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Alderney Gaming Control Commission revoga licença da Full Tilt Poker

Silvia  Almeida
Silvia Almeida
2 min. de leitura
Full Tilt Poker

Na semana passada, o departamento de Justiça dos Estados Unidos alterou a queixa original de 15 de Abril de 2011 contra a Full Tilt Poker, citando especificamente os nomes de Howard Lederer, Chris Ferguson e Rafe Furst e acusando a Full Tilt de operar um esquema Ponzi. Esta semana, a saga da Full Tilt continua e a Alderney Gaming Control Commission emitiu um comunicado anunciando a revogação da licença da Full Tilt.

Numa outra notícia relacionada , foram listadas uma série de razões para esta decisão incluindo o facto " da situação financeira e o background da empresa não são adequados a que possuam uma licença eGaming" e que as acusações do DOJ são "incidentes sérios" que vão contra os regulamentos."

Aqui está a declaração da AGCC, no original:

AGCC Commissioners, sitting as a tribunal, have today revoked the licenses of Vantage Limited, Filco Limited and Oxalic Limited, trading as Full Tilt Poker (FTP), with immediate effect. This follows the earlier suspension of the licenses on 29th June 2011.

At a hearing held in London over six days, it emerged that FTP had fundamentally misled AGCC about their operational integrity by continuously reporting as liquid funds balances that had been covertly seized or restrained by US authorities, or that were otherwise not actually available to the operator. Serious breaches of AGCC regulations include false reporting, unauthorized provision of credit, and failure to report material events.

At the commencement of these proceedings on 26th July AGCC made clear its preference to hold the hearing in public, to the benefit of players and media alike. However, the tribunal was persuaded that the hearing should be held in camera on the basis of claims by FTP that this would maximize the chance of a commercial rescue of the business for the benefit of players. For this reason an adjournment of 54 days was allowed.

It is important to note that the revocation of FTP’s licenses does not, as has been suggested, prevent a reactivation of the business under new ownership and management. Unresolved claims by players against FTP become a matter for the police and civil authorities. Now that FTP’s licenses have been revoked, AGCC no longer has jurisdiction over these companies.

The license of Orinic Limited, a recently added geographic sub-division of the FTP poker room, remains suspended.

A decisão da Comissão e as suas razões está disponível em GamblingControl.org.

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Silvia  Almeida
Silvia Almeida

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