Just four tables remain now in this $1,000 Turbo bracelet event. Kosei Ichinose has dropped down to second place after shipping over 800,000 over to another opponent, leaving Niko "niNohR" Koop in the chip lead now. Check out the rest of the stacks from all the players remaining below.
Action started with Joaquin "Pukambi" Melogno raising on the button, and the small blind called. In the big blind, Robin "Kabuzzi" Berggren moved all in for over a million. Melogno would call for less, and the small blind folded.
Robin "Kabuzzi" Berggren:
Joaquin "Pukambi" Melogno:
An ace came right on the flop, and Melogno was unable to spike a one outer from there, giving Berggren a virtual double up.
Kosei Ichinose has been relentlessly aggressive over the last hour, and his stack has been soaring as a result. In the latest hand, Tom "Pik00rs" Delaine raised to 100,000, and Ichinose came in with a three bet to 273,990 from the button. Delaine thought for a bit before shoving all in for his final 900,000, and Ichinose was quick to call with . Delaine had just , and while both players would flop two pair, a king on the turn meant that only a queen would work for Delaine.
A four came instead, and in a flash, Ichinose is up to over five million, and holds a nice lead over the field now.
The 30th level of the tournament has just kicked off, and the field is now under 50 players. A full list of chip counts for all players remaining will be posted when a couple more tables of players have busted. Until then, here is how the top 10 looks right now.
The action remains fast and furious in this Turbo short handed event, as just 60 players remain. Japanese pro Kosei Ichinose is starting to separate himself from the pack, with over 3,800,000 in chips. His next closest competitor, Niko "niNohR" Koop, has one million less.
The folks at Crafty Wheel Studios are serious recreational players who want to improve your game. Their apps helps you to be better poker players at the table. They really want to help others who are in the same boat as they are as poker players.
To do this they offer two great poker apps in Preflop+ and Postflop+. The former is a must-have poker study app to refer Nash Charts, train with equity calculations, create and master ranges, combinatorics and more! Meanwhile, the latter is their Advanced GTO Poker trainer App allowing you instant feedback on your play and improve your game on the go!
Here's more info from Crafty Wheels Studio:
Preflop+ is THE best app to improve as a poker player. GTO preflop charts pre-loaded (no internet connection required) to make +EV shove, calls and rejams based on Nash equilibrium.
Unlike many popular solutions, we present you with the exact EV of all the hole cards as a chart so you are equipped with making your own decision. This will help you make better decisions such as avoiding marginal spots when you have clear edge over the field. And also help you take any +EV spots when the field is pretty tough knowing the exact EV of your holdings.
The app also has the fastest and most accurate equity calculator for all streets - Preflop, flop, turn and river.
We have elaborate training modules to train different aspects of Poker. Train Shove/Call Spots, equity drills and improve your math skills using our Pot Odds Trainer. Become a better poker player, now! Don't miss out!
Beautiful charts, color coded so you can make your decisions quickly.
EV of every single shove and/or call is shown so that you can base your decisions based on EV and avoid those marginal spots as an exploit!
Training Mode lets you train to improve on all situations.
Equity Calculator included to calculate equity on the go!
Equity Drills lets you study equity calculations - hand vs hand, hand vs range, range vs hand and range vs range.
Pot Odds let you improve on Poker Math so you are not guessing anymore at the tables.
Easy to navigate and use.
Eye-friendly color schemes to use the app for long period of times.
Postflop+ is the best poker training app for studying GTO methodologies post-flop. We have taken millions of PIO solved GTO simulation spots and presented the results in our sleek and effective training tools. Postflop+ lets you train the way you play perfect GTO
Just pick a PIO solved spot and hit play. Postflop+ will then present you with a hand and lets you make GTO decisions given the formation, action, etc. Once you choose an action, you get immediate GTO feedback, optimal frequency to bet/check and optimal sizing to use. The answer is based on high accuracy solves that is run and available ready to go!
Gives you exact GTO ranges, frequencies, bet sizings and EV loss/gain for every spot.
Millions of PIO solved spots to train with
The app is fun and easy to use and navigate.
Eye-friendly color schemes to use the app for long period of times.