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2012 World Series of Poker

Event 61: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
1,000,000 / 2,000,000

Mahatan Over Ausmus

Percy Mahatan completed from the small blind, Jeremy Ausmus checked his option in the big, and the flop fell {7-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}. Mahatan led for 100,000, and Ausmus called.

The turn was the {4-Clubs}, and Mahatan slowed down, checking to Ausmus who tossed out two lavender T100,000 chips. Mahatan quickly check-raised to 400,000, and Ausmus called.

The {2-Hearts} completed the board, and Mahatan led for 450,000. Ausmus folded, and Mahatan picked up the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Percy Mahatan us
Percy Mahatan
Jeremy Ausmus us
Jeremy Ausmus
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Percy MahatanJeremy Ausmus

Baumann Loses Some; Strelitz Increases Lead

Gaelle Baumann opened to 125,000 from under the gun. Marty Zabib called and it folded to Daniel Strelitz who three-bet to 385,000 from the small blind. Zabib got out of the way and we were heads up to the flop.

The flop came {5-Hearts}{3-Spades}{Q-Spades} and Strelitz continued out for 440,000. Baumann called and the turn was the {3-Hearts}. Strelitz pushed out 615,000 and Baumann elected to muck her hand, pushing the pot toward the chip leader.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Daniel Strelitz us
Daniel Strelitz
WSOP 2X Winner
Gaelle Baumann fr
Gaelle Baumann

Tags: Gaelle BaumannDaniel Strelitz

David ODB Baker Eliminated in 56th Place ($128,384); Bobby Law Eliminated in 57th Place ($128,384)

David "ODB" Baker
David "ODB" Baker

We just saw another dramatic all-in situation over at one of the tables in the Gold section, this one involving three players, with two at risk.

The hand began with Bobby Law shoving his short stack all in for 650,000 from under the gun. It folded to David "ODB" Baker in the cutoff who reraised all in himself for about 950,000. After the button folded, Marc Ladouceur called Baker's reraise from the small blind, the big blind folded, and the three players showed their hands.

Ladouceur: {K-Spades}{K-Hearts}
Law: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}
Baker: {A-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}

Three big hands, with Ladouceur's ahead with five cards to come. The flop came {5-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{4-Spades}, providing Law and Baker with a gutshot to a wheel. The turn was the {7-Spades}, and Ladouceur was still in front. The dealer then burned and turned over the river — the {4-Hearts} — and Ladouceur's kings had held.

Both Law and Baker were eliminated, and since Baker had the bigger stack before the hand he'll finish 56th while Law finishes 57th, though both earn the same $128,384 payday.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Marc Ladouceur ca
Marc Ladouceur
David ODB Baker us
David ODB Baker
Bobby Law us
Bobby Law

Tags: Bobby LawDavid ODB BakerMark Ladouceur

Current 2012 WSOP Player of the Year Standings

Nível 27 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Vanessa Selbst, David “ODB” Baker and Greg Merson were the only three players at the start of the day among the top ten in the Player of the Year Race. Unfortunately, the former two have been eliminated from the Main Event and are out of contention for POY honors, at least until the World Series of Poker Europe. With that said, each did earn 75 points to their totals for their deep runs.

Here’s a look at the current WSOP POY standings:

Current 2012 WSOP Player of the Year Standings

1Phil Ivey568.70
2John Monnette524.25
3David “ODB” Baker508.38
4Phil Hellmuth500.70
5Antonio Esfandiari488.10
6Michael Mizrachi486.20
7Gregory Merson481.13
8Vanessa Selbst463.17
9Andy Frankenberger406.66
10Andy Bloch405.30

*Greg Merson is still alive in the Main Event & he will earn at least 75 points for his performance, but more if he makes the final table. Those points are not reflected on this chart.

Tags: David ODB BakerVanessa SelbstGreg Merson

Batt Doubles With Ace on the River

Jordan Batt open-jammed his last 735,000 from early position, and Danny Wong called on his direct left. The rest of the players folded, and the hands were opened.


Batt looked like he was resigned to his fate as the flop fell {9-Clubs}{5-Spades}{6-Diamonds}. The {k-Clubs} was no help either, but the {a-Clubs} spiked on the river, doubling Batt to over 1.5 million chips.

Wong slipped to 6.95 million.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Danny Wong us
Danny Wong
WSOP 1X Winner
Jordan Batt us
Jordan Batt

Tags: Jordan BattDanny Wong

Updated 2012 WSOP POY Scenarios

Nível 27 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Greg Merson, who currently sits in sixth place on the 2012 World Series of Poker Player of the Year Leaderboard, is only 87.75 points behind the current leader, Phil Ivey, who racked up 568.70 points this summer. If Merson were to bust today, he would earn 75 points and be just 12.75 behind the leader. With that said, a final table appearance would put Merson in the top spot headed into the World Series of Poker Europe.

Roland Israelashvili currently sits in 63rd place on the leaderboard with 231.05, which means either a second or first place finish would put him in the top spot. Likewise, Yuval Bronshtein (108th—187.38), Jeremy Ausmus (145th—159.44 points) and Leo Wolpert (490th—76.50 points) could all take the top spot if they were to win the Main Event. Of course the World Series of Poker Europe counts toward the POY race, so these scenarios could change.

Here’s a look at the current WSOP POY standings:

Current 2012 WSOP Player of the Year Standings

1Phil Ivey568.70
2John Monnette524.25
3David “ODB” Baker508.38
4Phil Hellmuth500.70
5Antonio Esfandiari488.10
6Michael Mizrachi486.20
7Gregory Merson*481.13
8Vanessa Selbst463.17
9Andy Frankenberger406.66
10Andy Bloch405.30

*Merson yet to be assigned points for Main Event.

Also, here’s a look at how WSOP POY points will be awarded for the Main Event:

2012 WSOP Player of the Year Points

Finishing PositionPoints
Remaining Top 20%75
Next 30%50
Bottom 50%25

The 40 and Over Crowd

Nível 27 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

The recent eliminations of 40-year-old David "ODB" Baker and 48-year-old Bobby Law probably caught the attention of certain people in the poker world who have added some interest to their following of the Main Event via some prop bets regarding the eventual winner.

Our colleagues writing the live blog and working on articles for The Muck spoke with Barry Greenstein earlier today who described to them some of the details regarding players' betting with one another whether or not the Main Event winner will be aged 40 or more.

Stay tuned over at the Muck for more on the specifics of the bets. Meanwhile, we talked to the WSOP staff and they helped us try to figure out who among the remaining 55 were aged 40 or older.

It appears that out of 55 players there are currently nine players who are 40 or over: Shahriar Assareh, Robert Buckenmayer, Michael Esposito, Amnon Filippi, Steven Gee, Roland Israelashvili, Richard Pyne, Paul Siem, and Helge Stjernvang. Of course, those making bets should try to corroborate the info, as duplicate names and other factors made this tricky to put together on the fly.

Tags: Barry GreensteinDavid ODB BakerBobby Law

Sam Holden Eliminated in 55th Place ($128,384)

Sam Holden - 55th Place
Sam Holden - 55th Place

Andras Koroknai raised from the cutoff, Sam Holden called out of the small blind, and the flop fell {2-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{5-Clubs}. Holden check-called a 145,000-chip bet, and the turn brought the {k-Clubs}. Holden checked, Koroknai fired 430,000, and Holden called.

The {j-Hearts} completed the board, and Holden checked again. Koroknai moved all in, and Holden folded.

A few hands later, Koroknai opened to 125,000 from middle position, and Sam Holden three-bet jammed for around 1.3 million from the cutoff seat. Koroknai called.

Koroknai: {5-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}
Holden: {8-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}

The dealer spread {j-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{5-Spades}, which gave Koroknai a set and the lead. Holden couldn't find an eight on the turn ({q-Diamonds}) or the river ({2-Clubs}), and he was eliminated.

Holden, who finished ninth in the 2011 WSOP Main Event, will have to settle with $128,384 for 55th place.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Andras Koroknai hu
Andras Koroknai
Sam Holden gb
Sam Holden

Tags: Andras KoroknaiSam Holden

Hille's Six-Bet Shove Takes Down the Pot

Elisabeth Hille raised to 120,000 under the gun only to have Jean Malherbe three-bet to 265,000 from the cutoff. The button and blinds got out of the way, Hille put in a four-bet to 575,000, and Malherbe made it 935,000 to go.

Hille thought for a few moments before six-betting all in, and Malherbe quickly mucked his cards.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Elisabeth Hille no
Elisabeth Hille
Jean Malherbe
Jean Malherbe

Tags: Jean MalherbeElisabeth Hille