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Right at the death, Russian journalist/semi-pro Ilya Gorodetskiy saw his stack sliced and diced. I didn't catch the action, but with a versus on a board, I sensed the worst... and the disgruntled look on Gorodetskiy was certainly telling part of the story. Nevertheless, he still has a playable stack with 37,000, although that will be of little comfort to him right now.
Mesmo no fim, o jornalista/semi-pro Russo Ilya Gorodetskiy viu o seu Stack ser atingido em grande. Não apamhámos a acção mas com contra numa Board , pressentimos o pior...e pela cara de Gorodetskiy a coisa correu mesmo mal. Mesmo assim o jogador ainda dispõe de 37,000 fichas, Stack jogável.