18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2013 World Series of Poker

Event #62: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações sobre o nível
600,000 / 1,200,000

Hand #68: Riess Over 60 Million

Nível 37 : 300,000/600,000, 75,000 ante
Ryan Riess
Ryan Riess

Sylvain Loosli started the hand on the button, and JC Tran raised to 1.35 million from the hijack seat. Ryan Riess called out of the small blind, and the dealer fanned {q-Spades}{10-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}. Riess knuckled, Tran continued for 1.1 million, and Riess called.

The turn brought the {9-Spades}, putting four cards to a straight on board, and Riess checked again. Tran fired a second bullet worth 2.35 million, Riess called, and the {a-Diamonds} completed the board.

Riess rapped the felt for a third and final time, Tran checked behind, and Riess showed {10-Diamonds}{10-Spades} for a flopped set of tens. Tran mucked, and Riess now has over 60 million chips.

Tags: JC TranRyan Riess

Hand #69: Farber Uses His Position Against McLaughlin

Nível 37 : 300,000/600,000, 75,000 ante

Ryan Riess had the button in Seat 4.

Jay Farber raised to 1.3 million from under the gun plus one. Marc-Etienne McLaughlin reraised to 3.3 million out of the big blind, and Farber called to take a flop in position.

The flop came down {Q-Hearts}{7-Spades}{5-Diamonds}, and McLaughlin checked. Farber bet 2.75 million, and McLaughlin folded.

Tags: Jay FarberMarc McLaughlinMarc-Etienne McLaughlinRyan Riess

Hand #70: Loosli Nearing 20 Million

Nível 37 : 300,000/600,000, 75,000 ante
Sylvain Loosli
Sylvain Loosli

Amir Lehavot had the button. Sylvain Loosli raised to 1.3 million from the hijack seat, Marc-Etienne McLaughlin called out of the small blind, and the pair took a flop of {10-Clubs}{5-Spades}{3-Clubs}. Both players checked.

The turn was a third club - the {j-Clubs} - and McLaughlin knuckled again. Loosli fired out 1.7 million, McLaughlin called, and the {8-Spades} completed the board.

McLaughlin checked a third and final time, Loosli slid forward 3.5 million, and McLaughlin tank-called. Loosli showed {a-Spades}{j-Spades} for a pair of jacks, and the Frenchman raked in the pot.

Tags: Marc-Etienne McLaughlinSylvain Loosli