18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2020 PokerStars EPT Online

EPT Online 10: $25,000 NLHE [8-Max, Super High Roller]
Dias: 1
Event Info

2020 PokerStars EPT Online

Resultado Final
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
80,000 / 160,000
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 1
Jogadores em jogo

Pardo Wins Flip Against Greenwood

Nível 19 : 17,500/35,000, 4,500 ante
Pardo Doubles Through Greenwood
Pardo Doubles Through Greenwood

Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood made it 77,000 to go in the cutoff and Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo three-bet to 875,000 with 4,328 behind on the button. Greenwood moved all in with the superior stack and Pardo called it off.

Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo: {a-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood: {9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}

Pardo gained the lead on the {a-Spades}{8-Spades}{6-Clubs} flop and remained there on the {q-Spades} turn and {7-Clubs} river.

In the same hand on the other table, Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams raised to 77,000 and "ragAAAila19" called on the button. Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen three-bet to 385,000 in the big blind only for Adams to jam and collect all the chips without resistance.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon gb
Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon
3,167,981 -9,000
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph de
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph
2,700,850 -61,500
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams ca
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams
WSOP 1X Winner
2,326,505 497,500
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean ro
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean
Day 1 Chip Leader
2,200,940 43,500
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
2,111,563 -481,500
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo es
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo
1,842,656 1,020,828
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle de
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle
1,694,940 -9,000
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
1,076,035 -44,000
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
1,017,835 -9,000
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka es
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka
1,011,287 -9,000
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin ru
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin
588,609 -9,000
Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz
Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz
344,119 -61,500
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
146,680 -888,328

Rudolph Wins Last Hand Before the Break

Nível 19 : 17,500/35,000, 4,500 ante

In the last hand before the break, Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph opened to 70,000 and was called only by David "MonkeyBausss" Laka from two seats over. Rudolph checked the {q-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{6-Clubs} flop and subsequently called a bet of 108,860 by Laka.

The {a-Spades} followed on the turn and Rudolph's check-raise from 156,680 to 455,000 did the trick to force a fold from Laka. Below are the counts of the final 13 contenders as the action has just recommenced.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon gb
Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon
3,176,981 -31,000
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph de
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph
2,762,350 406,040
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
2,593,063 -13,500
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean ro
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean
Day 1 Chip Leader
2,157,440 -48,500
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams ca
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams
WSOP 1X Winner
1,829,005 13,500
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle de
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle
1,703,940 -66,000
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
1,120,035 -13,500
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
1,035,008 -143,000
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
1,026,835 13,480
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka es
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka
1,020,287 -265,040
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo es
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo
821,828 112,500
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin ru
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin
597,609 -31,000
Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz
Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz
405,619 66,000

Holz Gets Short; Nixon Takes From Martirosian

Nível 19 : 17,500/35,000, 4,500 ante

Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen made it 77,000 to go from under the gun and was called by Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz in the big blind.

Holz opted to check-call a bet of 55,580 on the {k-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{9-Spades} flop and the {2-Spades} turn was checked. Holz then bet the {7-Diamonds} river for 225,750 and Pärssinen looked him up with the {k-Clubs}{10-Spades} to win the pot versus {q-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}.

Two hands later on the same table, Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian opened to 77,000 and Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon filled up out of the big blind. Nixon check-called for 211,455 and led the {9-Hearts} turn for 455,000, which forced a fold from Martirosian.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon gb
Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon
3,207,981 367,955
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
2,606,563 323,330
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph de
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph
2,356,310 88,000
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean ro
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean
Day 1 Chip Leader
2,205,940 17,500
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams ca
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams
WSOP 1X Winner
1,815,505 59,500
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle de
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle
1,769,940 110,750
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka es
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka
1,285,327 -101,000
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
1,178,008 -213,000
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
1,133,535 217,500
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
1,013,355 -290,185
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo es
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo
709,328 -13,500
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin ru
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin
628,609 -88,750
Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz
Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz
339,619 -478,080

Nixon Takes the Lead

Nível 19 : 17,500/35,000, 4,500 ante

Yet another min-raise by Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams was called by Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon in the big blind and the duo headed to the {10-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{2-Hearts} flop which went check, check. On the {7-Clubs} turn, Nixon bet 59,885 and Adams came along to {k-Clubs} river.

Nixon now checked and Adams fired a bet of 315,000 only for Nixon to call and win the pot with {k-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} versus {a-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon gb
Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon
2,840,026 692,544
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
2,283,233 178,750
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph de
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph
2,268,310 243,680
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean ro
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean
Day 1 Chip Leader
2,188,440 -31,000
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams ca
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams
WSOP 1X Winner
1,756,005 -428,385
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle de
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle
1,659,190 54,665
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
1,391,008 115,663
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka es
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka
1,386,327 -277,430
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
1,303,540 -178,000
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
916,035 30,300
Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz
Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz
817,699 28,500
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo es
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo
722,828 57,335
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin ru
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin
717,359 -224,213

Nível: 19

Blinds: 17,500/35,000

Ante: 4,500

Martirosian Doubles Through Boghean

Nível 18 : 15,000/30,000, 3,750 ante

Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian made it 60,000 to go from the button, having seen his stack dip below a million, and chip leader Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean applied maximum pressure to move all-in from the big blind. Martirosian called for 722,020 and the following showdown emerged.

Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian: {j-Hearts}{j-Spades}
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean: {a-Spades}{5-Clubs}

Martirosian casually flopped a full house and turned quads on the {j-Clubs}{8-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} board to double in style.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean ro
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean
Day 1 Chip Leader
2,219,440 -703,270
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
1,481,540 467,111

Adams Flops a Flush to Bust Reixach

Nível 18 : 15,000/30,000, 3,750 ante
Reixach eliminated by Adams
Reixach eliminated by Adams

Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams simply raised to 300,000 out of the small blind and the table short stack Sergi "srxakgirona" Reixach had 220,670 behind in the big blind, which he eventually called for.

Sergi "srxakgirona" Reixach: {10-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams: {7-Hearts}{5-Hearts}

Adams hit gold, or hearts, so to speak, on the {j-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{3-Hearts} flop, and that immediately left Reixach drawing dead even before the {2-Spades} turn and {j-Clubs} river completed the board.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams ca
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams
WSOP 1X Winner
2,184,390 304,670
Sergi "srxakgirona" Reixach es
Sergi "srxakgirona" Reixach

Nixon Doubles Through Adams

Nível 18 : 15,000/30,000, 3,750 ante
Nixon doubles through Adams
Nixon doubles through Adams

Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin three-bet jammed twice in quick succession to boost his stack and Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo fell further behind when he gave up a heads-up pot against Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph by check-folding the {a-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{2-Spades}{j-Diamonds} turn.

Over on the other table, Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams min-raised to 60,000 and was called by Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon from the big blind. The {6-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} flop was check-called by Nixon for 40,375 and he did so again for a pot-sized 242,000 on the {9-Diamonds} turn.

Nixon had 710,741 behind to the {3-Clubs} river and checked, which prompted a shove by Adams. After careful consideration, Nixon made the call with the {a-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} for nines and sixes, which was good against Adams' bluff with {k-Spades}{j-Hearts}.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean ro
Andrei "ragAAAila19" Boghean
Day 1 Chip Leader
2,922,710 14,000
Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon gb
Jamie "jamienixon90" Nixon
2,147,482 1,144,591
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen
2,104,483 116,250
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph de
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph
2,024,630 70,500
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams ca
Timothy "Tim0thee" Adams
WSOP 1X Winner
1,879,720 -769,491
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka es
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka
1,663,757 122,360
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle de
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle
1,604,525 -63,750
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
1,275,345 -148,610
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
Artur "mararthur1" Martirosian
1,014,429 -50,000
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin ru
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin
941,572 271,800
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
885,735 -80,550
Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz
Fedor "CrownUpGuy" Holz
789,199 -50,750
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo es
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo
665,493 -171,750
Sergi "srxakgirona" Reixach es
Sergi "srxakgirona" Reixach
231,920 -444,600

Two Doubles for Rudolph

Nível 18 : 15,000/30,000, 3,750 ante

Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph scored a first double after taking a flip in the small blind against button raiser Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo.

Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph: {q-Spades}{j-Spades}
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo: {7-Clubs}{7-Spades}

Board: {j-Clubs}{8-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{k-Hearts}

Rudolph paired the jack on the flop and remained ahead on a blank turn and river.

In the very next hand, Rudolph min-raised the button and David "MonkeyBausss" Laka came along from the big blind. Laka check-raised the {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{2-Hearts} flop from 45,000 to 100,680 and Rudolph made the call. Laka fired the {6-Spades} turn for 290,680 and bet the {10-Spades} river for a million.

Rudolph only had 505,080 behind and called after some consideration to score yet another double. Laka had bluffed {k-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} and Rudolph took it down with {q-Spades}{j-Hearts} for second pair.

Rudolph doubles through Laka
Rudolph doubles through Laka
Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph de
Christian "WATnlos" Rudolph
1,954,130 1,521,410
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle de
Benjamin "bencb789" Rolle
1,668,275 -15,000
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka es
David "MonkeyBausss" Laka
1,541,397 -994,690
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
Sam "Str8$$$Homey" Greenwood
1,423,955 -40,750
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
Joao "Naza114" Vieira
966,285 -70,750
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo es
Juan "Malaka$tyle" Pardo
837,243 -516,870
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin ru
Vyacheslav "VbV1990" Buldygin
669,772 282,420