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2014 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Barcelona

€5,300 Main Event
Dias: 4
Event Info

2014 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Barcelona

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Informações sobre o nível
600,000 / 1,200,000

Nível: 22

Blinds: 8,000/16,000

Ante: 2,000

Jan Heitmann Tells us About His First EPT During Season 1

Nível 21 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

Team PokerStars Pro Jan Heitmann told us the story behind his first ever European Poker Tour event, which was the first Grand Final in Monte Carlo. The tournament was ultimately won by Rob Hollink, who coincidentally knocked Heitmann out on Day 1.

Right now Heitmann's still alive on Day 4 with high hopes of finally getting his first EPT Main Event victory.

Tags: Jan HeitmannRob Hollink

Guerfi Trapped and Out

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

There was a raise ahead of him and Daniel Dvoress flat called the 32,000 before it got to [Removed:146] in the big blind who raised it up to 90,000. The original raiser got out of the way and Dvoress four-bet to 175,000. Guerfi went for a small five-bet before calling a shove from Dvoress.

Guerfi had {j-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} but had been trapped by the {a-Spades}{a-Clubs}. The cards ran out {5-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{q-Spades} and Guerfi who had the smaller stack was out of the tournament.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Daniel Dvoress ca
Daniel Dvoress
Run It Once
[Removed:146] fr

Tags: Daniel Dvoress

Panka Wins Another Huge Pot

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Dominik Panka
Dominik Panka

With Karin Bruteig already all in, Dominik Panka and Diogo Miranda got into a raising war with Miranda eventually six-betting all in and Panka snap-calling.

Bruteig: {A-Spades}{K-Hearts}
Miranda: {J-Clubs}{J-Spades}
Panka: {A-Diamonds}{A-Hearts}

The main pot was worth around 500,000 while the side pot was almost 1.8 million. The board came {2-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}, Panka let out a deep breath. He was almost out just over an hour ago and now he's one of the chip leaders.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Dominik Panka pl
Dominik Panka
EPT 1X Winner
Karin Bruteig no
Karin Bruteig
Diogo Miranda pt
Diogo Miranda

Tags: Dominik PankaKarin BruteigDiogo Miranda

Thorn In Kitai’s Side

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Vladimir Novitckii seems to be interfering with Davidi Kitai’s game plan. He is sat to the direct left of the Belgian and has been getting involved frequently when Kitai opens the action.

Kitai opened to 32,000 and Novitckii called him. With the blinds getting out of the way they went to a flop of {q-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}. They both checked to see a turn card {6-Spades} and when Kiati checked a small bet from Novitckii saw Kitai give his neighbour a stare and slide his cards forward.

On the next hand Kitai opened again for 32,000 and this time Novitckii raised to 76,000. A more unhappy stare from Kitai followed and when the action got back round to him Kitai folded and said, I folded a big hand. Pocket tens.”

“You folded pocket tens?” Robin Ylitalo asked in surprise.

Kitai laughed and shook his head.

Tags: Davidi KitaiRobin YlitaloVladimir Novitckii

Zhang Doubles Through Finger

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Martin Finger opened to 32,000 from the hijack and the cutoff made it 78,000. Ji Zhang then four-bet all in from the big blind, Finger reshoved and the cutoff folded.

Finger: {A-Diamonds}{K-Spades}
Zhang: {Q-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}

The board came {10-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{10-Hearts}, Finger took a hefty hit to his stack and Zhang doubled up to above average.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Martin Finger de
Martin Finger
EPT 1X Winner
Ji Zhang de
Ji Zhang

Kitai Suffers a Cooler

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Davidi Kitai
Davidi Kitai

PokerStars qualifier Bram Haenraets opened to 32,000 before Davidi Kitai made it 69,000 behind him. Haenraets four-bet to 153,000 but Kitai five-bet to 258,000. Haenraets moved in and Kitai rechecked his cards, sighed and called.

Haenraets: {A-Hearts}{A-Clubs}
Kitai: {A-Spades}{K-Diamonds}

The board came {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{7-Hearts} and Haenraets eliminated the former EPT Berlin champion right on the break.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Bram Haenraets nl
Bram Haenraets
Davidi Kitai be
Davidi Kitai
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Bram HaenraetsDavidi Kitai