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Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2014 World Series of Poker

Event #65: $10,000 Main Event
Dias: 2ab
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações sobre o nível
800,000 / 1,600,000

Taylor Slipping

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

With approximately 40,000 already in the pot, Jonathan Taylor slid out a bet of 39,000 with the board showing {Q-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}. His opponent, went into the tank for a minute before counting out a call and tossing it carelessly into the middle as if he wasn't expecting to see those chips again.

"You're good," said Taylor, mucking his hand as his opponent showed {A-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs} for a pair of queens.

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Jonathan Taylor us
Jonathan Taylor

Gold Takes from Schanbacher

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

After a player limped in from under the gun, Jack Schanbacher raised to 2,200 from the hijack seat. Benjamin Godl was in the cutoff seat and made the call. The preflop limper also called, and the flop came down {K-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{9-Spades}. The first player checked, Schanbacher bet 3,700, Gold called, and the other player folded.

The turn was the {2-Clubs}, and both Schanbacher and Gold checked to see the {8-Hearts} fall on the river and complete the board. After Schanbacher checked, Gold bet 11,200. Schanbacher gave it up, and Gold won the pot.

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Jack Schanbacher us
Jack Schanbacher
Benjamin Gold us
Benjamin Gold

Tags: Benjamin GoldJack Schanbacher

Moore Drops Under 200k, Matte Triples

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

An early positioned player made it 1,250 to go and found calls from a late position player, Scott Matte in the cutoff, Samuel Moore in the small blind, and the big blind. All five players watched as {8-Spades}{4-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} hit the felt.

Action checked to the original raiser who fired 5,525. One player folded, Matte called, and action was back on Moore in the small blind. He came over the top with a raise to 19,000. The big blind folded and the original raiser called. Matte took this opportunity to move all in for his last 29,300 which both players called.

The {7-Hearts} fell on fourth street, prompting checks from Moore and his active opponent. Both checked again on the {A-Clubs} river and Moore's opponent showed {A-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}. Moore mucked at the sight of this, but the pot was ultimately scooped by Matte's {10-Clubs}{8-Clubs}. He dragged this massive triple and now has about 100,000 in chips. Moore, on the other hand, has dropped back below the 200k mark with 197,300.

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Samuel Moore us
Samuel Moore
Scott Matte us
Scott Matte

Tags: Samuel MooreScott Matte

Farber Looking for Another Deep Run in the Main Event

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

Last year Las Vegas VIP host Jay Farber lived the dream by navigating the WSOP Main Event field to make his way to the November Nine. When he returned months later, Farber managed to finagle his way to second place, good for $5,174,357. This year, Farber managed to survive Day 1a with 55,050, and thus far his Day 2a has been going well as he's nearly tripled that.

Farber, who is seated at one of the secondary feature tables, obviously has high hopes of another deep run, but there is still a long way to go. In a recent hand, there was around 6,000 in the pot and a flop of {2-Hearts}{k-Spades}{2-Diamonds} when Farber bet 2,300 from the cutoff and his opponent on the button raised to 5,625.

Farber, who is sporting his trademark panda paraphernalia, made the call and then both players checked the {4-Hearts} turn. The action repeated itself on the {7-Clubs} river, and Farber confidently tabled the {k-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} for kings and deuces with a ten kicker. Unfortunately for him, he was outkicked as the button held the {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs} for a better two pair.

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Jay Farber us
Jay Farber

Tags: Jay Farber

Dawley Done In

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante
Jessica Dawley - Eliminated
Jessica Dawley - Eliminated

Theo Tran raised in early position, a player on his left called, and Jessica Dawley put in a three-bet near the button. Tran four-bet, the action folded back to Dawley who moved all in, and Tran called.

Tran: {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}
Dawley: {k-Spades}{k-Diamonds}

Dawley was in great shape to double, until she was drawing dead on a flop of {3-Spades}{a-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}. The turn ({2-Diamonds}) and river ({3-Diamonds}) were both meaningless, and Dawley hit the rail.

Tran is up to 68,000 chips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Theo Tran us
Theo Tran
Jessica Dawley us
Jessica Dawley
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jessica DawleyTheo Tran

Smith Trending Up Despite Loss

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

A player moved all in on a short stack of 11,375 against a few opponents, and action folded to the last player with cards, Dan Smith, who made the call. The board was {4-Spades}{7-Hearts}{5-Spades}.

Smith: {k-Spades}{j-Spades}
Opponent: {k-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}

Smith didn't have as many outs as he may have expected, since only his flush draw was live. He bricked it as the last two streets came {8-Hearts} and then {4-Hearts}, and Smith doubled his opponent up.

Despite the setback, Smith has gained considerable chips since we last checked on him.

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Dan Smith us
Dan Smith
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Dan Smith

Nassif Gets It Quietly

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante
Gabriel Nassif
Gabriel Nassif

We haven’t seen Gabriel Nassif play a whole lot of pots today but his tight image saw a first position raise from him take the antes and blinds. Not even big stack Seamus Cahill in the big blind was prepared to give him a spin.

Nassif was in the big blind next hand and facing a raise from small blind Anton Makiievskyi to 1,800. Nassif made the call and the two players went to a flop of {3-Spades}{7-Clubs}{8-Spades}.

Makiievskyi bet 2,100 and Nassif made the call to see the turn card {10-Spades}. Makiievskyi then check-called a 4,200 bet and the river {q-Hearts} completed the board. Checked to Nassif, he bet 8,500 and although Makiievskyi gave him a sceptical stare he released his hand and the pot was pushed Nassif’s way.

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Gabriel Nassif fr
Gabriel Nassif
Anton Makiievskyi ua
Anton Makiievskyi

Tags: Gabriel NassifAnton Makiievskyi

Chae and Cartwright Chop It Up

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

Hyoung Chae opened to 1,200 from early position and was called by Kyle Cartwright and the two players in the blinds. The flop came {K-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} and it was checked to Chae who bet 2,200. Cartwright called, the player in the small blind folded, and the player in the big blind check-raised to 6,800.

The turn was the {10-Hearts} and all three players checked. The river was the {Q-Clubs} and the player in the big blind quickly checked. Chae bet 12,000 and Cartwright called. The player in the big blind folded and Chae, with {A-Clubs}{A-Spades}, and Cartwright, with {A-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}, would split the pot with straights.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Hyoung Chae us
Hyoung Chae
Kyle Cartwright us
Kyle Cartwright
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Kyle CartwrightHyoung Chae

Love Takes One Out

Nível 7 : 300/600, 75 ante

Picking up the action after a {J-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} flop, Imari Love and an opponent went back and forth until Love's opponent shoved for roughly 62,000. Love called after a few moments with {2-Spades}{2-Clubs} and was relieved to see his opponent table {K-Hearts}{J-Spades}. The {4-Spades} turn didn't end things yet, but the {10-Spades} river locked up the for Love.

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Imari Love us
Imari Love

Tags: Imari Love