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2023 World Series of Poker

Event #76: $10,000 WSOP Main Event World Championship
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
1,250,000 / 2,500,000
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 2d
Jogadores em jogo

Holz Runs Out of Wisdom

Nível 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Fedor Holz
Fedor Holz

Over on the left feature table, Fedor Holz in the hijack checked the Q95A10 river and then faced the all-in of Andrew Wisdom on the button. Holz had 36,300 behind and eventually called it off with the Q6 and Wisdom revealed KJ for broadway to score the knockout.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Andrew Wisdom us
Andrew Wisdom
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andrew WisdomFedor Holz

Phil Hellmuth Coolered Out of WSOP Main Event by Nicholas "Dirty Diaper" Rigby

Nível 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Phil Hellmuth
Phil Hellmuth

Phil Hellmuth will not be the winner of the 2023 Word Series of Poker Main Event as the all-time leading bracelet winner was eliminated around an hour ago on Day 2d.

The player to send 'The Poker Brat' to the rail was Nicholas "Dirty Diaper" Rigby, who rose to fame in the poker community in the 2021 Main Event after getting into the mix several times with 3x2x.

Hellmuth, who won the Main Event in 1989, has failed to make the money in poker's crown jewel tournament for the last eight years. His last Main Event cash came in 2015, where he finished in 417th for $21,786.

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Sanechika Finds the Perfect Flop

Nível 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Nana Sanechicka
Nana Sanechicka

Nana Sanechika raised in early position to 2,500, finding three callers; the cutoff, small blind and big blind.

The action checked over to the cutoff who bet out 2,500 on a board of A410. Both the blinds called while Sanechika check-raised to 8,000. The cutoff flat called and the small blind three-bet to 22,000. The big blind got out of the way, Sanechika called the raise and the cutoff folded.

Heads up to a turn of the 3. The small blind shoved all in for the remainder of their stack and Sanechika snap-called.

Small Blind: 44
Nana Sanechika: 1010

The river fell the 2 and Sanechika claimed this massive pot virtue of a set-over-set cooler.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Nana Sanechika jp
Nana Sanechika

Tags: Nana Sanechika

Dwan Uses the "Dirty Diaper" to Crack Aces

Nível 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Tom Dwan
Tom Dwan

Tom Dwan was in early position and facing a bet of 8,000 on a flop of 385. He called and the turn came the 3.

Dwan again checked and his opponent, to Dwan's direct left, fired out another 20,000. Dwan looked over at him and paused for a moment before splashing in a raise.

His opponent quickly called all in for his last 60,000 and turned over AA. Dwan had 32 for trips and the all-in player leapt from his seat to await his fate.

The river came the J and Dwan won the pot and earned the knockout to climb up near 200,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Tom Dwan us
Tom Dwan
GTO Wizard

Tags: Tom Dwan

Wilson Fires on the River

Nível 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Andy Wilson
Andy Wilson

Andy Wilson was on the big blind when the player in the cutoff raised to 2,000. Wilson made the call. The flop came out Q36 and the cutoff placed a bet of 3,400 and Wilson called.

Both players checked the turn 8 and the board was starting to glitter.

The river 2 is where Wilson made his move and bet 5,000. The cutoff took a minute to decide and appeared as though he was going to raise but then threw in the red chip. Wilson showed QJ for top pair and the cutoff mucked.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Andy Wilson gb
Andy Wilson

Tags: Andy Wilson

Brown Has Bullets

Nível 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Camille Brown
Camille Brown

Senthuran Vijayaratnam raised under the gun to 3,000, Weston Pring in early position called and Camille Brown in the hijack squeezed to 9,300. Orson Young on the button four-bet to 20,000 forcing both Vijayaratnam and Pring to fold. Brown moved all in for 26,600 and Young called.

Camille Brown: AA
Orson Young: AK

The board ran 89JKJ ensuring Brown the full double up virtue of her aces.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Senthuran Vijayaratnam ca
Senthuran Vijayaratnam
Weston Pring ca
Weston Pring
Orson Young us
Orson Young
Camille Brown us
Camille Brown

Tags: Camille BrownOrson YoungSenthuran VijayaratnamWeston Pring

Cynn Sends One Out

Nível 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
John Cynn
John Cynn

A player in early position raised to 2,500 and the action folded around to John Cynn in the big blind. He paused for about 20 seconds before deciding to three-bet to 7,500. The original raiser jammed for about 40,000 and Cynn snap-called.

Early position: 1010
John Cynn: AK

It was a classic race until the flop came KQ4, pairing Cynn's king to take the lead. The Q hit the turn and the 9 landed on the river, not improving Cynn's opponent as he hit the rail.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
John Cynn us
John Cynn
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: John Cynn

Rigby Strikes Again and Knocks Out Hellmuth

Nível 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Feature Table Horseshoe Main Room, Phil Hellmuth
Feature Table Horseshoe Main Room, Phil Hellmuth

Over on the main feature table, Robert Jones raised to 2,500 with the KK and earned two calls as three players headed to the A109 flop. It checked to the initial raiser and Jones bet-folded for 2,500 when Nicholas Rigby raised to 8,000 while Phil Hellmuth check-called out of the big blind.

That brought Rigby and Hellmuth to the 2 turn on which the latter checked. Rigby overbet 36,000 to create a pot of 64,400 and Hellmuth check-jammed for 94,500 to get called by Rigby.

Phil Hellmuth: 109
Nicholas Rigby: A10

Hellmuth was in dire shape and the miracle escape never happened with the 5 river, sending Hellmuth to the rail in anti-climatic fashion. "Good game ... nice hand," Hellmuth said in the table chat and shook hands with Rigby before leaving the mothership.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Nicholas Rigby us
Nicholas Rigby
Day 1D Chip Leader
Robert Jones us
Robert Jones
Phil Hellmuth us
Phil Hellmuth
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 17X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Nicholas RigbyPhil HellmuthRobert Jones

Hawkins Wreaks Havoc on the Joses, Seizes Chip Lead

Nível 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Maurice Hawkins
Maurice Hawkins

When walking by Maurice Hawkins' table, he was raking in a huge pot and sitting on a stack of nearly 400,000. A spectator was kind enough to relay the action that had happened to PokerNews.

Apparently, someone at the table had raised to 2,400 and Jose Ortiz called from middle position. Maurice Hawkins was on the button and made a big three-bet to 15,300, which only Ortiz called.

The flop was then spread 532 and Ortiz checked to Hawkins, who made a continuation-bet of 16,000. Ortiz then raised to 40,000 and Hawkins called.

Ortiz fired another bet in on the 8 turn, this time of 50,000 chips. Again, Hawkins made the call and the pair saw the 5x river. Ortiz slowed down and checked to Hawkins, and the latter went all-in, covering his opponent.

Ortiz quickly made the call and was shown the AxAx by Hawkins. Ortiz also played an overpair, but the smallest one with 9x9x. Ortiz was eliminated and Hawkins shot up to a stack of almost 400,000.

Not much later, Jose Paz-Gutierrez's seat was also seen empty and Hawkins played an even bigger stack. He is now the far-and-away chip leader in Red with more than 500,000 chips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Maurice Hawkins us
Maurice Hawkins
Day 2D Chip Leader
Jose Ortiz gb
Jose Ortiz
Jose Paz-Gutierrez bo
Jose Paz-Gutierrez

Tags: Jose OrtizJose Paz-GutierrezMaurice Hawkins

"Adam22" No Longer in the Mix

Nível 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Adam Grandmaison
Adam Grandmaison

Popular podcast host Adam "Adam22" Grandmaison had entered his second ever WSOP Main Event and tweeted he spun up the stack to 88,000 in the first level of play. He was moved into the Silver section of the Horseshoe Event Center from where he vanished just before the previous break.

According to players at the table, Grandmaison got it in with around 40,000 and ace-queen off suit but ran smack dab into the pocket kings of Julie Bae. The 6x4x4x flop kept Grandmaison in contention but another king on the turn gave Bae an unbeatable full house.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Julie Bae us
Julie Bae
Adam Grandmaison us
Adam Grandmaison

Tags: Adam GrandmaisonJulie Bae