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2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

$3,000 Mystery Bounty
Dias: 2
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Cyprus

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
250,000 / 500,000
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 2
Jogadores em jogo

Moene Chips Up with a Turned Straight

Nível 21 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Jelle Moene
Jelle Moene

Hossien Taki raised to 31,000, from the hijack. Jelle Moene defended in the big blind.

The 345 flop checked through to the 2 on the turn. Moene took the lead for 55,000 and Taki made the call.

The K landed on the river and Moene sized up to 85,000. Taki snap-called. Moene tabled A6 for a straight; good enough to send Taki's cards into the muck.

"You missed value," Taki told Moene.

"That sucks for me," Moene replied, as he stacked a healthy amount of Taki's chips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jelle Moene nl
Jelle Moene
Hossien Taki
Hossien Taki

Tags: Hossien TakiJelle Moene

Chip Leader Continues Hot Run

Nível 21 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Manuel Fischer
Manuel Fischer

Action folded around to Manuel Fischer, who moved all in from late position with a monster stack. Ivan Kuziv called all in on the button for 140,000 and the players in the blinds folded. The cards were turned.

Ivan Kuziv: 55
Manuel Fischer: QJ

The board ran out K109A9. Fischer flopped the nut straight to knock out Kuziv and grow his stack even bigger. He is currently the chip leader with nearly 2,000,000 to his name.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Manuel Fischer de
Manuel Fischer
Ivan Kuziv ua
Ivan Kuziv

Tags: Ivan KuzivManuel Fischer

Georgios Vrakas Pulls Final $75,000 Bounty

Nível 21 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante
Georgios Vrakas
Georgios Vrakas

The final $75,000 bounty has just been pulled. Georgios Vrakas was the man to do it. He cheered and a few other players gave him a clap (one threw in a "boo"). Vrakas is still in the tournament with a decent stack of over 400,000.

Three players also joined the list of $25,000 bounty winners. They are Quan Zhou, Mauricio Pais, and Ivan Kuziv.

That's it for $75,000 prizes, but there are stiil a couple of $25,000 bounties still up for grabs. Here's what's left.

Bounty PrizeNumber AvailableRemainingTotal ValueValue Remaining
$1,000 + Draw Again101$10,000$1,000
Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Georgios Vrakas gr
Georgios Vrakas

Tags: Georgios VrakasIvan KuzivMauricio PaisQuan Zhou

Four More Players Have Pulled $25,000 Bounties

Nível 19 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Alexandre Vuilleumier
Alexandre Vuilleumier

Since it was last reported, four more of the second biggest bounty prizes have been pulled. Alexandre Vuilleumier, Igor Yaroshevskyy, Aliaksandr Shylko, and Zhewen Hu are the latest players to trade in their tokens for $25,000 prizes.

Here's what remains in the mystery bounty prize pool.

Bounty PrizeNumber AvailableRemainingTotal ValueValue Remaining
$1,000 + Draw Again102$10,000$2,000

Tags: Alexandre VuilleumierAliaksandr ShylkoIgor YaroshevskyyZhewen Hu

Sanioglu Holds With Aces, Petrushevskii Busts, Kuziv Takes Blow

Nível 18 : Blinds 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Ekrem Sanioglu
Ekrem Sanioglu

Three players were all in preflop. Sergei Petrushevskii had the shortest stack, Ekrem Sanioglu was all in for 289,000 and Ivan Kuziv was all in with both players covered. Players flipped over their cards.

Sergei Petrushevskii: K9
Ekrem Sanioglu: AA
Ivan Kuziv: AK

The board ran out 26565. Sanioglu held with his pocket aces, making two pair on the turn with the sixes on board.

Petrushevskii was eliminated and Kuziv took a blow to his stack. Sanioglu took Petrushevskii's bounty token and chipped up to around 800,000, making him one of the tournament chip leaders.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Ekrem Sanioglu fr
Ekrem Sanioglu
Ivan Kuziv ua
Ivan Kuziv
Sergei Petrushevskii ru
Sergei Petrushevskii

Tags: Ekrem SaniogluIvan KuzivSergei Petrushevskii

Miles Eliminated on Stone Bubble

Nível 17 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Aibek Kozhomzharov
Aibek Kozhomzharov

The action was caught as the board had already been dealt to the turn, as it read 3294.

Aibek Kozhomzharov, in the big blind, had opponent Anthony Miles, in early position, all in and at risk for his remaining 80,000.

Anthony Miles: A9
Aibek Kozhomzharov: 65

The river landed the K. Miles' top pair was no match for the turned straight of Kozhomzharov, as he eliminated back-to-back players to burst the bubble. The remaining 143 players are now all in the money.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Aibek Kozhomzharov kg
Aibek Kozhomzharov
Anthony Miles gb
Anthony Miles

Tags: Aibek KozhomzharovAnthony Miles

Adamszki Busts in 145th Place

Nível 17 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Tamas Adamszki
Tamas Adamszki

PokerNews caught up with the action as Tamas Adamszki, on the button, was all in and at risk for his last 42,000, against Aibek Kozhomzharov, in middle position. The full board read A101055 and both players holding were as follows:

Tamas Adamszki: 99
Aibek Kozhomzharov: QQ

Adamszki's nines fell to the queens of Kozhomzharov and he was sent to the rail. The remaining 144 players were now on the stone bubble.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Aibek Kozhomzharov kg
Aibek Kozhomzharov
Tamas Adamszki hu
Tamas Adamszki

Tags: Aibek KozhomzharovTamas Adamszki

Ponomarev Flops Nut Flush, Busts Stoyanov

Nível 17 : Blinds 2,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Nikolay Ponomarev
Nikolay Ponomarev

Nikolay Ponomarev raised from middle position and picked up calls from Nina Krasilnikova, the player in the small blind and Radoslav Stoyanov in the big blind.

The flop came 936. Stoyanov checked and Ponomarev bet 11,000. Only Stoyanov called.

The turn was the 4. Stoyanov checked again and Ponomarev bet 36,000, which Stoyanov called.

The river came the 9. Stoyanov checked again and Ponomarev pushed a stack of blues into the middle, an effective all in for the rest of his opponent's stack. Stoyanov made the call.

Stoyanov showed A9 for trip nines and Ponomarev showed A2 for the flopped nut flush. He won the pot and chipped up to nearly 450,000, claiming Stoyanov's bounty token in the process.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Nikolay Ponomarev gb
Nikolay Ponomarev
Radoslav Stoyanov bg
Radoslav Stoyanov

Tags: Nikolay PonomarevNina KrasilnikovaRadoslav Stoyanov

$75,000 Bounty Pulled

Nível 16 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Francesco Blasio
Francesco Blasio

A shout of joy came from the corner of the room. Players turned their heads and asked the question, was it a $75,000 bounty? The answer was yes.

Francesco Blasio was stood holding his ticket, grinning, turning to the cameras. He was the first to pull one of the top two prizes.

Tags: Francesco Blasio

Five $25,000 Bounties Already Pulled

Nível 16 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Jon Kyte
Jon Kyte

Players were lined up at the bounty chest during the break to pull their prizes. So far, the two top prizes of $75,000 are still up for grabs.

Five out of the 13 second prizes of $25,000 have, however, already been pulled. The winners of those are Jon Kyte, Raphael Blouet, Ghassan Yared, Jonathan Baylis and Phillip Corion.

Here are the bounty prizes that remain.

Bounty PrizeNumber AvailableRemainingTotal ValueValue Remaining
$1,000 + Draw Again109$10,000$9,000

Tags: Ghassan YaredJon KyteJonathan BaylisPhillip CorionRaphael Blouet