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2022 888poker LIVE Barcelona

€1,000 Main Event
Dias: 3
Event Info

2022 888poker LIVE Barcelona

Resultado Final
Mão Vencedora
Event Info
Prize Pool
Informações sobre o nível
150,000 / 300,000
Informações sobre o torneio - Dia 3
Jogadores em jogo

Hauser Also Beats Trevidy in Shodown

Nível 21 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Over on the outer table, Sandro Hauser has continued his domination with a button raise and earned a call from Ewen Trevidy. The Frenchman check-called the {9-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} flop for 35,000 and they checked it down on the {2-Diamonds} turn and {10-Spades} river.

Trevidy tabled the {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs} and didn't bat an eye when that was beaten by the {q-Diamonds}{3-Hearts} by Hauser.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Sandro Hauser it
Sandro Hauser
Ewen Trevidy fr
Ewen Trevidy

Tags: Sandro HauserEwen Trevidy

Carreras Doubles Through Gonzalez

Nível 21 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Bernat Carreras defended the big blind with the {k-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} against a cutoff raise by Jose Manuel Gonzalez, who had the {a-Spades}{8-Spades}. On the {k-Hearts}{10-Spades}{6-Hearts} flop, both players checked and Carreras bet the {10-Hearts} turn for 60,000 as Gonzalez stuck around.

The {6-Diamonds} river had Carreras with just 150,000 behind and moved all-in, receiving a quick call by Gonzalez with large pot odds for Carreras to double and put further misery on his opponent.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Bernat Carreras es
Bernat Carreras
Jose Manuel Gonzalez
Jose Manuel Gonzalez

Tags: Bernat CarrerasJose Manuel Gonzalez

Ventura Bolet Gets a Shove Through

Nível 21 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Alexandre Ventura Bolet was moved tables to balance the field and came to his new seat with just over half a million in chips. He then faced a button raise to 65,000 by Ashley Timms and moved all-in for 470,000. Sandro Hauser in the big blind asked for a count and folded, as did Timms after some consideration.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Ashley Timms gb
Ashley Timms
Day 2 Chip Leader
Alexandre Ventura Bolet es
Alexandre Ventura Bolet

Tags: Alexandre Ventura BoletAshley TimmsSandro Hauser

Adan Soler Fernandez Eliminated in 12th Place (€5,480)

Nível 21 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Adan Soler Fernandez
Adan Soler Fernandez

Over on the outer table, Adan Soler Fernandez had jammed at least three times to keep his short stack alive and even add some chips. However, the next time he did so via three-bet shove the call by chip leader Sandro Hauser followed.

Adan Soler Fernandez: {10-Spades}{9-Spades}
Sandro Hauser: {k-Clubs}{7-Clubs}

The {q-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{9-Clubs} flop gave Soler Fernandez the bottom two pair while Hauser had the flush at the ready. Nothing changed with the {7-Diamonds} turn nor the {8-Diamonds} river and Hauser scored the second elimination of the day to further pull ahead.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Sandro Hauser it
Sandro Hauser
Adan Soler Fernandez es
Adan Soler Fernandez

Tags: Adan Soler FernandezSandro Hauser

Carbo Wins Showdown Pot Against Gonzalez

Nível 21 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Gerard Carbo raised to 60,000 with the {k-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} in the cutoff and Jose Manuel Gonzalez flat-called the {a-Hearts}{3-Hearts} on the button. The {k-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{8-Clubs} flop was checked by Carbo, prompting a bet worth 75,000 by Gonzalez and a call by Carbo.

After the {4-Spades} turn, Carbo checked once more and Gonzalez now bet 230,000 and Carbo took his time before coming along.

The {3-Spades} river was then quickly checked by Carbo and Gonzalez used a time bank extension before giving up with some frustration to check behind. Carbo won the pot to take the lead on the feature table while Gonzalez dropped to 20 big blinds.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Gerard Carbo es
Gerard Carbo
Jose Manuel Gonzalez
Jose Manuel Gonzalez

Tags: Gerard CarboJose Manuel Gonzalez

Hauser Gets Some More Off Timms

Nível 21 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Ashley Timms opened on the button and was called by Sandro Hauser in the big blind. The {a-Spades}{9-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} flop was checked by Hauser, Timms then bet 40,000 and faced a check-raise to 125,000 by the Italian. Timms opted to call and the {5-Clubs} turn brought a bet worth 175,000 by Hauser as well as the fold by the Brit.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Sandro Hauser it
Sandro Hauser
Ashley Timms gb
Ashley Timms
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Sandro HauserAshley Timms

Kurko Gets Paid by Ventura Bolet

Nível 21 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Alexandre Ventura Bolet raised to 60,000 with the {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts} from under the gun and Kimmo Kurko defended the {j-Hearts}{7-Hearts} in the big blind. Both checked the {j-Spades}{6-Spades}{3-Hearts} flop and the {10-Clubs} turn brought a bet by Kurko and a call by Ventura. After the {j-Clubs} river, Kurko bet 200,000 and Ventura called to drop behind the Finn on the leaderboard.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Kimmo Kurko fi
Kimmo Kurko
Alexandre Ventura Bolet es
Alexandre Ventura Bolet

Tags: Kimmo KurkoAlexandre Ventura Bolet

Antonio Sanchez Torregrosa Eliminated in 13th Place (€4,000)

Nível 21 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Antonio Sanchez Torregrosa
Antonio Sanchez Torregrosa

Down to the last 125,000, Antonio Sanchez Torregrosa pushed all-in from the cutoff and was called by Sandro Hauser on the button as the blinds got out of the way.

Antonio Sanchez Torregrosa: {a-Hearts}{6-Spades}
Sandro Hauser: {a-Spades}{9-Diamonds}

The dominated ace found no help on the {k-Clubs}{j-Spades}{8-Hearts} flop and the {7-Spades} turn made sure that the kicker would certainly play. On the {9-Clubs} river, Hauser even improved to a pair of nines and that spelled the end for Sanchez Torregrosa in 13th place for a payday of €4,000.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Sandro Hauser it
Sandro Hauser
Antonio Sanchez Torregrosa es
Antonio Sanchez Torregrosa

Tags: Antonio Sanchez TorregrosaSandro Hauser

Baena Doubles Through Ventura Bolet

Nível 21 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

The first short stack to get the chips in preflop was Alex Baena, who was at risk for 295,000 and looked up by Alexandre Ventura Bolet as the initial raiser from the hijack.

Alex Baena: {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs}
Alexandre Ventura Bolet: {a-Spades}{k-Hearts}

The {q-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} flop improved Baena but he had a sweat on the {9-Hearts} turn, which provided the flush draw for Ventura Bolet. However, the {7-Spades} river was a blank and the Spaniard doubled.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Alexandre Ventura Bolet es
Alexandre Ventura Bolet
Alex Baena es
Alex Baena
Day 1A Chip Leader

Tags: Alex BaenaAlexandre Ventura Bolet

Hauser Pulls Ahead of Timms

Nível 21 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Sandro Hauser raised to 60,000 in the hijack and was called by Ashley Timms in the big blind. The {q-Spades}{5-Spades}{3-Diamonds} flop was check-called by Timms for 35,000 and the {a-Spades} turn was checked by both. On the {10-Hearts} river, Timms check-called for another 50,000 and mucked when Hauser tabled the {a-Clubs}{j-Spades} for the top pair.

Jogador Fichas Oscilação
Sandro Hauser it
Sandro Hauser
Ashley Timms gb
Ashley Timms
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Sandro HauserAshley Timms