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2015 PokerStars EPT Season 12 Prague

€5,300 Main Event
Dias: 6
Event Info

2015 PokerStars EPT Season 12 Prague

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
250,000 / 500,000

Hand 167: Controversy Results in Big Pot For Ensan

Nível 35 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante
Hossein Ensan and two floors
Hossein Ensan and two floors

Hand #167: Gleb Tremzin limped on the button and the flop brought out {A-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} on which both players checked.

The turn was the {2-Hearts} and Ensan check-called 400,000. The river brought the {6-Hearts} and Ensan bet 400,000 with {Q-Hearts}{5-Spades}.

Tremzin's cards were unknown to us expect for the {8-Spades}, but he raised to 2,300,000. Ensan came right back over the top to 4.8 million by quietly pushing two big stacks forward.

"Good call," Tremzin said, and Ensan showed his pair of fives.

Ensan thought Tremzin had called his raise to 4.8 million, and he demanded for the full amount to be awarded to him.

Tremzin explained how he would never call with eight-high, holding {8-Spades}{4-Diamonds}, but Ensan insisted that his opponent had called his raise to 4.8 million.

Four members of the tournament staff discussed the situation, after which Ensan eventually said, "It's okay guys, I don't want the chips. He would never call with eight-high."

Ensan didn't announce raise verbally, and this is where Tremzin's confusion came from.

"Next time, just don't bluff," Ensan said.

"You don't bluff also," Tremzin responded with a big smile.

"I have five, I don't bluff," Ensan laughed, and the entire rail laughed with him.

"The next time, when I make an all in on the river and you fold, you can ask to show me," Tremzin offered Ensan as an apology for the situation he caused.

The two gentleman continued this friendly, but entertaining heads up battle and there's no end in sight yet.

Tags: Gleb TremzinHossein Ensan

Hands 163-166: Even Money Now

Nível 35 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #163: Tremzin found {A-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} on the button and he made it 600,000. Ensan called with {8-Diamonds}{6-Spades} and the flop came {6-Clubs}{2-Spades}{2-Diamonds}. The flop once again gave someone a pair and both players checked. The {7-Clubs} hit the turn and again both checked. The {J-Diamonds} on the river saw Ensan bet 600,000. Tremzijn called, but mucked upon seeing Ensan's pair of sixes.

Hand #164: Hossein Ensan limped {A-Hearts}{6-Hearts} on the button and Tremzij checked with {J-Spades}{7-Diamonds}. {4-Spades}{Q-Spades}{Q-Hearts} on the flop and Ensan took it down with a bet.

Hand #165: Tremzin made it 600,000 to go with {10-Spades}{10-Clubs} and Ensan called with {6-Hearts}{4-Spades}. The flop came {A-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{A-Hearts} and Ensan checked. Tremzin bet 450,000 and Ensan instantly folded.

Hand #166: Ensan with {Q-Spades}{9-Hearts} made it 600,000 and Tremzin called with {J-Hearts}{5-Hearts}. The flop came {3-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{K-Hearts} and Tremzin checked. Ensan bet 600,000 and Tremzin called with his pair and flush draw. The {8-Diamonds} was checked by both and the {8-Hearts} hit the river. Tremzin checked and Ensan checked behind - giving the pot to Tremzin.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Gleb Tremzin ru
Gleb Tremzin
Profile photo of Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Hossein EnsanGleb Tremzin

Hands 157-162: Tremzin's Shove Gets Through

Nível 35 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #157: Gleb Tremzin limped the button and Hossein Ensan checked his option. The flop showed {10-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{8-Spades} and Tremzin bet, which made Ensan folded.

Hand #158: Hossein Ensan raised and Gleb Tremzin three-bet to 950,000. Ensan called and the flop brought out {J-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{5-Clubs} and both players checked. The turn was the {J-Clubs} and Tremzin bet 1,000,000 and Ensan called. The river was the {8-Clubs} and both players checked. Tremzin won, and Ensan mucked.

Hand #159: Gleb Tremzin limped the button with {10-Hearts}{6-Clubs} and Hossein Ensan checked with {5-Clubs}{2-Hearts}. The flop showed {10-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{3-Spades} and Ensan bet 400,000 and Tremzin called. The turn was the {2-Clubs} and Ensan bet 500,000, Tremzin called. The river was the {7-Hearts} and Ensan bet 800,000, which was called by Tremzin. Tremzin won, and cheered loudly with his friends.

Hand #160: Unknown action.

Hand #161: Gleb Tremzin raised from the button with {K-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} and Hossein Ensan called with {Q-Hearts}{7-Spades}. The flop brought out {K-Clubs}{10-Spades}{6-Spades} and Ensan checked to Tremzin who bet 800,000. Ensan check-raised to 2.1 million and Tremzin called. The turn was the {5-Diamonds} and both players checked. The river was the {3-Spades} and Ensan checked again. Tremzin bet 2,075,000 and Ensan folded.

Hand #162: Hossein Ensan raised to 600,000 from the button with {Q-Spades}{7-Spades} and Gleb Tremzin called with {A-Hearts}{9-Clubs}. The flop brought out {9-Spades}{7-Clubs}{2-Hearts} and Tremzin checked to Ensan bet 700,000 which was check-raised to 2.2 million. Ensan called and on the turn the {5-Diamonds} hit.

Tremzin moved all in on the turn for more than twice the size of the pot, and Ensan gave up his hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Gleb Tremzin ru
Gleb Tremzin
Profile photo of Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Gleb TremzinHossein Ensan

Hands 151-156: Tremzin Losing a Lot of Ground

Nível 35 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #151: Gleb Tremzin limped in with {7-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} and Ensan checked with {9-Clubs}{4-Clubs}. Ensan flopped two pair on {K-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{9-Spades} and he checked. Tremzin bet 350,000 and Ensan made the call. The {5-Diamonds} hit the turn giving Tremzin an open ended. Ensan checked again and Tremzin fired 1.6 million. Ensan raised to 4.6 million and Tremzin just about instantly called with his straight draw. The river came the {2-Diamonds} and Ensan shoved all in. Tremzin, with just seven high, folded. Chip lead for Ensan again!

Hand #152: {Q-Hearts}{7-Spades} for Ensan on the button and he raised to 600,000. Tremzin called with {8-Spades}{6-Spades} and the two took a flop of {4-Clubs}{A-Hearts}{10-Hearts}. Tremzin check folded to Ensan's 800,000 bet.

Hand #153: {9-Hearts}{7-Spades} for Tremzin and he made it 600,000. Ensan called with {10-Hearts}{9-Spades}. The flop did nothing for either with {A-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} and Ensan check folded to Tremzin's 600,000 bet.

Hand #154: Ensan made it 600,000 with {7-Hearts}{6-Clubs} and Tremzin folded.

Hand #155: Tremzin with {10-Spades}{9-Spades} raised to 600,000. Ensan found a real had and just called with his {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}. The flop came {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{2-Spades} and Ensan checked. Tremzin bet 600,000 and Ensan made the call. The {4-Hearts} fell on the turn and with 2.5 million in the pot both players checked. The {7-Clubs} hit the river and Ensan bet 700,000. Tremzin, with nothing but ten-high, folded immediately.

Hand #156: Ensan limped in and Tremzin checked. On {7-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{7-Hearts} on the flop it was Ensan with {Q-Clubs}{8-Clubs} and {5-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} for Tremzin. Both players checked and the {6-Hearts} fell on the turn. Tremzin bet 550,000 and Ensan called. The {Q-Diamonds} on the turn saw Ensan bet 1.6 million and Ensan snap called with the best hand.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Gleb Tremzin ru
Gleb Tremzin

Tags: Gleb TremzinHossein Ensan

Hands 147-150: Massive Double Up For Ensan

Nível 35 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante
Hossein Ensan
Hossein Ensan

Hand #147: Gleb Tremzin limped on the button with {9-Clubs}{5-Clubs} and Hossein Ensan checked with {Q-Spades}{4-Spades}. The flop brought out {K-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{3-Hearts} and Ensan bet 425,000 and that got Tremzin to fold.

Hand #148: Hossein Ensan limped the button with {J-Spades}{7-Diamonds} and Gleb Tremzin checked with {J-Hearts}{2-Clubs}. The flop brought out {3-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}{9-Hearts} and Ensan bet 400,000 and took down the pot.

Hand #149: Gleb Tremzin limped on the button with {K-Spades}{4-Clubs} and Hossein Ensan checked with {6-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}. The flop brought out {A-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{3-Spades} and Ensan moved all in for 5.4 million and he picked up the pot.

Hand #150: Hossein Ensan raised with {5-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} from the button to 600,000 and Gleb Tremzin three-bet from the big blind to 1.6 million with ace-king. Ensan made the call and the flop brought out {5-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{5-Spades} on which both players checked. The turn was the {8-Spades} and Ensan fired out 700,000 after his opponent checked, and Tremzin called.

The river was the {10-Diamonds} and Ensan moved all in for 4,925,000 after Tremzin's checked. After a while Tremzin called and Ensane received a full double up to almost level the battle.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Gleb Tremzin ru
Gleb Tremzin
Profile photo of Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Gleb TremzinHossein Ensan

Hands 143-146: Tremzin Wins a Huge Pot

Nível 35 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante
Gleb Tremzin
Gleb Tremzin

Hand #143: Gleb Tremzin folded the button and gave Hossein Ensan a walk.

Hand #144: Hossein Ensan found {5-Spades}{2-Hearts} on the button and folded. Walk for Gleb Tremzin.

Hand #145: Tremzin made it 600,000 with {7-Hearts}{5-Clubs} and Ensan called with {Q-Clubs}{8-Clubs}. Both players, despite hitting something, checked the entire board of {3-Spades}{6-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{K-Clubs} and Ensan took it down with the flopped top pair.

Hand #146: Ensan made it 600,000 from the button with {A-Hearts}{K-Hearts}. Tremzin called with {A-Spades}{10-Hearts} and both flopped something: {10-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{K-Clubs}. Tremzin check called a bet of 750,000. The {10-Clubs} hit the turn and with 2.8 million in the pot it was Tremzin betting out 1.1 million. Ensan called in position and the delaer put the {2-Hearts} on the table. Tremzin bet 4 million into the 5 million pot and Ensan instantly called, only to muck with a disappointed face after seeing Tremzin's turned trips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Gleb Tremzin ru
Gleb Tremzin
Profile photo of Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Gleb TremzinHossein Ensan

Level Up

Nível 35 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

The cards are back in the air and the levels are now 60 minutes long. Right now there are about 100 big blinds in play between Hossein Ensan and Gleb Tremzin.

Nível: 35

Blinds: 150,000/300,000

Ante: 50,000

Hands 140-142: Tremzin Maintains His Lead

Nível 34 : 125,000/250,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #140: Hossein Ensan raised with {K-Spades}{3-Hearts} from the button to 500,000 and Gleb Tremzin called with {Q-Hearts}{10-Spades}. The flop brought out {J-Spades}{5-Spades}{4-Clubs} and Tremzin lead out for 475,000. Ensan called and the turn was the {6-Clubs}, on which Tremzin checked to Ensan who bet 1.2 million and that won him the pot.

Hand #141: With {A-Clubs}{5-Clubs} Gleb Tremzin raised and he picked up the pot.

Hand #142: Hossein Ensan raised with {7-Clubs}{4-Hearts} from the button to 525,000 and Gleb Tremzin three-bet with {6-Clubs}{4-Clubs} to 1.8 million. Ensan folded.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Profile photo of Gleb Tremzin ru
Gleb Tremzin
Profile photo of Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Gleb TremzinHossein Ensan