Hands #7-10: Continuation Bets Work for Hanna and Pomponio

Hand #7: John Hanna raised to 1,200,000 from early position and Ralph Massey defended his big blind. The flop came and Massey checked to Hanna, who scooped the pot with a 1,200,000 c-bet.
Hand #8: Thomas Pomponio opened the pot with a raise from the cutoff, making it 1,100,000 to go. Taylor Black accepted the price and called from the big blind. The two saw the on the flop and another continuation bet got the job done as Black folded after Pomponio had bet 1.2 million.
Hand #9: Cards went into muck until Thomas Black's turn. Black was in the small blind and his 1,350,000 raise was enough to make him the winner.
Hand #10: John Hanna completed from the small blind but Kent Coppock wasn't willing to let his opponent look at a flop that cheap. Coppock announced he was all in and a snap-fold followed. Coppock then showed .