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Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2012 World Series of Poker

Event 61: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event
Dias: 2c
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
1,000,000 / 2,000,000

Allen Snaps Up More Chips

Jeremy Allen limped in from under the gun, and it folded around to the button who raised his short stack all in. The blinds folded, and Allen called immediately, flipping over {A-Spades}{A-Diamonds}. His opponent had {A-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}, and five cards later Allen's aces remained best and another player hits the rail.

"Snapping turtle!" said Ronnie Bardah, sitting to Allen's left and remarking on the quickness of Allen's call. "I had to play it that way," said Allen. "Y'all folding to my raises."

With or without showdowns, Allen continues to win hands and chip up as Day 2c wears on.

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Jeremy Allen

Tags: Jeremy Allen

Sylvia With a Stack

While perusing around the Gold Section of the Brasilia Room, we noticed that a young gentleman named Jesse Sylvia had amassed a stack of about 295,000 chips. His biggest worry was that his parents were able to track his progress however.

"Just write 'Hi Wayne,'" he told us.

Well Wayne, your son is among the chip leaders here on Day 2c of the 2012 World Series of Poker Main Event, and battling for more than $8.5 million.

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Jesse Sylvia

Tags: Jesse Sylvia

Lacay Loves The River

We caught the action on the flop, which read {a-Hearts}{q-Spades}{3-Diamonds}. Ludovic Lacay was heads up with another opponent, and Lacay check called a bet of 1,400. Both players checked when the {6-Clubs} hit the turn, and the river came the {9-Diamonds}. Lacay fired out 5,000, and after about 20 seconds, his opponent tossed in the call.

Lacay immediately rolled over {a-Diamonds}{9-Spades} for a rivered two pair, and his opponent mucked. After that hand, Lacay is up to 68,000.

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Ludovic Lacay fr
Ludovic Lacay

Tags: Ludovic Lacay

Bhanks It In

The board read {8-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{10-Spades} and Brent Hanks checked to his opponent who resided on the button. The button then bet out 6,200, and was raised by Hanks who made it 13,500. After about 30 seconds a call was made and both players were off to the river.

After the {6-Diamonds} landed to complete the board Hanks announced "all in" and moved his 44,600 chips in the middle. The button possessed more chips and wouldn't be at risk, but a loss would cause him to lose a substantial chunk of his stack. After about a minute or two the button let it go and Hanks was awarded the pot.

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Brent Hanks
Brent Hanks

Tags: Brent Hanks

A Gross Exit for Kenney

Ebony Kenney sent home
Ebony Kenney sent home

After a player opened with a raise to 2,000 from middle position, Jeff Gross flatted from the next seat. Action folded to Ebony Kenney in the big blind and she reraised all in for 17,300. The original raiser folded and Gross made the call.

Kenney: {Q-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}
Gross: {9-Diamonds}{9-Spades}

The flop came down {A-Hearts}{Q-Spades}{J-Spades} and Kenney picked up a set of queens. Gross now needed a perfect-perfect run out to bust her and win the hand.

The turn was the {8-Diamonds} and Kenney needed to dodge only a ten on the river to stay alive and double up.

The deck wasn't on her side as the fifth card to the board was the {10-Spades} and Gross had made a queen-high straight. He won the pot and sent Kenney to the rail, moving to a little over 80,000 in chips in the process.

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Jeff Gross
Jeff Gross
Ebony Kenney us
Ebony Kenney

Tags: Ebony KenneyJeff Gross

Heeerrrre's Johnny!

Action folded all the way over to the player in the small blind, who raised to 2,500. Johnny Chan, who was in the big blind, peaked down at his cards and chucked in a call.

The flop came {J-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{K-Diamonds} and Chan's opponent c-bet for 3,000. Chan didn't take long to grab two orange chips and place them into the middle for a raise to 10,000.

Chan's opponent then fell deep into the tank. After about two minutes of pondering, he finally let his hand go.

"Good fold," Chan said as he scooped the pot.

Chan is up to 88,000.

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Johnny Chan us
Johnny Chan
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 10X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Johnny Chan

Shulman Fires Three Barrels

When we got to the table, we saw that 2009 Main Event 5th Place finisher Jeff Shulman was in a pot with one other opponent on a flop that read {10-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. Shulman fired out 3,500, and his opponent called. The turn brought the {3-Diamonds}, and Shulman led out again, this time for 5,000. His opponent tossed in the call, and the river was the {q-Hearts}.

This didn't slow Shulman down, as he bet for a third time. This bet was 14,000, and his opponent quickly folded his hand. After that pot, Shulman is up to 70,000.

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Jeff Shulman
Jeff Shulman

Tags: Jeff Shulman

What to Believe With Blom

With the board showing {4-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} and about 70,000 in the middle, Viktor Blom's opponent checked and Blom fired 26,500. His opponent thought for a couple of minutes, Blom sitting with his shirt up over his mouth and staring forward as he did.

Finally he folded, and Blom exhaled visibly, blinking rapidly as he scooped the chips.

"Ace high?" he asked his opponent. "What did you have?" came the response. "If you tell me, I'll tell you," said Blom. From there Blom ran through different possibilities, sounding at times as though he were admitting to having a flush draw or ("...no wait...") an open-ended straight draw or ("...no, no, it was a...") perhaps a queen.

"That's too many hands," said his opponent, and the table laughed.

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Viktor Blom se
Viktor Blom

Tags: Viktor Blom

Straight Shooter

Raymond Davis limped from early position and Fabrice Soulier followed suit from the button. The small blind folded and the big blind moved all in for his last 10,500. Both Davis and Soulier called and the flop came down {3-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{8-Spades}

Both players checked and Soulier folded when Davis bet 4,000 on the {6-Diamonds} river. After Soulier got out of the way the hands were turned up to find that the all in player was ahead.

Davis: {5-Clubs}{5-Hearts}
Opponent: {A-Clubs}{8-Hearts}

Fortunately for Davis, the {2-Spades} struck the river and gave him a winning straight.

"There we go!" exclaimed Davis with delight. "There we go!"

Davis took down the pot and increased his stack to 56,000 while his opponent took the long walk to the rail.

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Raymond Davis us
Raymond Davis

Tags: Raymond Davis

Lucay's Delay

Ludovic Lacay
Ludovic Lacay

Ludovic Lacay started out the action in a recent hand by raising it up to 2,300. The table folded over to the cutoff who three-bet to 5,200. Lacay made the call and both players were heads up to the flop.

The dealer spread three cards and they looked like this, {Q-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{A-Diamonds}. It was here that Lacay checked, and his opponent bet out 4,800. Lacay made the call and moved on to the turn.

The {3-Spades} on fourth street saw a repeat of action with Lacay check-calling a bet from the cutoff, this time for 10,200.

The {5-Diamonds} on the river saw a third check from Lacay and an all in bet from the cut off. Lacay's tournament life was on the line and after almost two minutes Lacay threw it away. Lacay now sits around 40,000, and needs to turn things around.

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Ludovic Lacay fr
Ludovic Lacay

Tags: Ludovic Lacay