Elezra Inches Ahead

Hands #189-193
On Hand #189 — the 12th of heads-up play — Eli Elezra raised, Negreanu three-bet, and Negreanu called. Both drew one card, with Negreanu exclaiming "What?!" at Elezra only needing one card.
They both checked down the next two rounds, drawing one card each time. Elezra then showed , and that was good enough to win the small pot and draw the match almost exactly even as each player had about 1.05 million.
Each took turns winning the next two hands with button raises. Elezra then got a walk.
The next hand saw Elezra raising, Negreanu calling, then Negreanu drawing three cards and Elezra two. Negreanu check-called an Elezra bet, then took three again while Elezra drew just one, and Negreanu check-called one more time.
On the third draw both stood pat, Negreanu checked, Elezra bet, and Negreanu folded.