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Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2010 World Series of Poker

Event #31: $1,500 H.O.R.S.E.
Dia: 2

2010 World Series of Poker

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Prémio Total

Ramdin Busto


Mesmo antes do intervalo, Victor Ramdin estava all in no round de Razz. A sua board ficou 2-5-8-6-9-10-5 com uma mão final de 9-8-6. Mas não era suficiente porque o seu adversário tinha um melhor 9-8. Com isto, acaba o dia de Ramdin, que vai mais cedo para intervalo e não volta.

Tags: Victor Ramdin

Algumas Contagens De Fichas

Outras contagens na página de contagens de fichas.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Linda Johnson
Linda Johnson
Profile photo of Max Stern
Max Stern
Profile photo of Ming Reslock
Ming Reslock
Profile photo of Michael Craig
Michael Craig
Profile photo of Keith Sexton
Keith Sexton
Profile photo of Erik Seidel
Erik Seidel

Mesa Dificil

A mesa 321, é sem dúvida das mais difíceis da sala. Nessa mesa estão sentados Erik Seidel (Seat 2), Mickey Appleman (Seat 4), Jon Turner (Seat 5), Miami John Cernuto (Seat 7) e Lex Veldhuis (Seat 8). Gail Malec parece que nem quis aparecer depois de ver esse sorteio. Já passaram 20 minutos neste nível e ainda não apareceu.

Dia 2 Quase a Começar!

Falta meia hora para começarmos o Dia 2 Event #31. 247 dos originais 282 voltam hoje na tentativa de chegar à mesa final e ganhar uma bracelete.

Apesar de termos perdido muitas caras conhecidas, ainda teremos Allen Kessler, Tom Dwan, Lex Veldhuis, Phil Ivey e Mario Ho ao lado da chipleader Ming Reslock que está com 50,000 fichas.

Voltamos daqui a pouco com toda a acção!

Mesas Dia 2

Table 308
Seat 1: David Margolis (12300)
Seat 2: Michael Cole (17500)
Seat 3: Jeffrey Tunkel (10100)
Seat 4: Jay Hong (38000)
Seat 5: Cynthia Violette (29200)
Seat 6: Andrew Latto (3200)
Seat 7: Brian McKain (38000)
Seat 8: Allyn Marshall (14000)

Table 309
Seat 1: Chris Viox (14000)
Seat 2: Kerry Stead (8900)
Seat 3: Dale Pinchot (9700)
Seat 4: Richard Grafstein (10700)
Seat 5: Jason Mercier (16000)
Seat 6: John Mcsweeney (5100)
Seat 7: Laurent Lefrancq (17000)
Seat 8: Brian James (1000)

Table 310
Seat 1: John D'Agostino (5400)
Seat 2: David Fernandez (2700)
Seat 3: Richard Chiovari (5500)
Seat 4: Lonnie Heimowitz (7300)
Seat 5: Hani Awad (19100)
Seat 6: Mark Gregorich (2400)
Seat 7: Todd Keikoan (23300)
Seat 8: Justin Iovanne (2400)

Table 311
Seat 1: Richard Sallustro (29800)
Seat 2: Clayton Mozdzen (33600)
Seat 3: Barbara Lewis (12100)
Seat 4: Mathew Barreira (18500)
Seat 5: James Neden (9100)
Seat 6: Daniel Cossette (14700)
Seat 7: Zachary Gilbert (5800)
Seat 8: Mitar Kalezic (5500)

Table 312
Seat 1: Henry Porcaro (6800)
Seat 2: Robert Mizrachi (3200)
Seat 3: Tom McCormick (9300)
Seat 4: Daniel Nicewander (13900)
Seat 5: Charles Butler (2400)
Seat 6: Ryan Caskey (19700)
Seat 7: Marc Ferguson (2900)
Seat 8: Robert Courtney (15900)

Table 313
Seat 1: Jeffrey Barron (9100)
Seat 2: Jason Puglisi (12400)
Seat 3: Wesley Huff (19000)
Seat 4: Dustin Leary (23200)
Seat 5: Joe Ritzie (8300)
Seat 6: Manuel Labandeira (18500)
Seat 7: Jose Razocabrera (14500)
Seat 8: Chiori Gannon (6100)

Table 314
Seat 1: Gerald Luckhaupt (2000)
Seat 2: Pat Pezzin (12200)
Seat 3: Blake Cahail (23300)
Seat 4: Daniel Hofer (11100)
Seat 5: Jason Lanzillotta (7200)
Seat 6: David Fried (10100)
Seat 7: Steven Sauser (21500)
Seat 8: Danny Kalpakis (12300)

Table 315
Seat 1: Mark Provenzano (5200)
Seat 2: Mark Sykes (16100)
Seat 3: Thomas Weideman (22700)
Seat 4: Ming Lee (12100)
Seat 5: Robert Rasmussen (44600)
Seat 6: Mike Puskarich (8800)
Seat 7: Byron Scott (3800)
Seat 8: Ronnie Hofman (500)

Table 317
Seat 1: Severin Walser (16100)
Seat 2: John Hoang (6100)
Seat 3: Candace Liu (29400)
Seat 4: Bryan Anderson (16700)
Seat 5: Ryan Davis (500)
Seat 6: Marco Hartmann (5100)
Seat 7: Dorman Atchison (12600)
Seat 8: Ming Reslock (50000)

Table 318
Seat 1: Annand Ramdin (19100)
Seat 2: Gregory Browder (15400)
Seat 3: James Darnaby (8000)
Seat 4: Johannes Steindl (19900)
Seat 5: Ylon Schwartz (14600)
Seat 6: Roman Rypma (9800)
Seat 7: Gary Clark (18900)
Seat 8: John Regan (21000)

Table 319
Seat 1: Bruce Hoyt (28200)
Seat 2: George Lind (15000)
Seat 3: Jim Geary (14600)
Seat 4: Phil Ivey (10800)
Seat 5: Brendan Taylor (9500)
Seat 6: Marlon Milne (17500)
Seat 7: Dana Kellstrom (4700)
Seat 8: Vasili Lazarou (30500)

Table 320
Seat 1: Don Zewin (6600)
Seat 2: Lawrence Birk (6500)
Seat 3: Robert Campbell (30700)
Seat 4: Matthew Kozlowski (2600)
Seat 5: Charles Townsend (11000)
Seat 6: Shawn Van (19)
Seat 7: Paul Dewald (19700)
Seat 8: Maria Ho (38000)

Table 321
Seat 1: Dennis Thorn (12500)
Seat 2: Erik Seidel (9800)
Seat 3: Jarrod Brogdon (6300)
Seat 4: Mickey Appleman (8400)
Seat 5: Jon Turner (27400)
Seat 6: Gail Malec (12100)
Seat 7: John Cernuto (24100)
Seat 8: Lex Veldhuis (30100)

Table 322
Seat 1: Robert Toft (9500)
Seat 2: Linda Johnson (23000)
Seat 3: Stefan Rapp (13200)
Seat 4: Kenneth Aldridge (19000)
Seat 5: Jorge Crespo (2800)
Seat 6: Joseph Paz (10900)
Seat 7: Allen Kessler (36900)
Seat 8: David Mitchell (9400)

Table 323
Seat 1: John Juanda (11200)
Seat 2: Max Stern (12400)
Seat 3: Susan Joseph (9200)
Seat 4: Scott Laurie (22500)
Seat 5: Stewart Yancik (13200)
Seat 6: Konstantin Puchkov (28200)
Seat 7: Dennis Seagle (37400)
Seat 8: Jack Rosenfeldt (20700)

Table 324
Seat 1: Al Barbieri (20500)
Seat 2: David Brooker (8700)
Seat 3: Sirous Jamshidi (29500)
Seat 4: Desmond Portano (16900)
Seat 5: Miguel Gutierrez (12500)
Seat 6: Suzan Landrum (4400)
Seat 7: Ronald Terrill (9000)
Seat 8: Chip Jett (21300)

Table 325
Seat 1: Steven Sample (22200)
Seat 2: Yuval Bronshtein (17900)
Seat 3: Joseph Aronesty (1400)
Seat 4: Brandon Cantu (29100)
Seat 5: Eric Conti (17400)
Seat 6: Katherine Baxter (15800)
Seat 7: Charles Polk (3000)
Seat 8: Ben Yu (8100)

Table 326
Seat 1: Adam Spiegelberg (4300)
Seat 2: Gary Mcgee (15500)
Seat 3: Greg Monaldi (10700)
Seat 4: Phillip Campbell (11700)
Seat 5: Daniel Didech (18900)
Seat 6: Derek Boundy (37100)
Seat 7: Brian Schwartz (9200)
Seat 8: Richard Monroe (1)

Table 327
Seat 1: Richard Hartert (8300)
Seat 2: Joseph Bolnick (20900)
Seat 3: James Schaaf (30700)
Seat 4: Edward Im (27100)
Seat 5: Paul Gamblin (7900)
Seat 6: Daniel Huseman (23600)
Seat 7: Rob Amereno (14000)
Seat 8: Michael Miccio (6200)

Table 328
Seat 1: Brian Saltus (21600)
Seat 2: Aaron Duczak (11400)
Seat 3: Shannon Petluck (19500)
Seat 4: Brandon Hawkins (21800)
Seat 5: Steve Schulman (14600)
Seat 6: Paul Evans (16400)
Seat 7: Bonnie Damiano Leinhos (18900)
Seat 8: Oleg Shamardin (29400)

Table 329
Seat 1: Jose Barbero (16400)
Seat 2: Jonathan Lynn (1800)
Seat 3: Robert Turner (16300)
Seat 4: Ben Tang (11500)
Seat 5: Massoud Nikjouian (8000)
Seat 6: Shihping Sun (16600)
Seat 7: Meikle Partin (5800)
Seat 8: Gary Bernson (5800)

Table 330
Seat 1: Rod Pardey (4900)
Seat 2: Chris Reslock (2900)
Seat 3: Stephen Su (21300)
Seat 4: Brandon Leeds (25600)
Seat 5: Robert Williamson (7900)
Seat 6: James Van Alstyne (40900)
Seat 7: Francisco Lopez (14800)
Seat 8: Sasha Rosewood (18400)

Table 331
Seat 1: Mark Zuffi (23900)
Seat 2: James Rubenstein (11300)
Seat 3: Joseph Romano (7600)
Seat 4: Robert Bryan (15900)
Seat 5: Chris Back (27400)
Seat 6: Lupi Massimiliano (14300)
Seat 7: Michael Craig (25900)
Seat 8: Deborah Hickok (7000)

Table 332
Seat 1: Nils-Ake Gustafsson (12000)
Seat 2: David Funkhouser (11000)
Seat 3: Daniel Medeiros (12400)
Seat 4: Jonathan Aguiar (23400)
Seat 5: Jeff Shulman (28000)
Seat 6: Richard Atkinson (5900)
Seat 7: Richard Tatalovich (4400)
Seat 8: Edmond Vartughian (16200)

Table 333
Seat 1: Jesse Rios (47100)
Seat 2: Scott Horowitz (11700)
Seat 3: --empty--
Seat 4: Russ Salzer (24800)
Seat 5: Kevin Mcguinness (4900)
Seat 6: Kenneth Nay (5400)
Seat 7: Cliff Josephy (20600)
Seat 8: Jay Zimmet (1600)

Table 334
Seat 1: Nicholas Derke (21100)
Seat 2: --empty--
Seat 3: Mary Jones (20500)
Seat 4: Eric Schwartz (16400)
Seat 5: Paolo Grossi (16000)
Seat 6: Andy Bloch (26800)
Seat 7: Svetlana Gromenkova (18700)
Seat 8: Howard Lederer (12200)

Table 335
Seat 1: --empty--
Seat 2: Franck Stepler (25000)
Seat 3: Ward Crane (14900)
Seat 4: Owais Ahmed (5500)
Seat 5: Alan Morgan (10800)
Seat 6: Kendall Fukumoto (15500)
Seat 7: Ken Lennaard (16800)
Seat 8: Jon Friedberg (20900)

Table 336
Seat 1: Regis Burlot (7200)
Seat 2: Yuebin Guo (7000)
Seat 3: Timothy Elsholz (3700)
Seat 4: Michael Binger (23300)
Seat 5: Nina Tovish (7900)
Seat 6: Kyung Han (12400)
Seat 8: Adam Schoenfeld (5800)

Table 337
Seat 1: Nathaniel Wiesner (21100)
Seat 2: Gary Margolis (17900)
Seat 3: --empty--
Seat 4: Ryon Nicholson (21700)
Seat 5: Jeanmarc Thomas (14500)
Seat 6: Christopher Nelligan (13300)
Seat 7: Mike Wattel (23000)
Seat 8: Todd Thuan (24400)

Table 338
Seat 1: David Singer (9300)
Seat 2: --empty--
Seat 3: Loren Rice (8000)
Seat 4: Tom Dwan (34900)
Seat 5: --empty--
Seat 6: Thomas Hunt (17200)
Seat 7: Guillermo Abdel (13100)
Seat 8: Jason Dollinger (2500)

Table 339
Seat 1: Brian Brubaker (19700)
Seat 2: Mikko Pispala (28000)
Seat 3: Colin Maneval (27600)
Seat 4: Jason Yano (23700)
Seat 5: --empty--
Seat 6: Daniel Ospina (20500)
Seat 7: Robert Campbell (15900)
Seat 8: David Moskowitz (6300)

Table 340
Seat 1: Frank Russomanno (21800)
Seat 2: Pawel Andrzejewski (14900)
Seat 3: Matthew Kursar (6200)
Seat 4: --empty--
Seat 5: Ed Tonnellier (12700)
Seat 6: Andrew Revesz (16400)
Seat 7: Doug Carli (2900)
Seat 8: Keith Sexton (18400)

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