Top Pair Versus Flush Draw
Hand #159: Colman folded his button and Kurganov folded his small blind. Cates with got a walk in the big blind.
Hand #160: Cates limped in from the small blind with . Colman had
in the big blind and raised it up to 320,000. Cates folded, pot for Colman.
Hand #161: Cates with on the button limped. Colman in the small blind with
raised it up to 390,000 and Kurganov folded. Cates folded as well, again a pot for Colman.
Hand #162: Colman folded his button, but Kurganov with in the small blind pushed. Kates folded his king-four and Kurganov took it down.
Hand #163: Cates in the small blind had and opened for 300,000. Colman folded his nine-deuce and that was it for hand 163 of the day.
Hand #164: Colman with in the small blind limped in. Kurganov had
and checked.
on the flop and Colman checked. Kurganov checked as well and both did the same on the
-turn. The
fell on the river and Colman checked again. Kurganov bet out 150,000 and Colman instantly folded.
Hand #165: Kurganov opened with from the small blind. Cates in the big blind with
on the flop and Kurganov bet out 275,000 with his top pair. Cates with the flush draw made the call.
on the turn and Kurganov checked. Cates checked behind. The river came the
and Kurganov checked. Cates checked behind and had to leave the pot to Kurganov.