216: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €35,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-217: €250 Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO], €35,000 Guaranteed | 17-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-218: €30 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Ultra KO], €20,000 Guaranteed | 18-set. 16:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-219: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 18-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-220: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 18-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-221: €50 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 18-set. 18:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-222: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Ultra KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 18-set. 19:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-223: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €35,000 Guaranteed | 18-set. 20:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-224: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 18-set. 21:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-225: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [6-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 18-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-226: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Hyper [8-Max, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 18-set. 22:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-227: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €25,000 Guaranteed | 18-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-228: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €20,000 Guaranteed | 18-set. 23:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-229: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 19-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-230: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 19-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-231: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 19-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-232: €50 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 19-set. 18:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-233: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Progressive KO], €70,000 Guaranteed | 19-set. 19:00 | 70 000 €* |
GALACTIC-234: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €35,000 Guaranteed | 19-set. 20:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-235: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 19-set. 21:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-236: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo, €12,500 Guaranteed | 19-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-237: €30 NL Hold'em Hyper [4-Max, Progressive KO], €20,000 Guaranteed | 19-set. 22:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-238: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €25,000 Guaranteed | 19-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-239: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €20,000 Guaranteed | 19-set. 23:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-240: €50 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 16:00 | 125 000 €* |
GALACTIC-241: €50 Warm-Up [Progressive KO], €200,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 17:00 | 200 000 €* |
GALACTIC-242: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €25,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 17:30 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-243: €30 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 18:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-244: €10 ClassiComet, €100,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-245: €250 NL Hold'em Main Event [8-Max, Progressive KO] €1,000,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 19:00 | 1 000 000 €* |
GALACTIC-246: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-247: €125 NL Hold'em [Turbo, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 21:00 | 125 000 €* |
GALACTIC-248: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 21:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-249: €50 BigStack Turbo [Progressive KO], €90,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 22:00 | 90 000 €* |
GALACTIC-250: €125 Supersonic [6-Max], €40,000 Guaranteed | 20-set. 23:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-251: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 21-set. 16:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-252: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €25,000 Guaranteed | 21-set. 17:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-253: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 21-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-254: €50 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 21-set. 18:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-255: €250 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 21-set. 19:00 | 125 000 €* |
GALACTIC-256: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 21-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-257: €125 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 21-set. 21:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-258: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [6-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 21-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-259: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 21-set. 22:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-260: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €30,000 Guaranteed | 21-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-261: €250 Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO], €35,000 Guaranteed | 21-set. 23:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-262: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-263: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-264: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY, €15,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-265: €50 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 18:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-266: €125 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 19:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-267: €250 NLHE [Heads Up], *NO LATE REG, CAP 1024* €20,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 20:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-268: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-269: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo, €40,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 21:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-270: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo, €12,500 Guaranteed | 22-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-271: €10 NL Hold'em [Heads Up Hyper], *NO LATE REG, CAP 1024* €10,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 22:00 | 10 000 €* |
GALACTIC-272: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €25,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-273: €250 Jupiter High Roller [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 22-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-274: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-275: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-276: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-277: €50 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 18:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-278: €125 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 19:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-279: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-280: €30 PL Omaha [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 20:00 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-281: €50 NL Hold'em [Turbo, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 21:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-282: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [8-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 23-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-283: €30 NL Hold'em Deep-Hyper [6-Max, Progressive KO], €20,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 22:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-284: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €25,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-285: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €25,000 Guaranteed | 23-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-286: €30 NL Hold'em [Deep to NEPTUNE], €40,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-287: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-288: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY, €15,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-289: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 18:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-290: €50 NL Hold'em 6th Sense, €75,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 19:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-291: €250 NL Hold'em Super Thursday [Progressive KO], €100,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 20:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-292: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €40,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 20:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-293: €50 Thursday Galactic Turbo [Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 21:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-294: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [4-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 24-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-295: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Hyper [6-Max, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 22:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-296: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €30,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-297: €250 Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 24-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-298: €30 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Ultra KO], €20,000 Guaranteed | 25-set. 16:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-299: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €15,000 Guaranteed | 25-set. 17:00 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-300: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 25-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-301: €50 NL Hold'em [Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 25-set. 18:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-302: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Ultra KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 25-set. 19:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-303: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €35,000 Guaranteed | 25-set. 20:00 | 35 000 €* |
GALACTIC-304: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 25-set. 21:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-305: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [6-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 25-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-306: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Hyper [8-Max, Progressive KO], €25,000 Guaranteed | 25-set. 22:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-307: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €25,000 Guaranteed | 25-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-308: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €20,000 Guaranteed | 25-set. 23:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-309: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [6-Max, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 26-set. 16:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-310: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 26-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-311: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 26-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-312: €50 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €50,000 Guaranteed | 26-set. 18:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-313: €125 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Progressive KO], €60,000 Guaranteed | 26-set. 19:00 | 60 000 €* |
GALACTIC-314: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €30,000 Guaranteed | 26-set. 20:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-315: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 26-set. 21:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-316: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo, €12,500 Guaranteed | 26-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-317: €30 NL Hold'em Hyper [4-Max, Progressive KO], €20,000 Guaranteed | 26-set. 22:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-318: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €30,000 Guaranteed | 26-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-319: €125 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Turbo, Progressive KO], €25,000 Guaranteed | 26-set. 23:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-320: €50 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [8-Max, Progressive KO], €125,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 16:00 | 125 000 €* |
GALACTIC-321: €50 Warm-Up [Progressive KO], €150,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 17:00 | 150 000 €* |
GALACTIC-322: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [6-Max], €25,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 17:30 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-323: €30 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 18:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-324: €10 ClassiComet, €100,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-325: €50 [50 Special, Progressive KO], €225,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 19:00 | 225 000 €* |
GALACTIC-326: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €50,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 20:00 | 50 000 €* |
GALACTIC-327: €125 NL Hold'em [Turbo, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 21:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-328: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 21:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-329: €50 BigStack Turbo [Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 22:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-330: €125 Supersonic [6-Max], €40,000 Guaranteed | 27-set. 23:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-331: €30 NL Hold'em Deep to NEPTUNE [Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 28-set. 16:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-332: €10 NL Hold'em [6-Max, SuperStack VENUS], €20,000 Guaranteed | 28-set. 17:00 | 20 000 €* |
GALACTIC-333: €5 NL Hold'em Deep Micro MERCURY [8-Max], €15,000 Guaranteed | 28-set. 17:30 | 15 000 €* |
GALACTIC-334: €50 NL Hold'em [8-Max, Deep-Stack, Progressive KO], €75,000 Guaranteed | 28-set. 18:00 | 75 000 €* |
GALACTIC-335: €250 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Progressive KO], €100,000 Guaranteed | 28-set. 19:00 | 100 000 €* |
GALACTIC-336: €20 NL Hold'em SuperStack VENUS, €25,000 Guaranteed | 28-set. 20:00 | 25 000 €* |
GALACTIC-337: €125 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [6-Max, Progressive KO], €40,000 Guaranteed | 28-set. 21:00 | 40 000 €* |
GALACTIC-338: €5 Mini BigStack Turbo [6-Max], €12,500 Guaranteed | 28-set. 21:30 | 12 500 €* |
GALACTIC-339: €50 NL Hold'em Deep-Turbo [Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 28-set. 22:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-340: €30 MOONLIGHT Express [8-Max, Hyper], €30,000 Guaranteed | 28-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
GALACTIC-341: €250 Jupiter High Roller [Turbo, Progressive KO], €30,000 Guaranteed | 28-set. 23:00 | 30 000 €* |
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