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2022 World Series of Poker

Event #70: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event World Championship
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 6
Jogadores em jogo

Khan Picks Up Kings to Double

Nível 29 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante

William Smith in the big blind had re-raised to 1,100,000 before Mack Khan in the cutoff shoved for 4,900,000. Smith gave it some thought before committing the chips.

Mack Khan: {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}
William Smith: {a-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}

"All day long, kings versus ace-queen, ace-king," a tablemate said heading to the {3-Spades}{8-Hearts}{9-Clubs} flop. It was safe for Khan, as were the {10-Spades} turn and {7-Hearts} river as he doubled up and left Smith a short stack.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Mack Khan us
Mack Khan
William Smith us
William Smith

Tags: Mack KhanWilliam Smith

Minor Setback for Lievano as Reed Doubles

Nível 29 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Robert Reed
Robert Reed

Robert Reed was all in for a mere 1,200,000 with the {q-Diamonds}{q-Hearts} and once the cards were revealed, his opponent Antonio Lievano sighed an "shit, nice hand" before grabbing his phone and recording the action. Lievano had one overcard and some broadway outs as he tabled the {a-Hearts}{q-Clubs}.

Nothing changed on the {k-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} flop and Lievano asked for an "ace ball" on the {8-Clubs} turn. However, the {j-Clubs} river changed nothing whatsoever and Reed doubled his short stack.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Antonio Lievano us
Antonio Lievano
Robert Reed us
Robert Reed

Tags: Antonio LievanoRobert Reed

Trips for Bhojani

Nível 29 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante

Asher Conniff opened to 300,000 from early position and Imran Bhojani defended the big blind.

The dealer spread the {8-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} flop, Bhojani checked, and Conniff bet 225,000. Bhojani clicked it back with a check-raise to 450,000, and Conniff called.

The {2-Hearts} fell on the turn, Bhojani bet 325,000, and Conniff called.

The {q-Diamonds} completed the board and Bhojani bet 1,100,000. Conniff tanked for over a minute and ultimately put in the chips.

Bhojani tabled {5-Diamonds}{4-Spades} for flopped trips to collect the pot as his opponent mucked.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Matija Dobric hr
Matija Dobric
Kamal Bittar py
Kamal Bittar
Imran Bhojani za
Imran Bhojani
Asher Conniff us
Asher Conniff
WSOP 1X Winner
Kenneth Baime us
Kenneth Baime
Matthew Su us
Matthew Su
Day 7 Chip Leader
David Diaz us
David Diaz
WSOP 1X Winner
Vadim Rozin ca
Vadim Rozin
Henry Fischer br
Henry Fischer

Tags: Asher ConniffImran Bhojani

Funaro's Bluff Doesn't Phase Wilson

Nível 29 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante

A completed board of {a-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{4-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} was spread across the felt and Frank Funaro was heads-up with Austin Wilson. Funaro checked from the big blind and Wilson tossed in a bet of 450,000 in the cutoff.

Funaro responded with a check-raise to 2,000,000 which left Wilson scratching his head. After a minute passed, Wilson called and turned over {k-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} for the best hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Austin Wilson us
Austin Wilson
Frank Funaro us
Frank Funaro
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Austin WilsonFrank Funaro

Did Alejandro Lococo Pull Off Best WSOP Main Event Bluff Since Moneymaker?

Nível 29 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Alejandro Lococo
Alejandro Lococo

PokerStars ambassador Alejandro Lococo, aka "Papo MC," made one of the greatest bluffs you'll ever see in the World Series of Poker Main Event Monday night.

Lococo, an Argentinian freestyle rapper with 2.8 million Instagram followers, is attempting to return to the Main Event final table after finishing in seventh place for $1,225,000 last year.

Read the story here!

Tags: Alejandro Lococo

Lavenburg Sticks Around With a Double

Nível 29 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Michael Lavenburg
Michael Lavenburg

Espen Jorstad raised and then called the all-in of severe short stack Michael Lavenburg for the last 600,000 on the button.

Michael Lavenburg: {3-Hearts}{3-Clubs}
Espen Jorstad: {a-Diamonds}{10-Spades}

The {k-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{3-Spades} flop gave Lavenburg the bottom set and he whispered in table chat "no queen or jack". That request was granted with the {10-Clubs} turn as his double-up was now secured and he even improved to a full house on the {6-Clubs} river.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Espen Jorstad no
Espen Jorstad
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
GTO Wizard
WSOP 2X Winner
Michael Lavenburg us
Michael Lavenburg

Tags: Espen JorstadMichael Lavenburg

Kim Busts Morrell with Broadway Straight

Nível 29 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Gerald Morrell
Gerald Morrell

Gerald Morrell shoved his last 2,180,000 from the button and Haim Or Krief called from the small blind, but Brian Kim three-bet to 7,280,000 and Or Krief ducked out of the way. Action was heads up with Morrell at risk.

Gerald Morrell: {k-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}
Brian Kim: {a-Clubs}{k-Hearts}

The board ran out {10-Hearts}{j-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{q-Spades}{q-Diamonds} and Kim turned a Broadway straight to send Morrell to the rail.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Brian Kim us
Brian Kim
Haim Or Krief us
Haim Or Krief
Gerald Morrell us
Gerald Morrell

Tags: Brian KimGerald MorrellHaim Or Krief

Gisler Surrenders to Duek's Pressure

Nível 29 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante

Jon Gisler raised to 300,000 from the hijack before Michael Duek re-raised to 850,000 on the button. Gisler called to see the {k-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{3-Spades} flop.

Gisler checked over to Duek, who continued for 600,000. Gisler called and the turn came the {4-Clubs}.

Gisler checked once again, and this time Duek stuck out 1,700,000. Gisler thought about it for a moment before giving up his hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Michael Duek ar
Michael Duek
Jon Gisler us
Jon Gisler

Tags: Jon GislerMichael Duek

Su Wins Classic Flip to Double

Nível 29 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Matthew Su
Matthew Su

Kenneth Baime opened to 325,000 from early position and Matthew Su moved all in for 3,825,000 in the small blind. Baime called.

Matthew Su: {a-Spades}{k-Spades}
Kenneth Baime: {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}

It was the most classic of flips as Su's suited big slick was up against the red ladies. The {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{8-Diamonds} flop vaulted Su into the lead, and the {5-Diamonds} turn just left him needing to fade a queen. The {10-Spades} completed the board and confirmed the result as Su picked up the double.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Matthew Su us
Matthew Su
Day 7 Chip Leader
Kenneth Baime us
Kenneth Baime

Tags: Kenneth BaimeMatthew Su