18+. Jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2013 World Series of Poker

Event #12: $1,500 Pot-Limit Hold'em
Dia: 3

2013 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Informações do Nível
20,000 / 40,000

Hands 108-114

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Hand #108- Allen Cunningham made it 40,000 on the button, and that took down the blinds.

Hand #109- Jaspal Brar made it 40,000 on the button, and he won the blinds.

Hand #110- Lev Rofman made it 50,000 in the small blind, and the big blind folded.

Hand #111- Anthony Harb made it 70,000 in the cutoff, and the blinds folded.

Hand #112- Brar took a walk in the big blind.

Hand #113- Ken Shelton made it 70,000 in the cutoff, and the blinds folded.

Hand #114- Cunningham raised in the cutoff to 40,000, and the blinds folded.

Hands 104-107

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Hand #104- Jaspal Brar made it 40,000 to go from the button, and Anthony Harb made it 140,000 from the small blind. As soon as Lev Rofman saw his cards, he announced pot. Brar folded, and Harb let out a huge sigh, then threw {a-Hearts}{j-Hearts} high up in the air, folding his hand. Rofman showed {10-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}.

Hand #105- Allen Cunningham made it 40,000 to go, and that took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #106- Ken Shelton bet pot of 60,000 from the small blind, and Cunningham was in the big blind. He put out a reraise of 140,000, and Shelton announced fold after a minute of tanking.

Hand #107- Harb made it 50,000 from under the gun, and Rofman called in the cutoff. The flop came his hand go.

Hands 100-103

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Hand #100- Anthony Hard called on the button, Lev Rofman completed his small blind, and Kenneth Shelton checked his option. The flop fell {Q-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{7-Hearts} and action checked to Harb who bet 25,000. Rofman check-raised to 60,000, forcing folds from both opponents.

Hand #101- Lev Rofman raised to 40,000 on the button and took down the pot.

Hand #102- Kenneth Shelton raised to 50,000 on the button and Jaspal Brar called from the big blind. The flop came down {Q-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} and Brar led out for 44,000. Shelton showed the {8-Diamonds} and folded.

Hand #103- Jaspal Brar raised to 44,000 in the small blind and Anthony Harb defended his big blind. They checked to the turn of an {A-Clubs}{A-Diamonds}{K-Clubs}{6-Clubs} board where Brar bet 36,000 to win the pot.

Hands 96-99

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Hand #96- Lev Rofman bet pot from the button, and Ken Shelton called from the small blind. The flop came down {j-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{6-Clubs}, and as soon as Shelton saw the flop, he moved all in for 154,000. Rofman tanked for about a minute or so before folding {7-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} face up, and Shelton took the pot.

Hand #97- Allen Cunningham raised to 50,000 from the small blind, and Jaspal Brar folded the big blind.

Hand #98- Brar call from the small blind, and Anthony Harb checked his option. The players checked a flop of {k-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{8-Spades}, and the turn brought the {5-Hearts}. Both players checked again, and the river was the {a-Diamonds}. Brar check again, and Harb fired out 25,000. Brar folded, and Harb took down the pot.

Hand #99- Harb made it 40,000 from the small blind, and Rofman reraised to 105,000 in the big blind. Harb folded, and Rofman took the pot.

Tags: Allen CunninghamAnthony HarbJaspal Brar

Hands 92-95

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Hand #92- Jaspal Brar received a walk.

Hand #93- Anthony Harb received a walk.

Hand #94- Jaspal Brar raised to 40,000 on the button and won the pot.

Hand #95- Jaspal Brar raised to 44,000 in the cutoff and Anthony Harb called from the button. The flop fell {10-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} and Brar took it down with a bet of 44,000.

Hands 88-91: Kenneth Shelton Doubles Through Allen Cunningham

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
Kenneth Shelton Doubles Up
Kenneth Shelton Doubles Up

Hand #88- Jaspal Brar raised to 44,000 from the small blind, winning the pot.

Hand #89- Anthony Hard raised to 50,000 in the small blind, taking down the pot.

Hand #90- Allen Cunningham raised from under the gun and took down the pot.

Hand #91- Kenneth Shelton raised from the small blind to 60,000, Allen Cunningham three-bet from the big blind and Shelton called all in for 122,000 with {A-Spades}{K-Clubs}. Cunningham led slightly with {8-Hearts}{8-Spades}, but was unable to hold up through the {Q-Spades}{5-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{K-Diamonds} board.

Hands 83-87

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Hand #83- Lev Rofman raised to 40,000 from under the gun, and Allen Cunningham made it 100,000 to go. Rofman folded, amd the three bet got it done for Cunningham.

Hand #84- Ken Shelton bet pot, and everyone folded, giving him the blinds.

Hand #85- Cunningham made it 40,000 to go from under the gun, and that got everyone else out of the hand.

Hand #86- Lev Rofman bet pot from the button, and both blinds releassed.

Hand #87- Ken Shelton bet pot from the button, and the blinds folded.

Hands 80-82: Eric Crain Eliminated in 6th ($28,839)

Nível 22 : 10,000/20,000, 0 ante
Eric Crain - 6th Place
Eric Crain - 6th Place

Hand #80- Anthony Harb made it 40,000 from the cutoff, and Allen Cunningham defended his big blind, and the two of them checked down a board of {6-Diamonds}{2-Spades}{6-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{9-Spades}. Cunningham showed {q-Clubs}{j-Hearts}, but Harb had him one better with {k-Hearts}{j-Spades}.

Hand #81- Allen Cunningham bet pot from the small blind, and Eric Crain folded his big blind.

Hand #82- Allen Cunningham made it 40,000 from the button, and Crain quickly raised the pot, which was for almost all of his chips. It got back to Cunningham, and he moved all in. Crain called all in.

Cunningham: {5-Spades}{5-Clubs}
Crain: {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}

It was a classic coin flip, but the hand was all but over when the flop came {9-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}. Crain could only win with runner runner straight cards, but the {8-Diamonds} on the turn sealed it. The meaningless river was the {4-Diamonds}, and Crain, who started the final table as the chip leader, bowed out in 6th.

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Eric Crain

Tags: Allen CunninghamEric Crain

Nível: 22

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 0

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