18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2022 World Series of Poker

Event #5: $500 The Housewarming No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 1b
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
8,000,000 / 16,000,000
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 1b
Jogadores em jogo

Engerman Makes a Straight to Bust Opponent

Nível 8 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

Preflop action saw 12,400 go into the pot. With three players still in the hand, the flop came {2-Spades}{9-Clubs}{10-Spades}. Lawrence Engerman checked from the big blind. A bet of 6,000 came from early position. Both the cutoff and Engerman called.

The turn brought the {8-Clubs} to the board. Engerman wasted little time before announcing "I'm all in" to the table, with around 40,000 left. The early position player called for the 15,000 he had remaining. The big blind got out of the way, as the players showed their hands.

Lawrence Engerman: {q-Hearts}{j-Spades}
Opponent: {a-Hearts}{j-Hearts}

Engerman had turned a straight. The river changed nothing, and Engerman scooped the pot as his opponent was sent to the rail.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Lawrence Engerman us
Lawrence Engerman

Tags: Lawrence Engerman

Admon Chipping Up

Nível 8 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante
Salim Admon
Salim Admon

The action started with middle position opening for 3,200 and getting called by the player to their left. Mike Nelson called in the small blind and Salim Admon came along from the big blind.

With a pot of 14,300 the flop was {a-Hearts}{6-Spades}{7-Hearts} and checked by all.

On the turn {6-Clubs}, Nelson checked first to act and Admon selected a sizing of 8,500. The oringial preflop raiser got out of the way and the middle position player called. Nelson also folded.

The river was the {3-Clubs} and Admon put the pressure on, betting 26,000. His opponent tanked for awhile but eventually folded awarding Admon the sizable pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Salim Admon us
Salim Admon
Mike Nelson us
Mike Nelson

Guarantee in Sight

Nível 8 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

With two hours of late registration left, Day 1b has already exceeded the number of entrants from Day 1a. There was a total of 3,376 entrants who competed in Day 1a. Day 1b has so far attracted 3,517 entries.

The Housewarming is on target to smash the $5,000,000 guarantee.

Zarco Takes Down Pot After Calling Opponent's Bluff

Nível 8 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

Javier Zarco led from under the gun for 2,500, receiving calls from the player to his left and the big blind, giving three-way action to the flop, which came {a-Spades}{5-Hearts}{7-Hearts}.

Action checked around to the player in early position. She led for 4,000. The big blind moved out of the way, while Zarco made the call.

The turn came {3-Clubs}. Zarco checked. His opponent fired another barrel, this time for 5,000. Zarco called.

The board completed with {k-Hearts} on the river. After another check from Zarco, his opponent fired for a third time, now for 10,000. Zarco made the call, and his opponent mucked her hand instantly, before either player had shown their hand. Zarco revealed one of his hole cards, the {6-Clubs} before tossing his cards in the muck and raking in the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Javier Zarco es
Javier Zarco

Tags: Javier Zarco

Liming Takes Out Player

Nível 8 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

The chips were in the middle with the small blind the effective stack for 15,600 and was called by Bruce Liming in the big blind.

Small Blind: {7-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}
Bruce Liming: {8-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}

The board of {a-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{4-Spades}{k-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} was safe for Liming's pocket eights and he eliminates his opponent.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Bruce Liming us
Bruce Liming

Tags: Bruce Liming

Nível: 8

Blinds: 1,000/1,500

Ante: 1,500

Boyette Flips Back To Starting Stack

Nível 7 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Tony Boyette opened for 2,400 from under the gun, then the player to his direct left shoved for his last 11,000. It folded back around to Boyette and he committed a quarter of his stack to call.

Tony Boyette: {j-Spades}{10-Hearts}
Opponent: {a-Spades}{8-Hearts}

The board ran {4-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{j-Hearts} to give Boyette two pair, the modest pot, and knock out a player.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Tony Boyette us
Tony Boyette

Cada Tries for the Double Knockout, But Darby's Pair Holds

Nível 7 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Joe Cada
Joe Cada

After a raise to 4,800 from Harrison Darby in early position, a player called before Ernesto Jimenez went all-in for 13,000.

Joe Cada was on the button and reraised all in. Harrison Darby called all in for less, almost 30,000. Action was back on the player who just called the raise, after a while, he finally folded his hand.

Joe Cada {a-Spades}{k-Clubs}
Harrison Darby {10-Diamonds}{10-Spades}
Ernesto Jimenez {8-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}

The board came {3-Spades}{6-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{4-Spades}{7-Clubs} giving the best of it to Harrison Darby with his pair of Tens. He felted Jimenez, more than doubling up with Cada's contribution.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Harrison Darby us
Harrison Darby
Joe Cada us
Joe Cada
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 4X Winner
Ernesto Jimenez es
Ernesto Jimenez