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Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2024 World Series of Poker

Dias: 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

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Event Info
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Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 3
Jogadores em jogo

Hui Scoops to Double Up

Nível 32
Phillip Hui
Phillip Hui

Stud Hi-Lo

Kevin Cote: A5 / 2J93 / Xx
Phillip Hui: 42 / 3475 / Xxall-in on third street

Kevin Cote brought in and Phillip Hui called. Daniel Mayoh completed and Cote called. Hui then raised, forcing Mayoh out, with both Hui and Cote proceeding to raise until Hui was all in for 1,025,000.

Both had wheel draws, but Hui paired on fourth street and a seven-low on sixth street.

On seventh street, Cote pulled a 7 to make a better seven-low, but Hui pulled the A to make a wheel and scoop to stay alive.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kevin Cote us
Kevin Cote
Phillip Hui us
Phillip Hui
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Daniel MayohKevin CotePhillip Hui

Luo Doubles Again

Nível 32

Stud Hi-Lo

Xixiang Luo: K9/JAQ7/J
Kevin Cote: K8/2A94/Q

Xixiang Luo completed and was called by Kevin Cote.

Luo bet on fourth street and Cote raised. Luo called and then bet his remaining chips on fifth. Cote called to put Luo at risk and boards were run.

Luo ended with a pair jacks on seventh and doubled up.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kevin Cote us
Kevin Cote
Xixiang Luo cn
Xixiang Luo
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Kevin CoteXixiang Luo

Cote Overtakes Avina in Stud Hi-Lo

Nível 32
Kevin Cote
Kevin Cote

Stud Hi-Lo

Kevin Cote: XxXx / 33108 / Xx
Christian Gonzalez: XxXx / 52Jfolded on fifth street
David Avina: XxXx / 7A2K / Xx

Christian Gonzalez completed and got calls from Kevin Cote and David Avina.

All three players checked fourth street. Fifth street checked to Avina who bet and Cote was the only caller.

Cote bet on sixth and seventh street, with Avina calling on sixth street before raising on seventh. Cote called.

Avina tabled 775 for trip sevens, with Cote tabling 885 for a full house, eights full of threes.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kevin Cote us
Kevin Cote
David Avina us
David Avina

Tags: Christian GonzalezDavid AvinaKevin Cote

Luo Comes From Behind to Double

Nível 32
Xixiang Luo
Xixiang Luo

Seven Card Stud

Xixiang Luo: 77/9575/2
Phillip Hui: J2/JQ53/5

Phillip Hui completed and Xixiang Luo raised all in. Action folded back to Hui, who called to put Luo at risk.

Hui was ahead with split jacks, but Luo caught trips on fifth street and upgraded to a full house on sixth street to double up through Hui.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Phillip Hui us
Phillip Hui
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Xixiang Luo cn
Xixiang Luo
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Phillip HuiXixiang Luo

Luo Dangerously Short

Nível 32

Seven Card Stud

Kevin Cote: XxXx / K3K3
Xixiang Luo: XxXx / 710104folded on sixth street

Kevin Cote completed and Xixiang Luo called. Cote bet on fourth, fifth and sixth street, improving first to open-kings and then two pair. Luo eventually folded.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kevin Cote us
Kevin Cote
Xixiang Luo cn
Xixiang Luo
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Kevin CoteXixiang Luo

Jack Enough For Gonzales

Nível 32


Xixiang Luo: Qx9x3x/7xKx8x7x
Christian Gonzalez: Kx6x5x/Ax2xJxJx

Xixiang Luo completed and was called by Christian Gonzalez.

Both players checked on fourth and fifth street and then Luo called a bet from Gonzalez on sixth.

It was checked down on seventh and Gonzalez turned over 5x6x for a jack low. It was best against Luo, who drew to a queen and Gonzalez dragged the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Christian Gonzalez us
Christian Gonzalez
Xixiang Luo cn
Xixiang Luo
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Xixiang LuoChristian Gonzalez

Nível: 32

Limit Flop: 100,000-200,000, 200,000-400,000 Limits
Stud Games: 50,000-200,000, 200,000-400,000 Limits, 50,000 Ante

For More on the $25K Fantasy League Follow PokerNews' Curated X List of All Draftees

Nível 31
$25K Fantasy League
$25K Fantasy League

At the end of May, 152 players were auctioned off into 19 teams of eight during the 25K Fantasy Draft for the 2024 World Series of Poker, held at the illustrious PokerGO Studio.

With a total prize pool of $475,000, the stakes are incredibly high for the participants. The payouts are structured to reward the top four teams substantially, with the first-place team taking home $225,000, followed by $125,000 for second place, $75,000 for third, and $50,000 for fourth.

Most of the players drafted are on social media, and PokerNews has taken the liberty of compiling all of their accounts into a single list on X (formerly Twitter). Simply follow our list and you'll be able to see any update posted by the draftee!

Click here to follow the $25K Fantasy list on X!

Remember, PokerNews has been tracking $25K Fantasy players in our live updates, and have even made it simple to follow the action by tagging all players with a $25K Fantasy badge. That allows you to utilize our chip count filter option to follow only those players (just tick the $25K Fantasy badge); what’s more, each blog will have a “$25K Fantasy” tab that if you click all you will see are hands played by $25K Fantasy players.