GGPoker anuncia calendário WSOP Online 2021; 33 braceletes e Main Event com $20M GTD

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O muito aguardado calendário das World Series of Poker Online 2021 na GGPoker foi finalmente anunciado — 33 eventos de bracelete entre 1 de agosto e 12 de setembro.
Os jogadores com acesso à GGPoker vão, mais uma vez, ter a oportunidade de lutar pela glória das WSOP a partir das suas casas, em eventos com buy-ins que variam entre os $50 do The Return e os $25.500 do Super High Roller Championship NLH.
O calendário conta com um total de 13 eventos com prize pool garantido, para um total combinado superior a $50.000.000 garantidos.
WSOP Main Event tem $20 milhões garantidos
Com buy-in de $5.000 e um impressionante prize pool de $20 milhões garantidos, o WSOP Main Event Online Championship é o grande destaque do festival.
O evento conta com 18 dias iniciais, entre 22 de agosto e 5 de setembro, e os jogadores podem jogar até três Dias 1 no total. Caso terminem vários Dias 1 com fichas, avançam para o Dia 2 apenas com a maior stack. O Dia 2 está programado para 5 de setembro.
A edição de 2020 do WSOP Main Event Online arrancou com $25M GTD, mas o field de 5.802 entradas criou um prize pool de $27.559.500, número que garantiu ao evento um lugar no Livro dos Recordes Mundiais do Guinness como o torneio de poker online com maior prize pool da história.
O búlgaro Stoyan Madanzhiev foi o grande campeão do WSOP Main Event Online 2020 e levou para casa a cobiçada bracelete de campeão e um incrível prémio de $3.904.686 — o maior prémio de sempre da história do poker online.

Outros destaques WSOP Online 2021
O $1.500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER com $5 milhões garantidos é outro dos grandes destaques das WSOP Online na GGPoker. Este evento tem $1 milhão garantido para o campeão. Os Dias 1 começam a 2 de agosto e o dia final será disputado a 8 de agosto.
Outros dois eventos onde os jogadores vão ter a chance de lutar por uma fatia de pelo menos $5M GTD são o $10.000 Super MILLION$ High Roller (15 de agosto) e o $25.500 Super High Roller Championship NLH (29 de agosto), ambos torneios com duração de dois dias.
Também incluído no calendário deste ano está uma versão WSOP de um dos mais populares torneios da GGPoker. O WSOP GGMasters HR Freezeout é um evento de dois dias com início marcado para 22 de agosto e oferece a oportunidade de transformar um buy-in de $1.050 numa parte de $2 milhões garantidos.
Para os jogadores com bancas mais magras, o $50 The Return com prize pool de $1 milhão garantido é o evento que não vão querer perder. Os Dias 1 começam a 26 de julho e o dia final será disputado a 1 de agosto.
Apesar do calendário WSOP Online 2021 ser composto maioritariamente por eventos No Limit Hold'em, os fãs da variante de quatro cartas não ficaram esquecidos.
Os jogadores de Pot Limit Omaha vão poder lutar por uma bacelete WSOP no $400 DOUBLE CHANCE PLO, $5.000 PLO Championship, $400 PLOSSUS com $1M GTD e $1.050 Bounty PLO.
Outro torneio popular que regressa este ano é o $10.000 Heads Up NLH Championship, que colocará frente a frente 128 dos melhores jogadores do mundo na luta pelo título de campeão das WSOP.
Calendário WSOP Online 2021 GGPoker
Data | Dia | Hora (GMT) | Nome do Evento | Buy-in | GTD |
26 Jul | Seg | 18:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Day1 A] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
27 Jul | Ter | 18:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Day 1B] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
28 Jul | Qua | 18:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Day 1C] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
29 Jul | Qui | 18:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Day 1D] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
30 Jul | Sex | 18:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Day 1E] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
31 Jul | Sáb | 12:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Day 1F] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
31 Ju. | Sáb | 18:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Day 1G] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
1 Ago | Dom | 12:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Day 1H] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
1 Ago | Dom | 16:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Day 1I] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
1 Ago | Dom | 17:00 | #2: $1,111 Caesars Cares Charity Event [2-Day Event] | $1,111 | – |
1 Ago | Dom | 18:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Day 1J, Turbo] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
1 Ago | Dom | 20:30 | #1: $50 The Return NLH, $1M GTD [Final Day] | $50 | $1,000,000 |
2 Ago | Seg | 18:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Day 1A] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
3 Ago | Ter | 17:00 | #3: $2,500 Limit Hold’em Championship [2-Day Event] | $2,500 | – |
3 Ago | Ter | 18:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Day 1B] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
4 Ago | Qua | 18:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Day 1C] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
5 Ago | Qui | 17:00 | #4: $800 DOUBLE CHANCE NLH [2-Stack, 2-Day Event] | $800 | – |
5 Ago | Qui | 18:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Day 1D] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
6 Ago | Sex | 18:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Day 1E] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
7 Ago | Sáb | 12:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Day 1F] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
7 Ago | Sáb | 13:00 | #5: $315 Bounty Deepstack No-Limit Hold’em [2-Day Event] | $315 | – |
7 Ago | Sáb | 18:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Day 1G] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 10:00 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Flip Stage A] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 11:00 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Flip Stage B] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 12:00 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Flip Stage C] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 12:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Day 1H] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 13:00 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Flip Stage D] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 14:00 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Flip Stage E] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 15:00 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Flip Stage F] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 16:00 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Flip Stage G] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 16:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Day 1I] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 17:00 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Flip Stage H] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 18:00 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Flip Stage I] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 18:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Day 1J, Turbo] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 19:00 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Flip Stage J] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 19:05 | #6: $200 FLIP & GO No-Limit Hold’em [Go Stage] | $200 | $1,000,000 |
8 Ago | Dom | 20:30 | #7: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER NLH – $1M for 1st [Final Day] | $1,500 | $5,000,000 |
9 Ago | Seg | 18:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Day 1A] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
10 Ago | Ter | 17:00 | #8: $5,000 6-Handed NLH Championship [2-Day Event] | $5,000 | – |
10 Ago | Ter | 18:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Day 1B] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
11 Ago | Qua | 18:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Day 1C] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
12 Ago | Qui | 17:00 | #9: $525 Superstack Turbo Bounty No-Limit Hold’em | $525 | – |
12 Ago | Qui | 18:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Day 1D] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
13 Ago | Sex | 18:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Day 1E] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
14 Ago | Sáb | 12:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Day 1F] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
14 Ago | Sáb | 13:00 | #10: $400 DOUBLE CHANCE PLO [2-Stack, 2-Day Event] | $400 | – |
14 Ago | Sáb | 18:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Day 1G] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
15 Ago | Dom | 12:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Day 1H] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
15 Ago | Dom | 16:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Day 1I] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
15 Ago | Dom | 18:00 | #11: $10,000 Super MILLION$ High Roller NLH [2-Day Event] | $10,000 | $5,000,000 |
15 Ago | Dom | 18:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Day 1J, Turbo] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
15 Ago | Dom | 20:30 | #12: $1,000 DOUBLE STACK No-Limit Hold’em [Final Day] | $1,000 | $4,000,000 |
16 Ago | Seg | 18:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Day 1A] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
17 Ago | Ter | 17:00 | #13: $5,000 Pot-Limit Omaha Championship [2-Day Event] | $5,000 | – |
17 Ago | Ter | 18:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Day 1B] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
18 Ago | Qua | 18:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Day 1C] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
19 Ago | Qui | 17:00 | #14: $500 THE BIG 500 [2-Day Event] | $500 | – |
19 Ago | Qui | 18:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Day 1D] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
20 Ago | Sex | 18:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Day 1E] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
21 Ago | Sáb | 12:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Day 1F] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
21 Ago | Sáb | 17:00 | #15: $10,000 Heads Up NLH Championship [No Late Reg, 128 Cap] | $10,000 | – |
21 Ago | Sáb | 18:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Day 1G] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
22 Ago | Dom | 12:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Day 1H] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
22 Ago | Dom | 16:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Day 1I] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
22 Ago | Dom | 17:00 | #16: $1,050 WSOP GGMasters HR Freezeout NLH [2-Day Event] | $1,050 | $2,000,000 |
22 Ago | Dom | 18:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Day 1J, Turbo] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
22 Ago | Dom | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1A] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
22 Ago | Dom | 20:30 | #17: $400 PLOSSUS [Bounty, Final Day] | $400 | $1,000,000 |
23 Ago | Seg | 18:30 | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Day 1A] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
23 Ago | Seg | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1B] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
24 Ago | Ter | 17:00 | #18: $5,000 Short Deck Championship [3-Stack, 2-Day Event] | $5,000 | – |
24 Ago | Ter | 18:30 | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Day 1B] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
24 Ago | Ter | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1C] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
25 Ago | Qua | 18:30 | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Day 1C] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
25 Ago | Qua | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1D] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
26 Ago | Qui | 17:00 | #19: $840 6-Handed Bounty No-Limit Hold’em [2-Day Event] | $840 | – |
26 Ago | Qui | 18:30 | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Day 1D] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
26 Ago | Qui | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1E] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
27 Ago | Sex | 18:30 | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Day 1E] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
27 Ago | Sex | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1F] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
28 Ago | Sáb | 12:30 | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Day 1F] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
28 Ago | Sáb | 13:00 | #20: $1,500 MONSTER STACK NLH [Freezeout, 2-Day Event] | $1,500 | – |
28 Ago | Sáb | 18:30 | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Day 1G] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
28 Ago | Sáb | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1G] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
29 Ago | Dom | 12:30 | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Day 1H] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
29 Ago | Dom | 16:30 | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Day 1I] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
29 Ago | Dom | 17:00 | #21: $25,000 Super High Roller Championship NLH [2-Day Event] | $25,000 | $5,000,000 |
29 Ago | Dom | 18:30 | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Day 1J, Turbo] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
29 Ago | Dom | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1H] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
29 Ago | [B]Dom | 20:30[/B] | #22: $400 COLOSSUS [Final Day] | $400 | $3,000,000 |
30 Ago | Seg | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1I] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
31 Ago | Ter | 17:00 | #23: $600 Deepstack Championship NLH [2-Day Event] | $600 | – |
31 Ago | Ter | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1J] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
1 Set | Qua | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1K] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
2 Set | Qui | 17:00 | #24: $1,050 Bounty Pot-Limit Omaha [2-Day Event] | $1,050 | – |
2 Set | Qui | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1L] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
3 Set | Sex | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1M] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
4 Set | Sáb | 12:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1N] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
4 Set | Sáb | 13:00 | #25: $777 LUCKY SEVENS 7-Handed NLH [2-Day Event] | $777 | – |
4 Set | Sáb | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1O] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
5 Set | Dom | 12:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1P] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
5 Set | Dom | 13:00 | #26: $888 CRAZY EIGHTS 8-Handed NLH [2-Day Event] | $888 | – |
5 Set | Dom | 16:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1Q] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
5 Set | Dom | 18:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Day 1R, Turbo] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
5 Set | Dom | 20:30 | #27: $5,000 MAIN EVENT Online Championship [Final Day] | $5,000 | $20,000,000 |
7 Set | Ter | 17:00 | #28: $2,100 Bounty NLH Championship [2-Day Event] | $2,100 | – |
9 Set | Qui | 17:00 | #29: $1,500 FIFTY STACK No-Limit Hold’em [2-Day Event] | $1,500 | – |
11 Set | Sáb | 17:00 | #30: $525 WSOP Beat the Pros [Freezeout, 2-Day Event] | $525 | – |
12 Set | Dom | 12:30 | #31: ¥815 WSOP Zodiac Autumn Festival [Final Day] | ¥815 | ¥2,888,888 |
12 Set | Dom | 19:30 | #32: $210 WSOP Bounty Double MILLION$ [Final Day] | $210 | $2,000,000 |
12 Set | Dom | 20:30 | #33: $500 The Closer [Final Day] | $500 | $2,021,000 |
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