Shahade Checked
Jennifer Shahade, PokerStars Mind Sports Ambassador and holder of the FIDE chess title Woman Granmaster, is a deep thinker as well as a quick wit. She was on a table with Dave “Devilfish” Ulliott yesterday and was moved to comment after one of Ulliott’s jokes, “If you’re gonna be sexist, please be funny.”
Shahade opened the action from first position and picked up one caller in big blind Joni Jouhkimainen. The flop was and Shahade responded to a check from her opponent by manoeuvring out a bet of 4,000. Jouhkimainen made the call and the turn card
saw both players check. The river
saw Jouhkimainen put out a bet of 3,700 which saw Shahade study the board for a couple of minutes before surrendering her cards.