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2016 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

€5,300 Main Event
Dias: 2
Event Info

2016 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
125,000 / 250,000

Reinkemeier Picks On Haxton

Nível 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Isaac Haxton
Isaac Haxton

Isaac Haxton had built himself a healthy chip stack, but some of those have since traveled the way of the player on his direct left: Fellow high roller Tobias Reinkemeier.

First, they both called a 2,100-chip open with Reinkemeier on the button. They went three ways to a {q-Clubs}{4-Spades}{2-Hearts} flop and after the opener checked, Haxton bet 2,800. Only Reinkemeier called and when Haxton checked the {9-Clubs} turn, Reinkemeier was able to push him off the hand with a bet.

A hand later it was Haxton opening with a 2,000-chip bet, and only Reinkemeier calling. The {7-Clubs}{2-Spades}{4-Hearts} flop saw Haxton check and Reinkemeier lead for 2,000, taking two in a row from Haxton when he folded.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton
Tobias Reinkemeier de
Tobias Reinkemeier

Tags: Isaac HaxtonTobias Reinkemeier

Haxton Busts Baumann

Nível 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

We just missed Gaelle Baumann's elimination by a hair, but we did see that Isaac Haxton was the beneficiary.

Haxton explained how he raised with nine-eight and Baumann moved all in from the big blind with pocket kings. Baumann's shove was for 10,000 and Haxton made the call.

"And I flopped a straight," Haxton said with a big smile, as he's now sitting on 124,000 chips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton
Gaelle Baumann fr
Gaelle Baumann

Tags: Gaelle BaumannIsaac Haxton

Felipe Ramos Eliminated

Nível 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Felipe Ramos
Felipe Ramos

Jimmy Guerrero made it 2,300 to go from early position and Felipe Ramos three-bet to 6,900 in position. Action folded back to Guerrero and he four bet to 18,000. Ramos called.

The flop came {J-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} and Guerrero continued for 11,500. Ramos tanked for a bit before announcing all in. Guerrero called as soon as he found out it was about 36,000.

Jimmy Guerrero: {A-Clubs}{A-Diamonds}
Felipe Ramos: {Q-Hearts}{10-Hearts}

The {K-Spades} on the turn was anything but a blank and Guerrero shivered for a second. The {3-Spades} on the river was a harmless card though and Ramos said his goodbyes.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Jimmy Guerrero fr
Jimmy Guerrero
Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos

Tags: Felipe RamosJimmy Guerrero

Metaal Finds Kings And Busts One

Nível 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

Govert Metaal was just spotted sitting on about 240,000 chips, and he explained to us how he just won a big pot.

"I limped with pocket kings, and two more players limped after which the big blind raised to 4,300," Metaal said.

"I re-raised to 10,100 and he made it 22,300. I went all in and he snap-called with pocket tens," Metaal said,

The Dutchman - who resides in Monte Carlo - called with pocket kings and took down the pot after the board brought no surprises.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Govert Metaal nl
Govert Metaal

Tags: Govert Metaal

Intense Chop Between Haxton and Reinkemeier

Nível 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

When Super High Roller regulars clash it always makes things a little more intense, and that's what we just felt during a hand between Isaac Haxton and Tobias Reinkemeier.

Haxton raised it up to 2,000 from middle position and from his direct left Reinkemeier made it 6,500. The action quickly folded back to Haxton, and he went in the tank as he looked at the German's pro's stack.

Haxton opted to four-bet to 14,000 and moments later Reinkemeier moved all in for about 40,000 chips. Haxton looked back down at his cards and called, creating the following showdown.

Haxton: {A-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds}
Reinkemeier: {A-Clubs}{K-Hearts}

The board ran out {Q-Clubs}{10-Spades}{3-Spades}{7-Spades}{3-Hearts} and the pot was chopped.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton
Tobias Reinkemeier de
Tobias Reinkemeier

Tags: Isaac HaxtonTobias Reinkemeier

Veldhuis and Buonanno Tangle Again

Nível 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante

Under the gun Lex Veldhuis made it 2,500 to go and once again ran into Antonio Buonanno. The Italian EPT champ three bet to 5,500 and Veldhuis was the only caller.

Both players checked the flop of {6-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{J-Clubs} and the {2-Spades} popped up on the turn. Veldhuis bet out 6,000 and Buonanno made the call. The river {5-Hearts} prompted a bet of 9,400 by Veldhuis and Buonanno shoved all in after thinking about it under 10 seconds. Veldhuis folded, leaving himself with just over 16,000.

Two hands later the Dutch PokerStars Team Online Pro was seated in the small blind and action folded to him. He pushed all in and his neighbor called just about instantly.

Lex Veldhuis: {6-Spades}{7-Spades}
Big blind: {10-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}

The board ran out {4-Clubs}{A-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{7-Clubs} and Veldhuis doubled up with his runner runner two pair.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Antonio Buonanno it
Antonio Buonanno
EPT 1X Winner
Lex Veldhuis nl
Lex Veldhuis

Tags: Lex VeldhuisAntonio Buonanno

Bye Bye Boeree, Bye Bye

Nível 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Liv Boeree
Liv Boeree

Team PokerStars Pro Liv Boeree made it 2,000 from under the gun and Wenxiong Luo bumped it to 5,700 on the button.

The big blind called and Boeree took a brief pause before shipping it in for 19,600 total. Luo called and after the big blind folded, the hands were revealed:

Boeree: {9-Diamonds}{9-Spades}
Luo: {a-Clubs}{a-Hearts}

Luo didn't need any help to win this one, but got some on the {a-Spades}{5-Clubs}{10-Clubs} flop. Global Poker League Boss Alexandre Dreyfus, and London Royals teammate and partner Igor Kurganov watched on from the rail as the {a-Diamonds} turn poured salt in the Boeree wound, making Luo quads, and finally, Boeree said her goodbyes following the meaningless {2-Hearts} river.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Wenxiong Luo cn
Wenxiong Luo
Liv Boeree gb
Liv Boeree
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Igor KurganovLiv BoereeWenxiong Luo

A Top Secret River Battle Between Boeree and Kagawa

Nível 10 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
Liv Boeree
Liv Boeree

We just saw a board showing {J-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{A-Spades}{5-Clubs}{3-Clubs} and with around 28,000 in the middle Team PokerStars Pro Liv Boeree bet 16,000 from the small blind.

Boeree awaited Rintaro Kagawa's decision - who was seated to her direct right - and ultimately de Japanese player moved all in.

Immediately Boeree let out a deep sigh, and she shook her head being faced with a decision for her tournament life.

"You hit the three?" Boeree asked.

"My English no good," Kagawa said.

"Did you hit this card?" Boeree pointed at the river.

"It's a secret," Kagawa responded, as he crossed his fingers in front of his mouth.

Boeree and the other players at the table were amused by Kagawa's colorfull explanation, but the former EPT San Remo winner stayed in the tank.

About 20 seconds later Boeree asked Kagawa, "You have a good hand?"

Once again Kagawa said, "My English no good."

"You want me to go home?" Boeree joked at Kagawa.

"Top secret" Kagawa then said, as he once again crossed his fingers in front of his mouth, and the table cracked up again.

Boeree ultimately folded, leaving herself with 27,000 chips, and Kagawa mucked his cards.

"Show please?" Boeree pleaded, "Please show one?"

"Top secret!" Kagawa said again as he pushed his cards into the, and his chances of completing his mission of winning this event just became a little better.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Rintaro Kagawa jp
Rintaro Kagawa
Liv Boeree gb
Liv Boeree
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Liv BoereeRintaro Kagawa