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2025 Merit Poker Carmen Series

$2,200 Warm Up
Dia: 1a

2025 Merit Poker Carmen Series

Prémio Total
Jogadores restantes
Média de fichas
Total de fichas
Informações do Nível
400 / 800
Informações dos Jogadores - Dia 1a
Jogadores restantes

Abrahamsson & Raffoul Get Banksy Out

Nível 3 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Daniel Abrahamsson
Daniel Abrahamsson

A rough two hands saw Banksy's stack plummet to zero as both Daniel Abrahamsson and Edgard Raffoul benefitted.

First, Banksy made it 2,000 to go on the button and then called the 10,000-chip three-bet from Abrahamsson, who was in the big blind.

On the 88J flop, Banksy called a bet of 5,500 from Abrahamsson and both watched the 3 peel off on the turn. Again Abrahamsson bet, this time for 14,500, which again Banksy called.

Both then knuckled the table on the 10 river, and Abrahamsson's 109 was good for the pot with a rivered pair of tens.

Shortly after, Banksy had his remaining stack of just under 30,000 in the middle and was put at risk by Edgard Raffoul.

Banksy: QQ
Edgard Raffoul: AK

The pocket queens looked good for a double-up on the 101024 board, but the A on the river gave Raffoul a pair of aces and left Banksy out of chips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Daniel Abrahamsson se
Daniel Abrahamsson
Profile photo of Edgard Raffoul lb
Edgard Raffoul
Profile photo of Banksy gb

Tags: Daniel AbrahamssonEdgard Raffoul

Kolev's Continuation-Bet Works

Nível 3 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Banksy made it 1,700 to go from under the gun and the button called. Boris Kolev was in the small blind and made a three-bet to 10,000, which only Banksy called.

On he 1064 flop, a chunky continuation-bet of 16,000 got the job done from Kolev as Banksy quickly laid his cards down.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Boris Kolev bg
Boris Kolev
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Banksy gb

Tags: Boris Kolev

Nível: 3

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 800

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Nível 2 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

The PokerNews desktop and mobile browser websites are as feature-rich as ever, so our tech gurus have decided to call time on the PokerNews mobile app.

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Santamaria Forces Adomavicius Out on the River

Nível 2 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

On a board of 3284, there were around 20,000 chips in the pot when Eimantas Adomavicius checked from early position and Gerard Carbo Santamaria bet 13,500 from the button. Adomavicius called.

An 8 on the river changed the texture of the board as the flush draw came in and also put a pair out there. Adomavicius checked again, then Santamaria went for a smaller sizing of 15,000. Adomavicius took some time to think about it but eventually folded, and Santamaria took down the pot.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Gerard Carbo Santamaria es
Gerard Carbo Santamaria
Profile photo of Eimantas Adomavicius lt
Eimantas Adomavicius

Tags: Eimantas AdomaviciusGerard Carbo Santamaria

Rodin Inflicts More Damage on Guven

Nível 2 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Grigorii Rodin
Grigorii Rodin

Daniel Kraus made it 1,200 from middle position and Nerses Sargsian called in the hijack. Ege Guven called in the cutoff before Grigorii Rodin bumped it up to 12,000 from the big blind. Kraus and Sargsian folded, and Guven called.

On the 4410 flop, Rodin put out a continuation-bet of 6,400, which Guven called to see the J roll off on the turn. Without much hesitation, Rodin shoved 80,000 into the middle, and after a short time deliberating, Guven folded with around 40,000 behind.

Rodin finished seventh in the Warm Up at the 2025 Western Series, and will be looking to use that momentum to make another deep run here.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Grigorii Rodin ru
Grigorii Rodin
Profile photo of Ege Guven tr
Ege Guven

Tags: Daniel KrausEge GuvenGrigorii RodinNerses Sargsian

Nível: 2

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 600

Sargsian's Overbet Gets Paid by Guven

Nível 1 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

There were already around 20,000 chips in the middle on a board of 8K567 when Nerses Sargsian put out an overbet of 26,000 from the hijack. Ege Guven was in the cutoff and was deciding how best to proceed for some time before he eventually announced a call.

Sargsian then showed a straight with 99, and Guven's cards went into the muck.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Nerses Sargsian am
Nerses Sargsian
Profile photo of Ege Guven tr
Ege Guven

Tags: Ege GuvenNerses Sargsian

Forman Comes Out Firing

Nível 1 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

Miroslav Forman just took down a decent-sized pot to get his tournament underway.

In a pot with around 2,000 in the middle on a 3J8 board, it checked around to Mario Menicanin on the button, who fired out 500. The small blind called, then Miroslav Forman made it 5,300 from the big blind. A player in early position called, and the other two players folded.

A 9 on the turn saw Forman continue his aggression with a bet of 16,500, which once again his opponent called to the 4 river. Forman didn't need to think for too long before he shoved for around 75,000, and his opponent quickly folded.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Miroslav Forman cz
Miroslav Forman
Profile photo of Mario Menicanin ba
Mario Menicanin

Tags: Mario MenicaninMiroslav Forman

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