18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2014 PokerStars.fr EPT Deauville

€5,300 Main Event
Dias: 1a
Event Info

2014 PokerStars.fr EPT Deauville

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
60,000 / 120,000

Winning by a Daher's Breadth

Nível 3 : 100/200, 0 ante

On the turn of a {9-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{J-Clubs}{A-Clubs} board, Albert Daher fired a bet of 3,900 and Steven Comte made the call to see the {9-Spades} on the river.

Daher now fired 9,200 and Comte instantly called.

Daher flipped {A-Hearts}{A-Diamonds} for a full house and a frustrated Comte turned over {K-Clubs}{Q-Clubs} for the nut flush.

"It plays itself," offered Daher.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Albert Daher lb
Albert Daher

Ace Deuce for Nassif

Nível 3 : 100/200, 0 ante

From the cutoff position Gabriel Nassif opened for 500. Turkish player Orpen Kisacikoglu made the call from the button and John O'Shea in the big blind came along as well. {Q-Spades}{9-Clubs}{5-Hearts} on the flop and everyone checked. O'Shea checked again on the {A-Clubs} on the turn and Nassif bet 800. Kisacikoglu called in position and O'Shea folded. The {5-Clubs} hit the river and Nassif now checked. Kisacikoglu bet 1,150 and Nassif made the call. Kisacikoglu showed {Q-Clubs}{J-Hearts} but that hand ended up in the muck, Nassif showed {A-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and took it down.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Gabriel Nassif
Gabriel Nassif

Tags: Gabriel NassifJohn O'SheaOrpen Kisacikoglu

Finns a-Flying

Nível 3 : 100/200, 0 ante

Tatu Maenpaa looks to be the chip leader at the moment. The Finn was the beneficiary of a brutal hand where he had bet 14,000 on the river of an {8-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{K-Spades} board against Gregory Benac. The latter called instantly with {3-Clubs}{3-Hearts} but found himself up against a bigger house as Maepaa turned over {8-Spades}{6-Spades} for the best had.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Tatu Maenpaa fi
Tatu Maenpaa

Vamplew Crippled

Nível 3 : 100/200, 0 ante

We joined the action on a board of {2-Spades}{9-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds} with a bet of 5,900 in front of David Vamplew but a raise to 16,500 in front of his opponent, Mateusz Kosowski from Poland. Kosowski had about 15,000 behind and Vamplew was staring intently at his opponent. The minutes ticked by and eventually Kosowski called time. The floor gave the Scottish pro a minute to make his decision and with seconds to spare Vamplew announced “All-in.” He was instantly called by Kosowski who tabled {10-Spades}{j-Clubs} for the straight and Vamplew needed the board to pair with his flopped set {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}. The river was the {k-Spades} and Vamplew was left with fumes.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Mateusz Kosowski pl
Mateusz Kosowski
David Vamplew gb
David Vamplew
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: David Vamplew

Having a Good Day

Nível 3 : 100/200, 0 ante

Given that each player player starts with 30,000 the fact that Chris Day already has 46,500 is indication that he's got off to a decent start. The Brit, who won a EPT side event in Berlin in April 2013 got his latest boost in a three-way pot that reached showdown.

On the turn of a {8-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{3-Spades} board there was around 8,600 in the pot, Philippe Lima (cut-off) bet 5,000 and both the big blind and Day (middle position) made the call. The {6-Hearts} completed the board and it was checks all-round, Day immediately showed {K-Hearts}{10-Spades}, Lima didn't uncap his cards or do anything for about five seconds. You sensed a slowroll might be forthcoming but instead Lima simply looked at his cards a couple of times and his face suggested he'd been well and truly rivered.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Chris Day
Chris Day

Tags: Chris Day

The Rat is Splat

Nível 3 : 100/200, 0 ante
Lucien Cohen
Lucien Cohen

Lucien Cohen finished 28th here last year for €19,000, and won the whole thing in 2011 for €880,000. He won't be going deep this year, he was just eliminated by Frenchman Joel Vanderschelden.

Jose Alastuey opened for 500 from middle position and Lucien Cohen pushed his last 3,400 to the middle. He received a call from Joel Vanderschelden on the button and Alastuey called as well. {A-Hearts}{Q-Spades}{6-Clubs} on the flop and Alastuey checked to Vanderschelden in the empty side pot. Vanderschelden bet out 6,000 and Alastuey folded.

Cohen had to table his hand and might have still have had a little bit of hope having hit with his {A-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}. He was in a world of pain though as Vanderschelden tabled {6-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} for a flopped set. Cohen needed runner runner something but it was all done after the {5-Spades} hit the turn. To rub some more salt into the wound the river came the {6-Spades} giving Vanderschelden quads.

Lucien Cohen, who we didn't see bringing his iconic plastic rat card protector this year, made his exit. Ian Simpson and Tark Abboud also left the tournament, their registration tickets were on the "busted" table.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Lucien Cohen fr
Lucien Cohen
EPT 1X Winner
Tark Abboud
Tark Abboud
Ian Simpson gb
Ian Simpson

Tags: Lucien Cohen

Mateos Diaz Puts Mortensen in his Sights

Nível 3 : 100/200, 0 ante
Adrian Mateos Diaz
Adrian Mateos Diaz

Estrellas and WSOPE winner Adrian "@Amadi_17" Mateos Diaz is chasing down Carlos Mortensen on the Spanish all-time money list. He’s got some way to go — about $10m — but, after a stunning first year of poker, it’s possible to believe that Mateos Diaz could be the one to give the "Matador" a run for his money. Find out more at the PokerStars blog.

Tags: Adrian Mateos DiazPokerStars

Sigh Me a River

Nível 3 : 100/200, 0 ante

There had been some betting action on the turn and now the final card was dealt the board read {2-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{4-Spades}{j-Hearts}. [Removed:266], a Russian PokerStars player, bet 3,300 and his opponent, Jacques Krief from France let out a sigh. This was then followed not too long after by a raise to 7,000. Kleyman looked at the board and it was his turn to sigh and throw his cards away. Krief tabled his cards {2-Hearts}{2-Spades}, looking very happy as the chips were pushed to him.