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2013 World Series of Poker

Event #9: $3,000 No-Limit Hold'em Shootout
Dia: 3

2013 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Informações do Nível
15,000 / 30,000

Hand #170

Nível 7 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Hand #170: From the button Silverman raised to 48,000. Josephy called from the small blind as did Silverstein from the big blind. The flop was the {9-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{q-Clubs} and action checked around. The turn was the {3-Spades}. Josephy made a bet of 150,000 and both players folded.

Hands #165 - #169

Nível 7 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Hand #165: Cliff Josephy raised to 55,000 from the button. He was called by Steven Silverman in the big blind. The flop was {Q-Spades}{10-Clubs}{10-Spades}. Silverman check folded to a bet from Josephy.

Hand #166: Evan Silverstein raised to 48,000 on the button and took down the pot.

Hand #167: Silverman called on the button for 16,000. Josephy folded his small blind and Silverstein checked his option. On the {Q-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} flop, Silverstein checked folded to a bet of 34,000 from Silverman.

Hand #168: Josephy folded the button and Silverstein raised to 58,000 from the small blind. Silverman folded the big and Silverstein took down the pot.

Hand #169: Silverman called from the small blind and Josephy checked his option. The flop was {2-Hearts}{6-Spades}{j-Clubs} and action went check check. The turn was the {10-Clubs} and Silverman check-called a bet of 40,000 from Josephy. The river was the {Q-Clubs} and Silverman checked again. Josephy bet 120,000. Silverman called and was shown {9-Clubs}{4-Clubs} by Josephy. Silverman mucked and Josephy won the pot with a flush.

Cliff Josephy Discusses Run at Bracelet No. 2

Nível 7 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Cliff Josephy
Cliff Josephy

Cliff "JohnnyBax" Josephy headed to the dinner break as a massive chip leader in here in Event #9. The online poker legend is closing in on his second WSOP bracelet, having already won one in a $1,500 Seven Card Stud tournament in 2005 — the first stud tournament he'd ever played at the time.

We caught up with Josephy during the dinner break to briefly discuss his run in this event.

PokerNews: You’re one of the most accomplished online players and have earned only one WSOP bracelet, which was a Stud event. How does it feel being a bracelet winner in a game that you’re most unfamiliar with?

Josephy: That was quite lucky. It was a long time ago and at the time it was my first time ever playing Stud, so I’ll contribute most of it to luck.

How confident are you leading into the final three?

Right now things are going my way. I mean, of course, anything can happen but everything is going pretty well for me so I feel very confident.

You busted Alessandro with {10-Spades}{8-Spades} versus his {A-Clubs}{K-Spades}. Can you talk a little bit about that hand?

Basically Steve Silverman raised and we both had plenty of chips so I wanted to see a flop in position with a playable hand. When he shipped I was first inclined to fold but then realized that I had enough equity to call. The board ran {8-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{6-Spades}{10-Clubs}{8-Clubs} giving me a full house so you know, I was fortunate to hit the board the way I did.

Hand #164: Evan Silverstein Doubles

Nível 7 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Hand #164: Silverman folded the button. Cliff Jospehy raised to 55,000 from the small blind. Evan Silverstein reraised all in for 591,000 from the big blind. Josephy called.

Josephy: {K-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}
Silverstein: {J-Clubs}{8-Clubs}

Flop: {Q-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}
Turn: {J-Hearts}
River: {2-Hearts}

Josephy was still ahead on the flop, but the turn made Silverstein trips. The river was a blank and Silverstein doubled up.

Nível: 7

Blinds: 12,000/24,000

Ante: 4,000

Take Control of Tournament Updates with the New My Stack App

Nível 6 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
The new PokerNews My Stack App
The new PokerNews My Stack App

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