18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2013 World Series of Poker

Event #21: $3,000 No-Limit Hold'em (Six Handed)
Dias: 1
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
40,000 / 80,000

Wheel for Pusani

Nível 9 : 300/600, 75 ante

We caught up with the action on the turn, as Hasan Habib was involved in a hand with Deep Pulusani. Pusani bet 3,600 and Habib called. The river was the {j-Spades}, and Pusani bet out again, this time for 11,000. Habib went into the tank, and spend about three minutes thinking before eventually pushing forward his chips for the call. Pusani turned over {a-Hearts}{5-Hearts} for a five-high straight, and Habib knocked the table to indicate Pusani's wheel was good. Before giving his cards back to the dealer, Habib turned them over to show {a-Clubs}{a-Spades}.

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Deep Pusani
Deep Pusani
Hasan Habib us
Hasan Habib
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Hasan Habib

Eames Shows Roy Who Is The Boy

Nível 9 : 300/600, 75 ante

The action folded to John Eames on the button and the Brit opened the betting with a raise to 1,300. Next to act, and in the small blind, was Jonathan Roy; a World Poker Tour winner with over $1,900,000 in live tournament winnings. Roy peeked at his cards before three-betting to 3,100.

Eames paused for a few moments before moving his stack of yellow chips over the betting line that were worth around 25,000. Roy was not willing to pay that price and Eames showed he will not be pushed around.

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Jonathan Roy ca
Jonathan Roy
John Eames gb
John Eames

Tags: John EamesJonathan Roy

Gottesman Gets the Best of Hellmuth

Nível 9 : 300/600, 75 ante
Phil Hellmuth
Phil Hellmuth

We didn't see the hand but Josh Gottesman was kind enough to relay to us how he eliminated Phil Hellmuth.

According to Gottesman he checked a flop of {J-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{9-Spades} to Hellmuth who bet 2,200. Gottesman raised to 5,500 and Hellmuth shoved all in over the top for about 20,000 more.

Gottesman called with {A-Clubs}{J-Clubs} while Hellmuth was behind with {K-}{J-Hearts}. The turn was the {5-Clubs} and the river was the {J-Spades} eliminating Hellmuth from the tournament.

Hellmuth was heard mumbling expletives about getting coolered every day as he left the building.

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Josh Gottesman
Josh Gottesman

Nível: 10

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 100

Missed Flush Draws

Nível 10 : 400/800, 100 ante

On the flop, with the board reading {k-Spades}{6-Clubs}{q-Spades}, Maurice Hawkins led out for 2,600. Dan Kelly then raised to 7,000, and Hawkins quickly called. The dealer turned the {a-Clubs}, and Hawkins checked to Kelly. Kelly bet 9,000, and Hawkins again called. Both players then checked the {j-Clubs} river. Hawkins announced he had three-high and turned over {3-Spades}{2-Spades} for a missed flush draw. Kelly turned over {9-Spades}{6-Spades} for a pair of sixes and a higher missed flush draw. Despite the blow to his stack Hawkins must be pleased a third spade didn't hit the board, as he would have ended up with a losing flush.

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Dan Kelly us
Dan Kelly
Maurice Hawkins us
Maurice Hawkins

Tags: Dan KellyMaurice Hawkins

You Show Me Yours and I'll Show You Mine

Nível 10 : 400/800, 100 ante

It seems that Shane Schleger and Matt Waxman have been colliding on their table that is situated at the far end of this vast Brazilia Room, and it has resulted in some great conversation between them.

Schleger had opened the button, Waxman defended his big blind with a three-bet and was facing a four-bet from Schleger.

"Will you show this one, Shane?" said Waxman

Schleger remained silent.

"Shane! Shane, will you show this one?" repeated Waxman.

Schleger shook his head and shortly afterwards Waxman folded.

"I'll tell you some time," said Schelger as he stacked his new found chips.

"I won't be here some time! I want to hear it now!" said Waxman in response.

"You never showed me," said Schleger

"I told you what I had," said Waxman, a recent addition to the list of WSOP bracelet winners.

"I'll tell you later. I'll tell you the truth later."

"If you tell me you were bluffing I'll punch you in the face! No, I'll give you a hug!"

And with that the dealer got busy getting the next hand started and possibly the next chapter of Schleger versus Waxman.

Tags: Shane SchlegerMatthew Waxman

Eames Eliminated

Nível 10 : 400/800, 100 ante

Judging by the fact there is someone new sat in the seat that John Eames has been calling home for the past hour it is safe to assume the young Brit has busted from this star-studded tournament.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
John Eames gb
John Eames

Tags: John Eames

You Can Hit Me Once, But Not Twice!

Nível 10 : 400/800, 100 ante
Scott Seiver
Scott Seiver

Randy Dorfman is gone from the field and here's what happened and the aftermath:

William Reynolds opened from the hijack seat to 1,600. From the cutoff, Scott Seiver raised to 3,800. Dorfman moved all in from the small blind. The player in the big blind tanked for a while before folding. Reynolds folded. As the last player to act, Seiver made the call.

Seiver: {A-Clubs}{K-Hearts}
Dorfman: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}

"Please," Dorfman pleaded upon seeing the hands. "Let me suck out one time in 2013."

The flop came {8-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{Q-Clubs} and Dorfman was very pleased to see the flop.

"Finally!" he said. "I got one suck out this year."

The turn was the {5-Clubs} keeping Dorfman in the lead, but the river was the {K-Diamonds}, giving the lead back to Seiver.

Dorfman was very upset with this river. Seiver stood up and attempted to hug Dorfman as a consolation prize.

"You can hit me once," he told Dorfman. Dorfman obliged and hit Seiver, but then stood up and tried to hit him again. "But you can't hit me twice!" he shouted trying to get away.

"That didn't count," Dorfman said chasing after Seiver.

"That definitely didn't count kid," Antonio Esfandiari said from one table over.

After all was said and done, Dorfman may have hit Seiver, but Seiver has definitely been getting hit with the deck and has one of the biggest stacks in the room.

"How do you do it?" Dorfman asked Seiver.

"Do what?" Seiver asked. "I just sit here and wait for good cards."

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
WSOP 7X Winner
Randy Dorfman us
Randy Dorfman