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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #28: $1,500 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw
Dia: 2

2017 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Prémio Total
Informações do Nível
30,000 / 60,000

Daniel Negreau Makes A Wheel

Nível 11 : 1,200/2,400, 0 ante
Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu

Daniel Negreau drew two on the first draw and check-raised Kyle Kloeckner during the first round of betting. Kloeckner called.

Negreanu and Kloeckner both stood pat the rest of the way while Negreanu got his remaining stack all in with a bet on the second draw and a 100 chip on the third.

He showed {7-}{5-}{4-}{3-}{2-} for a wheel and Kloeckner mucked.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Kyle Kloeckner us
Kyle Kloeckner
Profile photo of Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Daniel NegreanuKyle Kloeckner

Action at Table 701

Nível 11 : 1,200/2,400, 0 ante

Anna Wroblewski raised before the draws in middle position, and Farah Galfond called in the small blind. Both players drew a card and checked, then drew another. This time, Galfond had to check-call a bet to continue. Both players drew again though, and Galfond won after a check-check end with {8-}{7-}{6-}{5-}{3-}.

The next hand, a Michael Wagner bet after the first draw in the small blind and Daniel Negreanu raised. Wagner called and drew a card, while Negreanu was pat. On the next round, Wagner check-raised when Negreanu bet.

"You're still behind," Negreanu said cheerfully, calling the bet.

Both players patted and Negreanu called a final bet, only to see that Wagner was not, in fact, behind. That's because he had {7-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} for a wheel. Negreanu mucked an eight face-up.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Farah Galfond us
Farah Galfond
Profile photo of Michael Wagner us
Michael Wagner
Profile photo of Anna Wroblewski us
Anna Wroblewski
Profile photo of Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Anna WroblewskiDaniel NegreanuMichael WagnerFarah Galfond

Dean Kerl Outdraws Stuart Rutter

Nível 11 : 1,200/2,400, 0 ante

Stuart Rutter was in the small blind and raised predraw. Dean Kerl called from the big blind. Both players drew two. Rutter bet, Kerl raised, and Rutter called.

On the second draw, Rutter took one and Kerl stood pat. Rutter check-called a Kerl bet, then on the last draw took one against Kerl's pat hand again.

Rutter then check-mucked after Kerl checked behind. Kerl showed a {9-}{8-}{6-}{x-}{x-}

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Dean Kerl us
Dean Kerl
Profile photo of Stuart Rutter gb
Stuart Rutter

Tags: Dean KerlStuart Rutter

Nível: 11

Limites: 1,200/2,400

Ante: 0

Welcome to Day 2 of Event #28: $1,500 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw

Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu

One day down and two remain in Event #28: $1,500 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw, and 61 players are still in contention for just a hair under $110,000 and a piece of gold World Series of Poker jewelry.

They've advanced through a field that started at 326, and they're just a couple of tables away from the money as 49 places will be paid. The money bubble should burst fairly early here on Day 2, and we'll likely see a final table reached as well before the chips are placed in the bags once again.

After a 10-level grind on Wednesday, another 10 levels are on tap for Day 2, starting with betting limits of 1,200/2,400 and progressing up to 10,000/20,000 if all goes as planned on the WSOP structure sheet. Each level will be one hour, as usual, and there's a one-hour dinner break scheduled for after Level 16.

When play gets under way at 2 p.m. local time, Mark Roland will be the man to catch with a stack of 116,600. Plenty of hungry, talented players will be coming for the top spot, including Jon "PearlJammer" Turner (75,500), limit crusher Ian Johns (64,400), Rep Porter (56,900), Shaun Deeb (49,000), Rob Mizrachi (38,300), Dzmitry Urbanovich (37,900) and Daniel Negreanu (19,900).

Once the first card is in the air, PokerNews will be bringing all of the live updates right here, so don't go anywhere.

RoomTableSeatPlayerCountryChip Count
Brasilia7001Kyle MiasoUnited States46,900
Brasilia7002Jason RiesenbergUnited States27,300
Brasilia7003Dzmitry UrbanovichPoland37,900
Brasilia7004Shaun DeebUnited States49,000
Brasilia7005Helge StjernvangNorway70,600
Brasilia7006Frank AtheyUnited States68,400
Brasilia7012Kyle KloecknerUnited States22,500
Brasilia7013Farah GalfondUnited States61,000
Brasilia7014Michael WagnerUnited States57,600
Brasilia7015Daniel NegreanuCanada19,900
Brasilia7016Anna WroblewskiUnited States26,200
Brasilia7021Jonathan DuhamelCanada16,400
Brasilia7022Stuart RutterUnited Kingdom26,100
Brasilia7023Dean KerlUnited States17,000
Brasilia7024Timothy BatowUnited States17,300
Brasilia7025Xavier KyablueUnited States15,300
Brasilia7026Jon TurnerUnited States75,500
Brasilia7041Brian TateUnited States8,900
Brasilia7042Douglas GrismoreUnited States32,100
Brasilia7043Larry WrightUnited States6,400
Brasilia7044Sigi StockingerAustria36,000
Brasilia7045Rick FullerUnited States80,900
Brasilia7046Todd BuiUnited States53,800
Brasilia7052Oscar JohanssonSweden53,500
Brasilia7053Timothy FrazinUnited States50,000
Brasilia7054Carlos RodriguezUnited States60,300
Brasilia7055Michael SandersUnited States34,600
Brasilia7056Brian BrubakerUnited States86,600
Brasilia7061Mark RolandUnited States116,600
Brasilia7062Chris BjorinSweden42,400
Brasilia7063Ian JohnsUnited States64,400
Brasilia7064Jacob BoyleUnited States22,900
Brasilia7065Russell ClaytonUnited States18,200
Brasilia7066Yuval BronshteinIsrael71,800
Brasilia7071Rep PorterUnited States56,900
Brasilia7073Alan MyersonUnited States18,000
Brasilia7074Mark GregorichUnited States14,000
Brasilia7076Andrew YipCanada8,000
Brasilia7081Rami BoukaiUnited States38,300
Brasilia7082Ryan GoindooTrinidad and Tobago44,800
Brasilia7083Ralph RuddUnited States33,200
Brasilia7084Asher LowerUnited States52,900
Brasilia7085Richard ChaseUnited States8,900
Brasilia7086Max PescatoriItaly43,500
Brasilia7091Bobby FlaniganUnited States41,500
Brasilia7092Jesse HamptonUnited States9,400
Brasilia7093Tim FinneUnited States40,800
Brasilia7094Max KruseGermany47,100
Brasilia7095Matt SzymaszekUnited States26,600
Brasilia7096Robert MizrachiUnited States38,300
Brasilia7101Andrew BarberUnited States4,000
Brasilia7102Jordan SiegelUnited States64,100
Brasilia7103Mike WattelUnited States37,000
Brasilia7104Michael ShawUnited States19,800
Brasilia7105Jeremy HeartbergUnited States63,400
Brasilia7106Andrew KelsallUnited States32,000
Brasilia7112Brendan TaylorUnited States50,500
Brasilia7113Mikhail ZlotnikUnited States53,600
Brasilia7114Danny NoamUnited States51,400
Brasilia7115Jorge WalkerUnited States33,700
Brasilia7116Nicholas PtasnikUnited States28,200

Event #28: $1,500 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw

Dia 2 Iniciado

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