PokerStars Devolve Milhares de Dólares a Jogadores de Spin & Go's

Foram muitos os jogadores que esta semana foram surpreendidos com a devolução de dinheiro nas suas contas da PokerStars.
Todos eles são jogadores de Spin & Go's e embora não tenham recebido informações muito detalhadas sobre os adversários que não cumpriram as regras, o dinheiro já está nas suas contas.
Junto com o dinheiro chegou ainda um email da equipa de Integridade do Jogo da PokerStars onde se podia ler o montante restituído e a importância da integridade do jogo para a sala da espada vermelha.
A situação passaria em claro não fossem os relatos publicados no fórum do TwoPlusTwo e TiltBook. Maior alarido foi ainda feito quando o user do TwoPlusTwo "Don Stefano", regular dos Spin & Go's de $60 da Pokerstars, disse que tinha recebido mais de $1.000.
Como é natural nestes casos, outros jogadores dizem ainda que o/os "batoteiros" poderão também ter andado nos sits 6-máx. Segundo outro membro do TwoPlusTwo, "STTranger", este também terá sido reembolsado e não joga Spins.
Abaixo podes ler o email enviado aos jogadores:
PokerStars has become aware of a situation involving a violation of our Terms of Service, to the potential detriment of other players. You participated in games that were under consideration in this case and as a result you may have been adversely affected.
In a case such as this it is our policy to confiscate the balances of the offender(s) and for PokerStars to add funds where appropriate. This compensation pool is then distributed to players potentially affected in as fair a way as possible.
To confirm your credit, please log onto your PokerStars account, go to the 'Cashier' screen and click the 'History' button. Your share will be shown as "REFUND", followed by the amount of the credit.
The integrity of the games at PokerStars is of paramount importance and appropriate action will always be taken when players operate outside the Terms of Service. PokerStars works hard to police the games in order to pro-actively prevent such instances. However, in cases where it is discovered that rules breaches have occurred, the aim is to ensure that any players affected are compensated appropriately.
We regret that we will be unable to answer questions as to how your specific credit amount was calculated. Likewise, we are not at liberty to identify the specific games or player(s) in question. Suffice to say that the offender(s) have been barred from the site and you will not encounter them again.
Thank you for your continued play at PokerStars. Please let us know if we can help you with any further issues or questions.
PokerStars Game Integrity Team

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