18+ jogue de forma responsável. Sicad.pt

Srij Gordon Moody Sicad 18+

2016 Aussie Millions

Event #11: $10,600 Main Event
Dias: 1c
Event Info

2016 Aussie Millions

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
1,600,000 AUD
Event Info
10,000 AUD
Prize Pool
7,320,000 AUD
Informações sobre o nível
80,000 / 160,000

Drinan "Had the Third Best Hand"

Nível 6 : 250/500, 75 ante

Connor Drinan opened to four times the big blind (2,000) from early position and was called in two spots, the player in the hijack seat and the player in the big blind. The {J-Hearts}{9-Spades}{3-Diamonds} flop, the {2-Hearts} turn, and the {J-Clubs} river were checked around by all three players, and the player in the hijack seat showed the {A-Hearts}{10-Hearts}. The player in the big blind showed the {10-Diamonds}{10-Spades}, and Drinan responded by mucking his hand and making some comments.

"Easy check, easy check!" Drinan said, who has had a few glasses of wine tonight. "I couldn't beat tens... Hey, guess what? I had the third best hand."

Tags: Connor Drinan

Drinan Says He'll Show

Nível 6 : 250/500, 75 ante

From under the gun, Connor Drinan raised to 1,200. Play began to fold around the table, and with each fold Drinan realized he might not be getting any action.

"I'll show! I'll show! I'll show!" he began saying.

Everyone at his table folded, and Drinan responded by showing the {K-Diamonds} from his hand.

Tags: Connor Drinan

Drinan's Last-Longer Bet Against Urbanovich

Nível 6 : 250/500, 75 ante
Connor Drinan
Connor Drinan

"Dzmitry and I have a bet," piped up Connor Drinan, referring to Dzmitry Urbanovich. "And I think it should be written about."

As Drinan explained, he has a last-longer bet with Urbanovich. The price is $10,000, according to Drinan, and when we were informed of the bet it was Drinan in the lead with 58,000 in chips to Urbanovich's 32,000.

"We bet $10,000," Drinan said. "We swapped five for the tournament, then did the last-longer bet. I mean, he's Polish, but I'm Polish, too... I'm super Polish!"

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
WSOP 1X Winner
Dzmitry Urbanovich pl
Dzmitry Urbanovich
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Connor DrinanDzmitry Urbanovich

Nível: 7

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 100

Nice Call By Quoss

Nível 7 : 300/600, 100 ante

Action folded to Fabian Quoss on the button and he raised to 1,400. The player in the big blind defended and the two saw a flop of {j-Hearts}{8-Spades}{5-Clubs}. The big blind opted to lead out for 1,100, Quoss called, and the dealer burned and turned the {3-Spades}.

The big blind bet again, this time 1,850, and Quoss came along to see the {5-Spades} river. The big blind bet a final 2,850, but he couldn't shake Quoss.

"You win," the big blind said before showing the {k-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}.

Quoss then tabled the {8-Diamonds}{q-Hearts} for a pair of eights and the win.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Fabian Quoss de
Fabian Quoss

Tags: Fabian Quoss

Jason Koon Eliminated in Big Three-Way All In

Nível 7 : 300/600, 100 ante
Jason Koon
Jason Koon

As we approached table 42, all the community cards were already out, three players had their cards open, and two of them were getting up to make their exits. We penned down the cards as quick as we could, and asked Celina Lin for some context. Here we go:

The player under the gun limped, Jason Koon over limped, Celina Lin limped, another player limped, and both Stevan Chew in the small blind and his neighbor the big blind saw the flop for cheap as well.

They got {Q-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} to work with and both blinds and the player under the gun checked. Jason Koon made a bet of 2,100 and Celina Lin called. Stevan Chew in the small blind over called and the big blind now check raised to 7,900. Jason Koon then shoved all in for 15,800, Celina Lin folded, the other player folded, Stevan Chew followed suit committing his chips, and the big blind also invested all of his chips.

Stevan Chew: {5-Hearts}{J-Hearts}
Jason Koon: {K-Hearts}{6-Hearts}
Big Blind: {K-Diamonds}{9-Spades}

The flopped straight (big blind) up against the open ended and flush draw (Koon) and pair and flush draw (Chew). Guess who won? With the {Q-Spades} on the turn and the {Q-Clubs} on the river it came runner runner trips on board, handing the pot to Chew who made a full house out of his flopped pair.

"That's main events for ya" said Jason Koon with a smile as he exited the tournament area. It hasn't been the best of trips for Koon so far. Yesterday he stone bubbled the $100,000 Challenge, today he busts the Main Event with just an hour to go for the day.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Stevan Chew au
Stevan Chew
Jason Koon us
Jason Koon
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Jason KoonStevan Chew

The Fast and the Rich

Nível 7 : 300/600, 100 ante

We saw Angelina Rich, the first-ever female champion and winner of the largest Mid-States Poker Tour in history, chatting with her boyfriend, Australian poker pro Alex Lynskey. It appeared she was informing him that she had just busted.

Indeed, she confirmed that was the case, and her demise came when she raised to 1,200 from the button and WSOP Europe bracelet winner Dietrich Fast three-bet to 3,500 from the small blind. Rich responded by four-betting all in, and Fast snap-called.

Fast: {k-}{k-}
Rich: {a-}{q-}

Rich was looking for an aces or some lucky cards, but none materialized as the board ran out a useless {8-}{7-}{5-}{4-}{2-}.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Dietrich Fast de
Dietrich Fast
WSOP 1X Winner
Angelina Rich au
Angelina Rich

Tags: Dietrich FastAngelina Rich

Drinan Doubles Up Howard Twice

Nível 7 : 300/600, 100 ante

Dzmitry Urbanovich's last-longer bet against Connor Drinan has started to look a bit better thanks to two recent hand that saw Drinan double up Rob Howard.

On the first hand, Drinan raised to 1,500 from under the gun, and Howard called out of the small blind to see the flop come down {A-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}. Both players checked, and the turn was the {Q-Spades}. Howard bet 3,200, and Drinan made the call to see the {10-Clubs} land on the river. Howard bet 2,000, and Drinan raised all in. Howard made the call for his last 3,500 or so.

"Ace-ten," announced Drinan, showing the {A-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} for two pair.

"Ace-queen," announced Howard in response, showing the {A-Clubs}{Q-Hearts} to double up.

On the next hand, Howard raised on the button to an unknown amount, and Drinan reraised to 3,500 from the big blind. Howard called, and before the dealer could fan the flop, Drinan fired 3,500 in the dark.

The flop was {Q-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{5-Hearts}, and Howard called Drinan's bet to see the {4-Clubs} land on the turn. Drinan bet 20,000, which was enough to put Howard all in for his last 14,450. Howard called with the {Q-Hearts}{Q-Clubs} for top set, and Drinan tried to push his hand towards the muck without showing.

"I'm drawing dead, I'm drawing dead," Drinan said, but the dealer had stopped him from trying to muck his hand and turned over the {J-Spades}{5-Clubs}.

Indeed, Drinan was drawing dead, and the river completed the board with the {8-Diamonds} to give Howard back-to-back double ups through Drinan.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Rob Howard au
Rob Howard
Connor Drinan us
Connor Drinan
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dzmitry UrbanovichConnor DrinanRob Howard

Lim Doubles Through Kaverman

Nível 7 : 300/600, 100 ante

We just caught Aaron Lim all in and at risk from the big blind, after he was called by Byron Kaverman in the small blind. Lim had 15,300 chips left, and the showdown went as follows.

Kaverman: {K-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}
Lim: {A-Spades}{K-Hearts}

The board ran out {2-Spades}{10-Spades}{3-Spades}{Q-Spades}{J-Spades} and Lim doubled up, leaving Kaverman with just 19,000 chips.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Aaron Lim au
Aaron Lim
WSOP 1X Winner
Byron Kaverman us
Byron Kaverman
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Aaron LimByron Kaverman