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2012 World Series of Poker

Event 61: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
1,000,000 / 2,000,000

Life for Lester

WSOP bracelet holder Jason Lester has cashed in the WSOP Main Event seven times previously, his best ever showing coming in 2003 when he finished fourth. Lester has been battling with a short stack for most of Day 3, however, and it looked just now as though his Main Event run this year was about to fall shy of the money.

Following a middle position player's opening raise to 6,200, Lester reraised all in from a seat over for his last 55,000 or so. It folded back around, and Lester's opponent tanked for some time before finally announcing he was calling.

Lester shook his head initially at the call while turning over his {Q-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}, guessing he was about to be racing for his tourney life. But when his opponent showed {Q-Clubs}{J-Hearts}, he looked relieved. He looked even more so after the board ran out {9-Spades}{A-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{4-Spades}{3-Spades} to give him the double-up and survival.

"I was hoping for jacks or tens," said Lester with a laugh. Then after pausing a moment, he looked up with a mischievous grin.

"Cocktails!" he shouted.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jason Lester us
Jason Lester
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jason Lester

New Gang at Feature Table

Kevin Pollak
Kevin Pollak

We have a set of new players seated at the feature table. Headlining this table is actor Kevin Pollak who is sitting on a stack of 171,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kevin Pollak us
Kevin Pollak
Bruno Pereira
Bruno Pereira
Lance Keating us
Lance Keating
Thomas Czyszczon
Thomas Czyszczon
Justin Oliver ca
Justin Oliver
WSOP 1X Winner
Sebastion Saffari gb
Sebastion Saffari
Jed Dickerson us
Jed Dickerson
Erik Buxhoeveden gr
Erik Buxhoeveden
Alejandro Anaya mx
Alejandro Anaya

Tags: Kevin Pollak

Blumenthal Gives One Up

Eddie Blumenthal raised from the cutoff seat and found one caller in the player from the big blind.

The flop came {8-Spades}{K-Hearts}{3-Spades} and Blumethal's opponent check-called a 4,600 from Blumethal.

Both players checked the turn, however, when the {4-Clubs} completed the board, Blumethal's opponent fired 22,300 into the middle. Blumenthal didn't take long to fold and his opponent scooped the pot.

Blumenthal is sitting on 190,000 at the moment.

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Eddie Blumenthal us
Eddie Blumenthal

Alcober Flirting With a Million

After taking down a few pots with just a preflop raise, the action folded to Benjamin Alcober, who raised to 7,000 from the small blind. The player in the big blind three-bet to 22,000, and Alcober clicked it back (kind of), making it 36,000. The player called.

The flop fell {5-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{q-Spades}, and Alcober led out for 27,800. His opponent folded, and Alcober is getting closer and closer to a million chips.

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Benjamin Alcober us
Benjamin Alcober

Tags: Benjamin Alcober

Baldy Balling

Eric Baldwin with his Main Event Mustache
Eric Baldwin with his Main Event Mustache

Eric Baldwin has crossed the 400,000 mark on the last hand. We found him surrounded by cameras and on the river of a {Q-Spades} {7-Hearts} {3-Diamonds} {9-Spades} {2-Spades} board. His opponent checked, Baldwin bet 31,000 and his opponent tanked.

After a short while the opponent folded and Baldwin took the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Eric Baldwin us
Eric Baldwin
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Eric Baldwin

Dani Stern With Binger

Dani Stern and Michael Binger were moved to the same table a while before dinner and we just caught them in a hand together. Binger was in middle position when he opened up the pot with a raise. Only Stern would call from the button and the dealer would spread out a {q-Clubs}{a-Spades}{7-Diamonds} flop. Binger led for 7,500 here and Stern made the call.

On the {q-Hearts} turn, Binger opted to check and Stern would quickly bet 17,500. Binger didn't want to continue, sending his cards into the muck and the pot to Stern.

Stern has had some success at the World Series of Poker in the past, finishing in fourth place in the $40,000 No Limit Hold'em - 40th Anniversary event in 2009 and taking fifth place in the $10,000 Pot Limit Hold'em Championship in 2010.

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Dani Stern us
Dani Stern
Michael Binger us
Michael Binger

Tags: Dani SternMichael Binger

Quads for Amo

Andrew Moreno opened to 7,600, and the action folded to [Removed:163], who defended his big blind. The flop fell {2-}{2-}{4-}, and Sheikh checked to Moreno, who fired 6,900. Sheikh called.

The turn was a {9-}, and Sheikh checked again. Moreno tossed out 17,800, and Sheikh again called.

A king completed the board, and Sheikh checked a third time. Moreno bet 59,800, and Sheikh called.

Moreno tabled two twos for quads, and Sheikh mucked.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Andrew Moreno us
Andrew Moreno

Tags: Andrew Moreno

Vanderloo Over Fernandez

Three players had built a pot of 23,000 when the flop came {2-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}. The small blind checked, Armando Fernandez checked from the cutoff seat, then Mark Vanderloo bet 12,100 from the button. The small blind folded, but Fernandez called.

The turn brought the {Q-Hearts}. This time Fernandez bet 16,500, and Vanderloo called. The river was the {A-Clubs}. Fernandez led out again, this time betting just 7,000, and Vanderloo called instantly.

Vanderloo tabled his hand — {K-Spades}{9-Spades} for queens and nines — and Fernandez mucked.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Armando Fernandez us
Armando Fernandez
Mark Vanderloo nl
Mark Vanderloo

Tags: Armando FernandezMark Vanderloo

Pollak Runs Into Straight

Erik Buxhoeveden opened the action with a raise to 6,000 and it folded all the way around to Kevin Pollak's big blind. Pollak called and the flop came {K-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}.

Pollak checked and Buxhoeveden continued out with a bet of 4,000. Pollak called and both players checked the {10-Clubs} turn. The {Q-Clubs} completed the board and Pollack fired 12,000. Buxhoeveden quickly called and showed {J-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} for a straight. Pollak mucked his hand and Buxhoeveden dragged the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kevin Pollak us
Kevin Pollak
Erik Buxhoeveden gr
Erik Buxhoeveden

Tags: Erik BuxhoevedenKevin Pollak

Not So Lucky Chewey

Andrew Lichtenberger on Day 2.
Andrew Lichtenberger on Day 2.

Andrew "LuckyChewy" Lichtenberger raised to 7,500 from under the gun and cleared the field all the way to Michael Gable, who made the call from the small blind. After the big got out of the way, it was heads-up action to the {K-Clubs}{9-Spades}{Q-Spades}, which saw Gable check-call a bet of 12,000.

Lichtenberger then fired out 25,500 on the {9-Hearts} turn after Gable had checked, but again a call was made. Gable checked for a third time on the {7-Hearts} river, and snap-called when Lichtenberger bet a healthy 69,300. Gable showed {K-Hearts}{Q-Hearts} for top two pair, and it was good enough to win the hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Andrew Lichtenberger us
Andrew Lichtenberger
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andrew LichtenbergerMichael Gable