Ivey Left Ashore

Phil Ivey, who rumor has it has been away from the Rio the past few days killing it in some local cash game, sat down and found himself in a hand right off the bat.
Ivey: /
Bruno Fitoussi: /
Opponent: /
The action began with the player holding the ace taking the lead. Ivey led out with a bet after making a pair on fifth. Everybody called and the aces bet sixth. Fitoussi layed his hand down when the player with aces bet again on seventh, but Ivey made the call, only to muck when he was shown for the boat.
After the hand, Ivey explained to a few people around the room where he'd been the past few days.
"Sometimes you got to miss a tournament or two," he said with a smile. "It's just what the situation calls for."